Is It Hard To Get Used Roll The R When Learning Spanish

When do you roll your r's in Spanish?

It's easier to tell you when not to roll it:Do not roll a single "r" between vowels.Do not roll it at the end of a syllableAnd thats it. You can (or should) safely roll it otherwise. E.g., in "rarificar" only the first one is rolled (the second one is between vowels, and the last one is at the end).And then there are the consonant clusters cr, gr, pr, br, tr, dr, fr where you may trill them, but it's not mandatory (some speakers do, some don't).

Why does my throat hurt when I roll my R's while speaking Spanish?

Because you're not doing it right. Spanish R is pronounced with the tip of the tongue and the alveolar ridge (the same position of letter L but vibrating).

You're probably pronouncing it with your throat (uvula) like French or German R. Sometimes my throat hurts when I speak French.

Do you have to be able to roll your tongue to speak Spanish?

I'm planning to take spanish lessons in a two months, but I am wondering speaking spanish requires you to be able to roll your tongue. I can't roll my tongue right now, so will I have to learn how or can you get by without it?

I can't roll my r' there a way I can learn how to?

I was born tongue-tied (ankyloglossia) and even after an operation at birth where they cut my frenulum, therefore removing my tongue-tiedness, my tongue still never grew to a normal length and remained short. I've heard of a few people who have been able to learn how to roll their r's, so is there a way I can too?

Can you speak Spanish without rolling your R's?

I am learning Spanish and French but I get really angry when trying to say words in Spanish because I can't roll my R's I have looked up all these different methods to do it but it seems like I can never do it. It has gotten me to the point to thinking I should just stop trying so I need to know if I could possibly learn it or go on without it

How do I roll Rs in Spanish?

I learned how to roll my R’s using the following two drills:Duh, dig a duh, dig a duh, dig a dig a dig a.Tu, tuku tu, tuku tu, tuku tuku tuku.Repeating these two phrases will work the necessary muscles and enable them for R-rolling. Repeat each phrase for one minute each until you are familiar with each. When you can recite each phrase without any struggle, combine the two any way you like. (i.e. duh, dig a duh, dig a duh, tuku tuku tuku)After that, using visual aids such as the one below, experiment with your tongue and your exhale until you get even the faintest sign of the rolled R.When (not if) you find that rolled R, refine it as desired. Go find a secluded place where nobody can hear you and spend five minutes doing everything in your power to roll that R. Don’t even say words. You need to spend several minutes saying “rrrrrrrrrrrrrr”. You will sound like an idiot. You will feel like an idiot. But that is the price we pay for learning a new linguistic sound that our minds didn’t know existed.Five years ago when I moved to a Spanish-speaking country, I was hopeless. I had no intention of rolling my R’s. However, this method was so easy, I couldn’t resist learning it just to sound a little more native. The man who taught me this boasted a 100% success rate. I am not sure how accurate that is, but it worked for me. At first, I thought I would never be able to do it. With a little persistence, I learned it. On occasion I accidentally roll my R’s in my native language. (English)DISCLAIMER: There are several native Spanish speakers who can not roll there R’s. It is uncommon, but not unheard of. The entire Spanish-speaking nation of Costa Rica pronounces their R’s in a completely different way. Thanks to the exercise I just shared with you, I can now roll my R’s better than most Costa Ricans.

As a bilingual English/Chinese speaker who can't roll R's, is it still good to learn Spanish?

But of course!Spanish is my “other” first language next to Mandarin, so I can give my opinion on the subject.If you like the language, absolutely go for it! Spanish is a beautiful language which will give you access to some of the richest cultures in the world. You will not regret your choice.When it comes down to the RR sound… it is not at all a big deal if you pronounced it with a soft R, like “roll” in English/Mandarin. Or even the hard single R, as in “hora.” People will understand you. There are not that many words that would require you to roll your “r” and it definitely should not be the reason stopping you from learning the language.If you are aiming high and considering perfecting your accent, you could try to learn rolling the Rs by doing exercises. It’s fun! You can’t do it yet, but it doesn’t mean you can’t!Try this — chain the following letters together:T-R-R-R-R-AAnd see how long you can hold the middle Rs. The longer you can hold them the better.Do it when you’re driving, or showering, or walking… eventually you’ll get it. After you can say the syllable holding the Rs, gradually remove the “A” (so you’re saying “T-rrrrrrrr”) and then the T, you end up with just “rrrrrrrrrr.”Have fun!

Is it hard to get used to speaking French when studying in France?

You should count on at least 2 years to achieve fluency.