Is It Good To Be Happy And Alone

How can I be happy alone?

I consider myself expert in the art of loneliness. Let me tell you, it did not come easily to me; this skill did not come without a fight.As a child I was vivacious, loud and social. My habit of incessantly talking was a running joke among all who knew me. I rarely spent time alone. In fact, if I was doing an activity that required stillness and concentration such as reading, I would purposefully seek out people to fill the space in my loneliness.Even if we didn't talk, I longed to be in the presence of another. I was made that way.As the years went by, I was soon forced to change. Because of a series of unfortunate events, my increasingly vast health problems confined me to my bed. Once I adjusted, I spent a little less time supine and unmoving, but for three years I was still consistently alone. Unable to drive, play sports, get a job, attend college. Barely able to take care of myself.I spent a lot of time reading, writing and watching various films. I let myself get caught up in the beauty of silence. I taught my mind to run wild and to be consumed with ideas and knowledge.Instead of constant chatter and meaningless social interactions, I filled myself up with silence and I embraced the isolation.It took a very long time. Many of my days were consumed with misery. My face became a blank, unfeeling canvas, painted by strokes of stale tears.Sometimes I cried. Sometimes I stared into the distance and felt nothing but total emptiness. I longed for distraction and adventure and childish fun.My physical pain was of course a part of my struggle, but I truly believe isolation was one of the hardest battles in my life. It takes practice. It takes time. It requires acceptance. It isn't always easy.However, it is perhaps the most life changing skill you could ever learn. If you fill yourself up with silence, you can overflow with understanding. Understanding of life. Of death. Of real happiness.If you can listen to your demons and create your own angels, you can find a new place deep inside yourself that would have remained invisible.If you can open your arms to loneliness and endure it when it is unkind, you can live your life with a broadened perspective and a free mind.

Can a ferret be kept alone and still be happy?

As long as you give it plenty of play time and attention in the evening it will be fine, Ferrets sleep up to 18 hours a day and he/she will no doubt sleep during the day while you are at work or school and then be up and raring to play when you get home! A playmate is always good but as long as you give your furbaby plenty of attention then they are ok living alone.

Are Betta fish really happy alone?

they absolutely CAN be kept with other fish, just males can't be kept with other bettas. females can usually be housed together in proper conditions. and both males and females can usually be housed with tropical community fish.

however, they don't really get lonely, they're solitary fish naturally.

Can someone live a happy life alone?

I spend my days listening to all my friends talk about their boyfriends and girlfriends. I help them out with their relationships, but ive never been in one. Ive grown convinced that im meant to live life alone til death. So my question is: Do you think someone can go through all their life without having that special someone? But they would still have friends, family, and an amazing job.