Is It Legal For Me To Ask For Donations On A Tumblr Blog

Is it illegal to take stuff left for donation?

Why don't you see the manager of the store and ask if you can take anything that is out there? The store is saying not to leave stuff and if no one listens then they are still leaving it for someone to pick it up. So why not you if you need it. Don't be afraid or shy to ask the manager because you could be doing them a favor. I have a feeling that if they already have too much stuff that then they could be throwing a lot out.

Is asking for donations for sex prostitution?

I know someone who advertises they accept donations for sex and they believe that is legal is it? She says she will not name a price as a donation is a choice to help.

Secrets to asking for donations door to door?

In most places, it is not cool to go "door to door", for security and legal reasons.

However, if you must, stick to areas you know, never go alone and always, always, always, have an adult with you or let them
know where you are, how long you'll be there and when you will be home.

As for the solicitation of the donations, never start by asking!
You need to be personable, let the people know who you are, where you are from and why you need donations. "Hi, My name is "John" and I live on "the next street over", I go to "the local high" school, where I "play Softball... I have always enjoyed playing and this year we did really well, we have a chance to go to the championships". Then, make it personal to them, "I am really hoping for some support from "my neighborhood" if they like you, then you did your job and more than likely they will donate.

If they don't donate, it is okay, they may not have the money or they just don't donate as a rule. However, don't miss a beat and "thank them anyway and ask them to wish you luck on winning the championship or attaining whatever it is your goal may be". If it is an event that is being held locally, invite them to attend...

You never want to alienate them, they may change their mind.
They may also tell other people and those people may donate and in the future you may not have to work so hard because you have just started a "network".

Safety should always be your main concern, and never,never,never enter someone's home, no matter how nice they seem.

Good excuses include, "Thank you but I can't, I want to try to "visit" as many folks as I can before I head home, and my parents are expecting me by "6PM" Then "thanks for the donation, it really helps alot" or "thanks for your time, and I hope I see you at the game"

I hope this helps, and just remember always be honest, forthright and sincere. Rejection is not personal and as long as you do not alienate the potential donor, they are still potential future donors.

Build your "network"...

Is it a scam when police call asking for donations?

From time to time I keep getting calls from fire or police department saying they need help with money to control crime, I once read that the government pays the police and fire department so tax dollars which everyone pays into is allready paying the way sounds like a scam to me.

Is it illegal to ask for money online?

If I were to ask my Tumblr followers to donate to a paypal account or something similar in that nature, so I could buy something like a new computer or clothes, is that illegal?

Need help with setting up a bank account for donations?

Banks can set up donation accounts however every donation account like every other account must be linked with a federal ID number. Donation accounts for individuals are set up for the benefit of that one named individual only. Since what you want to do would not benefit one named individual or family (and in fact you could not legally reveal the children's names of course) there is a strong possibility that any donations made to it would be considered income to you and would not6t be tax deductible to the donor. The bank can advise you further on this.

One possibility to accomplish what you want to do easily would be to partner with a nonprofit agency,ministry,or church in your area for that organization to set up a special account for this purpose. Put in writing exactly what the agreement is between you and that group. A separate checking account could then be set up so that all money coming in is accounted for and all money going out would require 2 signatures yours and the designated person from that organization. This makes what you want to do simpler and protects the money and may secure more money because of having the organization involved and because donations are tax deductible. It benefits the organization by giving it a simple no cost project that shows a help in the community, helps the organization become better known in a favorable light and looks good to its supporters. If the work you do is for a nonprofit that is a logical place to talk with first. If it is a private business or government agency then your church or any church in the area or a nionprofit that benefits children are logical choices. the smaller and more locally governed the nonprofit is the greater likelihood of quick agreement. For example 6 yrs ago a couple contacted us wanting the ministry I direct to lend its name to a community Christmas dinner they wanted to do. After some discussion we agreed because it was a good match for the other things we do. The dinners have grown to where they serve 500 (a lot of people for our small area), have led at least 2 organizations in the area to duplicate the idea and have become one of the things for which the ministry is now best known. If you'd like to read more about that please go to

How much money can I earn from Tumblr and how?

It depends on how many followers you have. As a rule of thumb, you need at least 100k followers to start making any decent amounts of money (say, at least $1000/month). Of course, you could be making more with less followers, but I'm talking about most people here.So let's say you worked hard to grow your Tumblr following over a year and you now have 100,000 followers. How do you monetize them?Option 1. Affiliate links. Tumblr has announced they allow affiliate links as long as they're not the main reason why you create content. So just make sure you keep a reasonable ratio of normal/promotional content. 2:1 should be enough. Your best option here is Amazon, as they have a huge variety of products and you are likely to find stuff that's related to your niche.The numbers: you're likely to average 3% click to order conversions (this is a great number and you should thank Amazon for their skill at converting random traffic to sales) and an average order will net you $1.So for every 100 clicks to Amazon you'll make 3 bucks.Option 2. Adsense. You can add Adsense ads to your tumblr blog - see How to Add Google AdSense to Your Tumblr Blog for detailed instructions on how to do this. However don't expect to get a high cost per click out of tumblr. Keep in mind that the tumblr audience is mostly made up of horny and/or depressed teenagers - not exactly the most premium public.The numbers: Here you'll get very low CPC, probably around $0.05/click. So you'll need 60 clicks to make $3 bucks.Option 3. Donations. This is perhaps the best suited to tumblr and if you implement it right you (read: positioning) might make a decent amount without being intrusive. ProTip: don't use the standard PayPal donate button. It's boring and people are used to it so they will ignore it. Use Ko-Fi instead.The numbers: Now here's why this is my favorite. Previously you needed 60 to 100 clicks to make $3. But now you only need one or two donations to make the same amount. Expect really low conversion rates (0.002% could be a likely scenario).But: since you're not bombarding visitors with ads and you're not publishing promotional material, you're now free to focus on quality content and traffic acquisition.

How can I make 10,000 dollars per month with no initial money?

Now no initial money is going to be extremely difficult but it is possible.Follow along…I’m going to give you some real gold here.The easiest way that I know to make money online without spending a cent is to spam tumblr. Now I am not saying I do this (it would be a complete waste of time for me these days) and I am not recommending it because you will get shut down.But, if you really need to make 10K with no money down you’re going to have to cheat a little. I mean even blogging, which is the cheapest way to earn some honest cash is going to cost you $10 a monthSo, back to spamming tumblr.Set up an Adult related tumblr blog. You know…the NSFW stuff. But before you commit to a name, find a niche that gets a ton of re-blogs. You’re going to have to do some research here. You’re welcome.Once you pick a popular niche, name your tumblr using a descriptive name and start re-blogging a bunch of pics that are directly related to that niche.DON’T DEVIATE FROM THAT NICHEReblog like 300 pictures a day. And in each caption write “For More (your niche) Follow Me at (blog name)” and make your blog name a click-able link.Now after you get a lot of followers…like 10k or 20K find an adult affiliate offer. Something that pays you at least $30 per conversion and start sending people there in your caption. Make it an enticing offer and make the whole offer click-able with your affiliate link.Now you could probably hit 10K from this alone before you get shut down. But I recommend that once you get your first payment…you roll that back into something more sustainable.The easiest next step is setting up e-commerce with Shopify. I wrote a post titled How to Make Money with Shopify (Almost No Money Down) which you can use to stimulate the imagination but keep in mind, there are a lot of ways you can go once you have a few bucks to invest.

Is it illegal to solicit money over the internet?

So I'm watching iCarly, right, and Freddie and Sam are arguing about how Sam always borrows money and never pays it back. (That silly Sam.) So, Carly and Freddie calculated how much money Sam owes them and it comes out to like over $500. So Sam's about to crap herself when she finds out, right, but she promises to pay them back anyway. They proceed to do their webshow and Carly tells the audience about said predicament, and Sam (jokingly) asks everyone to donate money to help her cause. So these webshow viewers send buttloads of cash to their school, and the principal says it's illegal to solicit money over the internet. Is it just illegal because they're minors? Because tons of people on YouTube and other internet "celebrities" ask for donations sent to their PO Boxes, or via PayPal all the time. What's the deal?