Is It Good To Feel Sore After Working Out

Is it good to feel sore after working out?

Today I did 40 minutes of aerobics and then I walked 2 and a half miles! And now my legs,shoulders, and abs are feeling really sore! Does it mean that I worked my body to hard? Do I need to slow down?
Or Is it a good thing?does it mean that my workouts are actually working?

Why am I sore after working out?

When you work out your muscles eventually stop working aerobically and start working anaerobically, producing lactic acid crystals that accumulate in your muscles, making them ache.

This will eventually go away, but It will go away faster if you work out again.

It also means you're a little pussy and need to go cry about it.

Is being sore after working out good or bad?

It is a very good thing it means that you are ripping your muscles, when they are repaired they will be stronger. Stretching helps the soreness to go away faster and makes them ready to use faster. It should be sore and not hurt hurt. If the pain is really intense and hurts really bad then you would have probably pulled a muscle. There is a big difference between the two, but yes being sore is a great thing.

If I don't feel sore the next day after working out, does it mean the workout wasn't hard enough?

Are you growing in strength at a reasonable rate? If so, you’ve covered the bottom line, and your workouts must be hard. But are they hard enough? I’ll assume, and answer from the perspective of your goal being maximum growth.If you feel you are aggressively working out, yet don’t occasionally feel sore the next day (or two days later), you may not be working out as hard as you think. Or, your workout may need more variation. But it certainly is not an “after every workout” thing to feel sore.Soreness from a good workout comes when using muscles strenuously, when they haven’t been used strenuously on a regular bases for a while. So for example, if you are training just for squats and the only thing you do is a good variety of extremely heavy squat variations twice per week, you may not feel sore. Your legs should feel fatigued much of the time, but not necessarily sore.If you really push for growth in a full body workout, it would be uncommon (and perhaps genius) to be able to work out every muscle in your body strenuously often enough that each muscle would be immune to getting sore. So if this is what you are doing, make sure you are mixing it up and covering all the muscles. And make sure you are lifting weights heavy enough to reach failure in 10 or fewer reps.If you are in fact lifting to failure at 6–8 reps, and doing 4–5 sets of each, and mixing it up with many variations of many exercises over the weeks without being sore, you might just be awesome.Good luck.

Can my abs get more defined if they arent feeling sore after working out?

Getting a nice set of abs is such a misunderstood process. It's actually a lot easier than most people think which is why most people are in a never ending quest to get that perfect six pack - it's because they're doing all the wrong things.

When you eat more calories than you burn, your body takes those extra calories and stores them as fat somewhere on your body. For some people, the #1 fat storage area is around the thighs and for others it might be around the stomach - it differs from person to person. Sometimes the fat is perfectly distributed around the body so it's not as big of a concern.

If an excessive amount of fat is stored around your stomach, the reason that you're not seeing your abs is because your body fat percentage is too high. What you need to do is create a calorie deficit (take in less calories than you burn) so that your body is forced to use its fat stores for energy. After a few weeks of doing this, you'll notice that your abs will start to show.

You first step is to figure out how many calories you burn each day. Use this calculator for an estimate. Now you need to increase the amount of calories you burn by exercising more and decreasing the amount of calories you eat. Cut out junk food such as fast food, candy and sugar. Eat foods that are high in fiber: bread and pasta made from 100% whole wheat, brown rice, oats, fruits and vegetables.

You shouldn't ignore targeting your abs with sit ups, leg raises and twists but doing hundreds of sit ups won't do anything about the layer of fat that is covering them. Cardio and calorie restriction should be your main focus. If you need more details on getting a six pack, visit The Straight Health Forums -

Is it normal for my body to be this sore two days after working out?

Congratulations, you have experienced DOMS—Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, and yes it totally sux. The worst part is, many people quit doing workouts because they don’t want to deal with DOMS.There will always be *some* soreness after using your muscles: after all, you were WORKING out. DOMS usually hits people who are out of shape (me), who almost never exercise (me), and who let their ego get in the way and push far more weight than they should (again,me).Start off slowly with lighter weights, do three sets of 10 each, and rotate muscle groups each day you work out. This minimizes the damage to the muscle fibers, gives your body time to adjust to the new workout routine, and also gives muscles time to rest when you change workouts.PS: Drink plenty of water and eat good quality foods to help offset DOMS.

Why are my muscles sore after working out?

I already asked this but... haha yeah...
Ok, so after i work out im really sore... why is this? is it a good or a bad thing? and also, when you exercise, do your muscles get smaller and more tight which makes them stronger? or do they just get bigger? someone told me it hurt because my muscles were tighting which was going to make my body smaller if i kept it up.
And I should probably add, I'm trying to lose weight... not just gain muscle... haha