Is It Illegal To Put Rat Poison On Your Own Lunch

Can you bring your own lunch to Mcdonald's?

When a worker only has 30 minutes for lunch and right down the street adjacent to his employment is a fast food and he or her is trying to save money so they bring their own lunch to's just a matter of who really would walk in any restaraunt and eat their own lunch they the important thing here is that a facility that is open for them to dine with their own lunch may be a brilliance rather than a nuisence. In America all fast food restaraunts reserve the right to serve their customers and have the neccessary place for them to eat their lunch purchased, but if you bring your own lunch and purchase just the drink...I don;t see any thing wrong with that and there has never been a conflict today that I know of unless an outbreak of this situation occurs;However, you look at it Fastfood would not want to prevent anyone nor discriminate unless it is posted on the premises that only diners who purchase can sit in the facility. I don't think Mcdonalds would prevent it

Is it illegal to put rat poison on your own lunch?

Let's say you have a bully for a boss.

He keeps eating the employees' food.

Food keeps disappearing, including yours.

You put rat poison on your own sandwich.

You put it in the fridge in the morning.

You go to your bully boss, tell him not to eat your sandwich because it belongs to you.

He shrugs it off and eats it.

Doubles over in pain and had to be rushed to the E.R.

Are you liable?

Is it legal for people to poison cats?

I don't know if it is legal or not. I know him talking to the owners of the cats will do no good because the cats will come and go as they please and they do not follow orders. He has a right to be upset if they are using his yard as a litter box. You will have to call the police department and the humane society on if it is legal or not where you live. We have no idea what the law is where you live, how could we. This is the risk you take when allow your cats to go outside, along with being road kill and lunch or a play toy for another animal. Cruel humans and on that list along with diseases. This is why I do not allow my cats to go out into the the great wonderful outdoors.


Is it legal to put out rat poison hoping to kill the 3 raccoons that do damage to my yard nightly?

Please do not do this, as you have no way of knowing that your intended targets will be the only ones to consume your poison laced foods. Think about what would happen if some childs pet happens upon what you've laid out before the raccoons find it…that child now gets to watch their beloved pet die a horrible painful death (seriously- do you know what rat poison does to a body?) Leaving poison out for wild animals may not necessarily be illegal…but it is most certainly unethical. When I was a child, someone, in an effort to control the stray dogs in my neighborhood, started throwing antifreeze soaked chicken around in the area. More than 20 dogs and cats died because of this. “Well they were just strays" No. They weren't. More than half of the animals killed were pets who were completely innocent, including my own dog. I was 9.

Will jolly ranchers make me fat?

I had around 8 jolly ranchers today no joke I just keep eating them because I was bored..they contain no fat but I know they do have lots of sugar..will they make me gain weight though?

Can bleach kill mice?

Probably you just blind the mouse....and there will be 3 more blind mice hanging around.....

Set a trap and use chicken, they love chicken....

If I put poison in a burger and leave it on top of my car, someone eats it and died, am I guilty or responsible for that?

The words ‘guilty’ and ‘responsible’ are a little loaded.Only a jury of your peers can find you guilty in a criminal justice sense. Responsible? Well, that’s really relative from culture to culture.If I were an investigator, the first thing I would ask would be this: “What conceivable reason is there for someone to put poison in a burger?” It can’t really be to commit suicide, because there are much less convoluted ways to do that. So instead of suicide, the motive must be homicide. Already, that’s bad news for you.As you are aware, there are a number of forms of homicide. First and second degree murder, as well the various forms of manslaughter. Prosecutors will assess the facts and attempt to adduce what was going on in your mind at the time of the alleged crime, your mens rea. As I’ve outlined above, it’s pretty ridiculous to push the idea that someone would poison a burger for a laugh. And even if they did, that’s certainly form a “reckless disregard for the safety of others” that would could have reasonably foreseen likely death. Who on earth poisons a burger?Without getting into the nitty gritty, you’d almost certainly be found guilty of voluntary manslaugher and would likely be found guilty at least of involuntary manslaughter.If you placed the poisoned burger on top of your car because you knew that someone would pass by it and eat it? And they died because of it? Congratulations, you’re a murderer.

Is it illegal to put peanuts in my food to prevent my roommate from eating it? My roommate is allergic to peanuts. He keeps eating my food. I’ve told him to stop eating my food repeatedly. He has his own food, yet continues to eat mine.

Question: “Is it illegal to put peanuts in my food to prevent my roommate from eating it?”My roommate is allergic to peanuts. He keeps eating my food. I’ve told him to stop eating my food repeatedly. He has his own food, yet continues to eat mine. I’ve threatened to start adding peanuts to all my food, but am hesitant to go through with it because I worry about the consequences.I’m going a little against the crowd here.Would it be illegal to poison your own food, knowing that your roommate would probably steal it? Sure. You cannot possibly argue that that poisoned food was intended for yourself because you enjoy having poison, and that you were really looking forward to eat that food later.Truth is, you never intended to eat that food. You have just set up a deadly trap for him.Besides, mentally sane people do not usually go around putting poison in food, much less their own. Clearly your roommate would never expect your food to be poisoned when he stole it.Peanuts, on the other hand, are a completely different matter.There are many delicious foods containing peanuts. It’s a common ingredient. Unlike poison, it’s expected that many people will use peanuts in their food, everyday, everywhere.“And why did you put peanuts in your food?” would be accurately answered by “Because I enjoy them, because I have no health issues with them, because that food was meant for me alone, and I was really looking forward to have that delicious meal at dinner.”If you really enjoyed peanuts, would you be under any obligation from refraining to use them, just because your roommate has this disgusting stealing habit?I mean, really?? Let’s think this thru: would your roommate simply walk into a new restaurant and order a new, exotic dish, without making sure there are absolutely no peanuts in that new and unknown recipe? I do not think so, otherwise, he might not be alive today to be your annoying roommate.So, it baffles me that he steals random food from other people. Food he did not prepare himself. With a severe peanut allergy. Really?To insist on stealing your food, even after you have made clear that you might start putting peanuts in it, even with that severe allergy of his, must be one of the finest Darwin awards.Bottom line: if your roommate is the one with a peanut allergy, then he is the one who must take precautions. Just like everyone else with rare and dangerous medical conditions.

Bad effects of leaving metal fork/spoon in a bowl in the refrigerator?

Some metals can be toxic, like copper and aluminum. Stainless steel is harmless and food can be stored in this type of container or with a stainless steel spoon left in the food. Copper, aluminum and cast iron are metals that will react with acidic ingredients that will make a person ill. Acidic ingredients like dairy and tomatoes should not be used in these types of cookware. Cream of tartar used in copper bowls can be especially toxic.