Is It Cool To Do Drugs

Should i do drugs??????


Why are drugs cool to people?!?

They think they're cool because they're a "rebel". My friend's older sister overdosed on heroine and had a coma for about 3 days. She knows it's not cool anymore. She only took the drugs because she would be breaking the rules, to show off to people that she isn't afraid. It's also very addictive so people tend to act strangely after many uses. They want more and think it's cool if they remind people of the illegal stuff they do. But really, most are insecure and need something that allows them to escape their situation. Pretty sad.

Does doing drugs make you cool?

Well, Obama did drugs: lots of blow and loads of weed.

And he thinks he's pretty cool. Just ask him.

I think drug users are pathetic losers who can't cope. It's not about being a rebel or a forward thinker or being cool; it's about being a follower, not a leader; about being deluded; about masking unhappiness and self-medicating.

Doing drugs is not helpful. No one benefits. It's lose-lose.

Why do some “cool” kids take drugs?

Cool very much depends on context.When my kid was going to private school in California, the cool kids were the ones that got the best grades.When they were going to a private school in another state, the cool kids were the rich kids.When I was in school, the “cool” kids were athletes.What defines “cool” depends very much on context. What is cool in one school is looked upon as stupid in another.Maybe in your school, flaunting authority is what is considered cool. Or risky behavior.What I would point out is that out of all the “cool kids” I knew from high school, and my kid’s peers who were “cool kids”, if all they had going for them was “cool”, they didn’t amount to much after high school. You could say they peaked in high school.There are many risky behaviors that get associated with “cool” kids at some point. It could be smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, smoking pot. All of these are behaviors with detrimental effects in the long term. One problem, particularly for adolescents, is that because of where they are in brain development, they often don’t appreciate how dangerous some behaviors are. We all know about the problems of smoking and drinking. Smoking weed regularly, particularly with adolescents and younger, causes some cognitive impairment later on. They are literally making themselves less intelligent than they could be. But, you know, I suppose that would be cool in some circles.

Why is it cool to drink and do drugs now?

no one says its cool. yeah, its fun because you can put social standards aside and be yourself because everyone is just so damn happy. everyones your friend..and youre kinda making a butt of yourself by saying that because thats completely not true. everyone ive partied with are always just looking for fun and welcome me even when i was a stranger because people drink for the purpose of having fun.
and idk why you say 'now'? as if drinking and drugs just popped up this generation?? remember in the 80s when everyone did lines? or the 70s when everyone dropped acid? or in the 50s when 12 yr olds smoked? or in the 20s when people broke the law to moonshine and have fun? or in the bible when they did shrooms? it didnt just happen and its never going away soo just accept it.

Why does doing drugs make you so cool?

Cool? Hmm, rephrase your question: Why are most kids stupid enough to take drugs? Well, for one its that that is there opinion. They don't care about the consequences. They want to feel older, not left out, and what does it feel like. Don't get me wrong, there are also other ignorant reasons. Its just that today's society has no mercy on kids. The "cool kids" are just plain, flat out stupid. Sorry If someone gets offended. Those "cool kids" can't get away from it without special profession help. If you know how drug addiction works, its like a car. Once it starts, the brakes won't work. Then you will need to take it to a mechanic. Why did you pick that car? Who knows. Well, I hope you understand my long speech about something that was about to get off-topic. If you need more help, email me at

Will doing drugs finally make me cool?


Why do people think drugs are cool?

Actually i dont know much but its very sad. Once people start drugs because they r illegal nd not many ppl do it so they think its cool :-( sad unfortunately but true.. not many ppl can stop doing them becuz drugs can be easily addicted to . So once ur at it ur either an idiot to think its cool nd then get addicted nd by the time u realize its causing health probs......u could be 40, 30, 16.....depends when u mature enough to realize it. The earlier u realize though the better so u can ask 4 help nd quit becuz sometimes when u realize........its too late. Thats my answer but idk. Some ppl do it becuz it gives them a moment of "high"....this means tthat maybe is they have family probs then they forget everything for some time (i wouldnt know how high u can get nd 4 how long cuz i dont do them nd im no expert)...besides it also depends on the type of drug u do. But after ur done being high u feel very sick according 2 some articles.

When did it become "cool" or "normal" to do drugs?

It hasn't really changed, it's only become more socially acceptably because only a few people are starting to realise the misleading propaganda the government has been using for the past 50 years. I wonder what society would be like if alcohol was illegal and weed legal.

Unfortunately, another reason could be is that the younger generation also seems to think that by saying they're 'high' it makes them cool or hard.