Is It Common For Women To Have A Condition Where They Grow Facial Hair

Why do men have more facial hair than women?

Lots of women have facial hair. It's very common in women with Polycystic ovary syndrome. The condition causes Hyperandrogenism which results in the growth of facial hair.Part of the answer to your question is there. The growth of facial hair in men is triggered by a class of hormones called Androgens, the most well known of which is testosterone. Women whose bodies generate lots of those hormones (or if they take them in HRT) grow hair as well.The bigger question of, "Why human body hair?" is a much longer discussion about hormone regulation of gene expression that you're going to have to dig into yourself. If you want "evolutionary explanations" of things you need to learn about how the genome is used to control cellular reactions to intercellular and environmental signaling.

Why am I starting to grow facial hair if I'm a woman?

Omg. Its so embarrassing! Um I have to shave every morning like a guy just around my chin and jaw line. But by the afternoon it's already growing back! !! I asked the salon if they can wax it, but it has to long enough to wax off. There's no way I'm gonna let it grow looking like a man. Its embarrassing! !! I've tried Vaniqua for one year and it did not help. I had my blood work checked. It's all . Help! !!!

Why can't I grow facial hair?

I am 27 years old and I have never been able to grow a beard or a stache. The facial hair that I do have I've very sparse, very fine, and very slow to come in. The follicle density is too low to ever look like a beard or mustache. As recently as a couple years ago, I went without shaving for over 30 days and still no noticeable facial hair features. If you got close to my face, you could tell I hadn't shaved in awhile, but you would never have guessed 30 days! This is frustrating for me because I want to look more like a man. Not to the degree of a 19th century president or anything, but just something! What is wrong with me? Can it be repaired?

Is it normal for women to have some facial hair on upper lip and chin?

So, I went on my fourth date with this girl who I really like. She looked really hot and cute. However, as I looked at her face I noticed she has some hair fuzz on her upper lip and chin. I just about barfed. I had never noticed this on our earlier dates. Is it common for women to have some fuzz on their upper lip and chin? What can be done? Or am I a dating a man??? Help!!!! (she is 23, btw...)

How to stop growing facial hair(girls)?

Your shaving has nothing to do with your hair growing on your face. So don't worry that it was something you did to do this.
As for removing the hair you have lots of options.... some you may have to wait until you get a little older to do.
a) Waxing, plucking, sugaring etc.... involved ripping your hair out at the root. This method, if done correctly, should result in less hair able to grow back over time. It is unlikely that you will ever be completely hairless.
b) Shaving.... will not make the hair grow any quicker/denser despite myths that claim so. Shaving however creates stubble after a couple days which can look pretty nasty, so this method required frequent attention.
c) Laser hair removal.... extremely expensive. Will permanently remove hair growing after a number of treatments.
d) Hormone treatment..... it is possible that you have a hormonal condition that requires medical attention. Highly unlikely, but possible.
e) Bleaching.... makes the hair much less noticeable.

Note: You did not include any pictures of the hair growth, but it may just you being too critical of your features. Ask your mom or someone you trust if you think you have abnormal hair growth, its most likely that no one else notices it but you. If your mom thinks it does look abnormal, she may be able to help fix it as hair growth is highly dependent on genetics. If she has had any experience with this personally, she would probably be the best one to answer this.

Do I have PCOS? What should I do about my facial hair?

On my face I have hair from my cheeks down my jaw and on my chin and upper lip.
It's not thick like a mans and it's not as much as a mans, but it's dark and it's probably not as noticeable as I think because people mainly focus on you're eyes when they're talking to you, but I'm always low of confidence because of it. I'm worried someone could avert their gaze to that part of my face and see it and think eww.
I remove the hair on my upper lip with hair removal cream, but in other places of my face I can't really use it because of acne or hyper pigmentation acne scars. If I remove the bits I can, it'll just look weird.
I also have hair on my arms, hands, belly, feet, basically everywhere, but I don't think I have a lot on my back.
One of my friends think she has a PCOS because she is hairy. I thought she was just being too slef concious, but one time she bent over and her shirt moved up and I saw she had lots of black, long, thick hairs on her back. My hair is definitely not as bad as that. So I wasn't really sure if I could have PCOS.
I have regular periods. I'm definitely not overweight as I have a very high metabolism and I can eat anything without gaining weight. I'm not sure if it runs on in my family. My dad is hairy and my mum has hairy hands, but I've never noticed anything on her face. My sister has a slightly hairy face too. My other sister is too young to grow hair. One of my cousins grows a moustache, but it doesn't seem to bother her because she has done nothing to remove it.
I am 16. I know that my tetestorone levels are higher during these times because of raging hormones, but does that mean when puberty stops I'll stop growing so much hair?
What can I do to get rid of it now? I don't have bad acne, but methods of hair removal will just irritate it. I've tried threading, but I have never been able to get the hang of it myself. I don't want to tweeze them or pluck them, it'll take at least over an hour. I can't afford laser hair removal or electrolysis either and whenever i tell my um about the hair she says there is nothing there, but there is and she is just trying to make me feel better, but doing it the wrong way. So what shall I do? :(

Im 19 with a little bit of facial hair, what should i do?

I just turned 19 and i only have a mustache with little piecies of chin hair that are barley visible, is this normal should i be consired about me ever growing facial? or im i still young? and is there any thing i can use to help me grow facial hair quicker?

please help

What is a good method to remove my excess facial hair?

lazer is ur solution.
ususualy the hair on this part is due to poly cystic ovaries , ...
so check with a doctor
u need a gynecologist to see ur hormones and the cyst
and u need a dermatologist fot the lazer
get well soon..