Is It Bad I Stop Talking To People I Used To Regularly

What happens if you stop talking for a year?

When I was a child, I stopped talking for about a year.I didn’t consciously decide to stop talking — it just kind of happened. The crazy thing is that no one noticed, which was probably because I was a quiet child to begin with.I didn’t go completely silent — can you imagine how hard it is to live that way? I answered people with mostly grunts and body language.I think the main reason why I was able to go a year (more or less, I wasn’t actually counting) without actually saying anything is because of the Chinese word “嗯”, pronounced like how you might say “n”. It’s like a Chinese “hmm”, but also means “yes”.Another reason might be because I have a really expressive face. Lol…As for what happened as a result of keeping silent?When I finally did speak, I didn't sound local. I spoke in a weird way. And it wasn’t like I had an accent — I just didn’t know how to speak. And I can’t quite describe it. I was out of practice for too long, I suppose.I’ve had people ask if it resembled the Deaf Accent, but it doesn’t. It’s not as if I couldn’t hear people. C’mon, now.As a side effect, since I had gained most of my vocabulary from reading, I didn’t pronounce certain words right. At 16 I realized that 'guinea pig' was NOT pronounced 'genie pig'. That was a shocker.I probably still mispronounce some words, but there’s no other way to find out other than the hard way of embarrassing myself in front of my friends.So what actually happened to me other than speaking funny and butchering the pronunciation of some words?I have to tell you that I honestly don’t know. There’s probably a psychological aspect to it — even now, for brief periods of time I get too comfortable keeping silent and it’s hard to speak, and when I try to my voice gets caught in my throat.But they last for days tops, so it’s more of an inconvenience than anything, really.

Help! I get nervous when talking to people.?

I don't know what's wrong with me. Is it shyness or social anxiety? Well, let me start from the beginning. I might be talking to a friend, a family member, a co-worker, a guy, a girl, or basically anyone; and I'll always get kinda nervous. I might repeat myself multiple times. My body will be stiff and I tend to be too scared to move. This happens when I do a presentation as well. It's not terrible or anything but at the end of it all, I just feel so insecure.

I'll think that I messed it all up. I said (or did) the wrong things, they might've taken it the wrong way, and then I'll always think that they're angry at me. I may avoid them next time because I'll feel as if they hate me or something. Like, because I was so nervous, they took it the wrong way and now they don't think I like them.

What can I do? How can I "ease up" in these social settings?

Please help, it's been bothering me for quite a time now.


Why do people suddenly stop talking to you?

I've noticed in the last year or two, various people that I normally chat with everyday no longer talk to me. One in particular, I've sent messages and emails to, with no response.
Other people (I'll use Facebook as an example) that always would comment on my photos or wish me a happy birthday don't anymore. One group of women related to this, are all connected. Previous to the last year, they've always wrote me, congratulated me, wished me a happy birthday, etc. but didn't. I find this very strange...
I don't *think* I put anything inflammatory or off-putting on Facebook, or if something occurred outside of it. I just find it very weird that the same group of people, and others that previously contacted me regularly, no longer do.
Any leads?

Why do some people just stop talking to you for no specific reason?

If someone has stopped taking to you then surely there is a reason . You may or may not perceive that reason but its there. Maybe its something that you did or they have assumed something about you or there is something that making them feel uncomfortable towards you.There may be possibility that they want change and they are ditching you intentionally because they can move forward. People may have other commitments due to which they are unable to give you as much time they used to before.Only way to get through these type of situations is communication and understanding their reasons of their actions. And never impose yourself on others. if they don’t want you in their lives then don’t be part of that. You surely will find something better.

How can I stop talking with someone to whom I talk daily?

It’s none of my business , but why do you want to stop talking to the said person ?I’m not sticking to words but you said that you speak to him/her daily.So you’re the one who has to put a stop to this.a) First , resist the urge to talk frequently to them.b) Distance yourself - don’t frequent the spots where you usu. find them. , don’t meet or face them daily otherwise it’d be hard.c) Show your disinterest towards whatever they say or do , not vocally but through your actions.d) Don’t pick their calls. Put off their chats/interactions on all social networks.

How can I stop talking impulsively?

Recently I have been talking impulsively with people like I say stuff that shouldn't be said or say wrong stupid words in the wrong place.

I used to be a quiet girl that I barely can say a word but I have tried to change that but I turned to be impulsive as I used to be before I have taught myself to be quiet.

I have tried to think before I speak technique but it doesn't work all the time in social places, as I'm already socially awkward and bad at socializing but sometimes while having a normal convo I have to reply quick it seems stupid to pause and continue the conversation.

I got ADHD and have been impulsive since I was younger but I can't take that as a reason to be impulsive cause I'm old enough to be careful over what I do.

So how can I stop being impulsive?

Why do guys stop talking to me?

Girl, you cannot treat a guy like a prince unless he is your husband. That is the only time you have to be so caring and committed. Those guys probably stopped talking to you altogether because you were too interested in them. People don't look when you're really into them. Especially guys. You have to make them chase you and try to get your attention. They need to treat YOU like a princess. Make them treat you like you're a goddess. Play hard to get. Guys love a challenge that's why they play sports and are so overly competitive. They like trying to win the prize. That prize is you. By playing hard to get, don't contact or approach them first. Don't just give your number out make them work for it. After, that don't text them or message them everyday all the time. Like if he texts you on Wednesday respond on Friday night. Let him know you have a life, a fun one at that. Also, he'll wonder if your busy with another date or something. Keep it up until he asks you out. Be confident, be a creature like no other. Look in the mirror and say damn I'm beautiful. Be approachable, smile and be friendly not to flirty. Dress it up at parties even school. Upgrade yourself if you wish. When he asks you out you can let loose and do what you normally do just still be play hard to get sometimes. Guys like it. They like that you aren't easy and you're mysterious and so different from every other girl. You don't even have to be a 10. Good luck, dude get this book called ,"The Rules", by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider.

What is the psychology of people who talk bad about other people non stop?

They have too high of stress hormone release so that makes inside them a feeling of constant dissatisfaction and so they project that feeling of dissatisfaction and lack of gratitude onto others and their outside environment.Basically, these people’s bodies are not producing enough serotonin to help them feel calm and contented on the inside. And when the inside is not calm and contented, then, in order to avoid cognitive dissonance, the people have to project that feeling of unease onto others and their outside environment , as in others must be causing them to feel ill at ease through their (the other people’s) bad deeds and bad actions.A thing that can help this is for these bad mouthing people to help their bodies to make more serotonin (a calming brain hormone) and more dopamine ( a motivating and valuing brain hormone of joy and pleasure.)Without enough serotonin and dopamine a person will always feel ill at ease and project that feeling onto other people and the outside world in general.Daily supplementation with magnesium citrate will help this to be less since magnesium citrate helps the body to make both more serotonin and more dopamine.And when the person’s brain is making more serotonin (calmness and contentedness) and dopamine (gratitude and joy) they will then feel more kindly disposed toward others and not talk bad about them so much , if at all.The magnesium I use that I find works well is Solgar magnesium citrate. I have tried others, but this one really works well and it is also very cost effective. Less than $18 for a two month supply. Which is less than $9 a month.If a person is deficient in magnesium and B complex vitamins, the brain can become deficient in both serotonin and dopamine since both magnesium and the B complex vitamins are needed in order to synthesize dopamine and serotonin.

If someone regularly goes for days without speaking to anyone, what are the consequences? I work from home as a writer and regularly spend days where I don't speak to a soul. Could my ability to verbally communicate be suffering?

Wired has listed a variety of dangers of social isolation: The Dangers of Social Isolation | Wired Science | Wired.comAccording to sociology texts, socialization is the process by which we become social human beings. Chapter 06 - SocializationIn the sociological model, Isolation -- or lack of human-on-human interaction/communication -- tends to lead to a loneliness and depression, and is considered, in many cases, a form of physical and emotional abuse; shunning, ostracism, etc. The United Nations treats solitary confinement as torture. UN News - Solitary confinement should be banned in most cases, UN expert says In extreme cases, isolation leads to Selective mutism and serious depression, among other disorders or suffering. Learn about Emotional and Social Isolation, Treatment for IsolationOn the other end of the spectrum, when isolation is sought after and a product of personal choice, it is often looked back on as an enlightened expression of freedom and self-reliance. Such as with religious prophets, including, say, the myths of Jesus going to the desert alone to pray for days on end (and hanging out with the Devil there), or such as with non-religious prophets, including, say, Walden by Thoreau."I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Henry David ThoreauSo I guess the real answer is: the consequences of not talking to others for days on end depends entirely on the individual and context. Sometimes you'll go crazy, and that'll be unpleasant and considered to be "bad", while sometimes you'll go crazy and that'll be pleasant and considered "good", while other times, you'll stay sane or even become sane, but others will think you're crazy.