Is It Easy To Get Coal Mining

What are the types of coal mining methods?

Commonly coal mining methods are divided into two kinds, open pit mining and underground mining. Open pit mining or surface mining method is used when coal seam position near the surface. While Underground mining is used when coal seam is far below the ground surface. On underground mining, instead of remove abundant overburden, it is more efficient makes tunnel to get coal.Open pit mining relatively more easy and cheaper than underground mining. But as long stripping ratio is economically profitable, underground or surface mining is applicable. Work safety is more strict on underground mining, on the other hand it’s less draw enviromental impact.

How do I start a coal mining company?

As a manager assistant, I have witnessed the whole process of our mining project. Here are my suggestions on how to start a coal mining business.If you decided to have a coal mining business, you need to consider several things to make your business very successful. Those businessmen who want to engage in this type of business need to prepare sufficient budget for its operational expenses. Great Preparation Before Starting a Coal Mining CompanyBefore you can start your own coal mining business, you need to secure a business license in your locality. After getting all the essential documents, you need to identify the site for your mining operations. You can’t operate your coal mining business if you don’t have mining supplies. Since this type of business is quite huge, you need to hire several employees. In fact, you can also hire a manager to monitor your business operations. Operating a coal mining business may be too tough if you don’t know how to handle your business transactions.Things to Consider in Starting a Coal Mining CompanySince hiring employees is very essential in your business operations, you need to choose some skilled laborers. To get effective laborers, the best thing that you need to do is through posting at the internet. There are lots of skilled people who are willing to engage in this type of business. Through this, you will never find it hard to search for the best employees in your coal mining business. Every laborer is your asset in accumulating more profits. As an employer, you need to provide some incentives to your employees. In addition, you also need to establish rules and regulations in your company.Tips in Purchasing your Coal Mining SuppliesSupplies are very essential in coal mining business operation. If you are planning to purchase mining supplies, you need to depend on reliable dealers. Once you failed to do this, your mining operation will never be successful. However, you don’t need to spend a lot of money in purchasing your mining supplies. There are several equipment that are not so costly and with high quality. Price of every mining supply always varies depending on your dealers. That is why you need to choose the best dealers for your coal mining business.

Have coal mining jobs come back to the US, as promised by the president?

Not really. Natural gas is cheaper and cleaner than coal. Maintenance costs for natural gas fired plants are substantially less as the heat exchangers are kept cleaner.Even China is developing new power sources.For existing mines in the U.S. , most of the easy coal as been mined. In order to keep competitive, larger machines with fewer workers are used. The typical underground mines have been replaced with mountain top removal.But 21st century technology in solar and wind power has been creating many more jobs than coal will.

Can you find Diamonds in a coal mine?

No diamonds do not occur in coal deposits. There is a totally unfounded myth that diamonds are coal that has been under high temperature and pressure. There are no conditions in which coal will convert into diamonds, although both diamond and coal are carbon the carbon in diamond is extremely pure and comes from elemental carbon dissolved in the magma, whereas coal consists of around 70% carbon mixed with many other substances such as sulfur, hydrocarbons and other impurities to the point where crystallization will not occur.

For those familiar with mining, have you heard the term coal tattoo?

"Natural" tattoos
According to George Orwell, workers in coal mines would develop characteristic tattoos owing to coal dust getting into wounds. This can also occur with substances like gunpowder. Similarly, a traumatic tattoo occurs when a substance such as asphalt is rubbed into a wound as the result of some kind of accident or trauma. These are particularly difficult to remove as they tend to be spread across several different layers of skin, and scarring or permanent discoloration is almost unavoidable depending on the location. In addition, tattooing of the gingiva from implantation of amalgam particles during dental filling placement and removal is possible and not uncommon.

At what lvl mining in runescape do u get coal in one hit with a rune pick axe?

you cannot one hit coal, at least not consistently. If you do, it is just a good lucky strike at the rock, but you cannot one-hit coal like you would iron.

What do you think about President Trump's "reopening" of American coal mines?

How is he going to make coal be cheaper than natural gas? Because if coal does not somehow become cheaper than natural gas then who will buy the coal? You can reopen whatever you want to reopen but if there is no market for the product then you��ll just close up shop the next day.Coal plants did not close down because of evil environmentalists. Coal plants closed down because it is cheaper to get electricity from natural gas. Do you personally want to have to pay more for your electricity so that we can reopen those coal mines? Natural gas comes from the US just like coal does. We have plenty of natural gas. It’s easy to pull from the ground, it’s easy to refine and it burns clean. You cannot say that about coal.Same thing happened with lumber in Oregon. Everybody blamed the environmentalists and the Spotted Owl when the lumber mills left town but the real reason the lumber mills left is because it is cheaper to harvest trees in Louisiana and Canada. Environmentalists are good at drawing attention to problems and not much else. The Spotted Owl was never saved by environmentalists, the Spotted Owl was saved by shifting economies.

Would you become a coal miner?

Hell No! Too many accidents and such.

Is coal mining a good business to venture into?

The coal mining industry is not as promising now as it was a few decades ago.  The main consumers of coal are the electric utility companies, and utilities around the world are shifting away from coal because of climate change concerns.  However, coal is still a cheap energy source and coal will be burned in power plants for the foreseeable future.  Even though U.S. utility companies are using more natural gas in their new plants, we still consume around 900 million tons of coal per year.  Total coal consumption in the world is around 8 billion tons per year, so there is still a high demand for coal globally.  International coal markets will probably remain strong for quite a while.  Even though the U.S. has reduced its use of coal, we still export significant amounts of coal to Europe and Asia.If you really wanted to get into the coal business anyway, you could invest in an existing company (look at international markets especially), buy an existing company (you'll need to have lots of cash), or you could start a new coal mining company.  Starting a new coal mining company would be very tough in a world with shrinking markets.  Furthermore, starting a new coal company requires that you own some coal to mine, that you have the equipment and staff to mine it, and that you have customers.  Most of the coal in the U.S. is already owned or claimed by existing coal companies who have used geologists to identify the most promising deposits.  Coal mining equipment is extremely expensive and complex; a very tough business to get started.  Finally, the biggest market for coal is electric utility companies, and most utilities already have contracts with coal companies.  In order to compete for those contracts, you would need to find a way to mine and deliver coal more cheaply than the existing companies in this highly competitive market.Bottom line:  Coal mining is probably not a very promising venture unless you can identify a niche market, develop new mining techniques that are more efficient than existing methods, or identify some other economic advantage not currently being exploited by an existing company.