Is It Dangerous To Use A Spirit Box

Have you ever used a spirit box to hunt ghosts?

Yes, i used it once at a haunted place exploration named Jamali Kamali. I was with a group of people. In the middle of the place we tried to communicate but even after 5 mins of try we didn't get any responses. But i found a few strange voices in the recording.After this expirences, i never wasted time on ghost box.Check the videosJamali Kamali - YouTube

Is it dangerous to use a spirit box?

Seriously people...seriously? I'm delusional because I asked a question that is relating to spiritual stuff. Just call the cops and throw me in a crazy house now. Everyone who is degrading me over a simple question OBVIOUSLY hasn't experienced anything paranormal. If you had, you'd be as crazy as me trying to find out more. Now can someone PLEASE answer this easy question. I'm aware that Ouija boards are bad, and just asking for trouble, but are any other tools such as spirit boxes a bad idea?

Haunted house , Ghost box, Spiritual protection?

I had some spirits in my house and they would touch me occasionally , i bought a ghost box a year or so ago to communicate and since then i see more activity , my question is what are some things i could use as spiritual protection for my family and home ? i burn a archangel michael candle but am open to other methods like sage & such :)

Do you believe in ghosts and does the spirit box from ghost adventures really work?

Actually i own 2 of those. 1 was made by my teammate on my team and the other was bought. They both work in the same exact way but the one i boughts frequencies didnt go fast enough so my teammate had to fix it to make it go faster so contamination of audio was relatively impossible. So be careful buying them cause often times they wont go fast enough. I do alot of studying with those cause at first i wasnt much of a believer in them, but i do believe that they do work and very effectively too. The only thing is some people, when they hear the studering from the real radio frequencies, they sometimes will matrix words from it. You have to hear a real, full word, words, or even sentences that were clearly heard. Nothing like, "i think i heard this". It has to be, "i know i heard this clearly".

But in general, yes, they do work. I prefer making them because its relatively easy and i can be sure the audio is not human contaminated in any way, but buying one is fine too.

Is Ghost Box or PVP device real? Can you really talk to spirits and dead people?

In recent years many researchers have investigated the possibility of making audio or video contacts with the spirits of the departed using different electronic technologies.In particular, Marcello Bacci is one of the leading experts of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Direct Radio Voice (DRV). He has been conducting experiments in this field for over forty years, in most of the cases using old tube radios.Until a few years ago Bacci’s experiments were carried out every month in his laboratory in the presence of many people, sometimes up to as many as 70 at a given time. Since Bacci never asked people to sign up, he knew neither the name of the new people attending the events nor their personal stories. Accordingly, in no way he could have had access to recordings of the voices of the departed when they were still alive, assuming that they were available. For those who attended his sessions, there was no doubt at all that they were in direct communication with someone in the spirit world as their voices were instantly recognizable. Frequently the entities contacted were able to refer to listeners by name, respond to questions directly and give detailed information to loved ones, which it is claimed only their deceased relatives could have known.Over the years many scientists have very closely examined Bacci’s experiments and conducted tests to make sure that there is no trickery. Based on the positive results of the tests most of the scientists are convinced that the voices coming from Bacci’s radios are not a hoax.I think that Marcello Bacci gets very close to producing objective proofs of the existence of afterlife. In his sessions no traditional medium was needed to establish the connections with the departed. The voices were emitted by the speaker of a radio. Many voices were very clear and recognizable by the relatives present in the room. People could ask directly questions.Luciano Zoso's answer to Is there any hard proof of life after death?

What device does Huff Paranormal use to connect with spirits?

I don't know what kind of ‘device’ Huff Paranormal uses to ‘connect with spirits’.From the little I've seen, it looks like some kind of Rube Goldberg, spit-and-baling-wire piece of nonsense, the kind that's typically put together by these charlatans claiming to have invented instruments that ‘speak to the dead’, lol.It's got crystals (of course), wires and antennae and sound meters and what looks like possibly a small VandeGraf generator; although exactly how this arrangement of Radio Shack components enables one to talk with dead people is quite beyond me. But Mr. Huff Paranormal claims to have found the exact formula for doing so in this device, and I believe is now offering these machines for sale to the general public.Yeah, right, folks.For just six easy payments of $19.95 each (or whatever the price may be), you'll be able to TALK TO THE DEAD in the comfort of your very own home, on your OWN Huff Paranormal Spirit Communicator!!Ya know…somebody should really call SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN or TIME magazine; this is REAL NEWS, lol!!Ever wonder why you've never heard about this wondrous machine that permits ‘communication with the departed’ on CNN or in any respectable periodical or on any legitimate news outlet? There's a very simple explanation as to why you haven't.Because it’s all BULLSHIT; that's why.“Have the courage to use your reason.” -Kant