Is It Normal For A Bruise To Be Black

Black dots on bruises?

I went roller skating and fell a few [dozen] times, and now I have bruises on my knees. But inside the bruises, there are, like, little black dots. Is that normal? Please help, and thanks!! <33

Is it normal to have a bruise on my ankle after acl surgery?

I got my acl surgery a bit over a week ago and I just barely noticed a big black bruise by right below inside ankle. When I walk and put pressure on my heel I felt tingles and I think it's because of it. I did have a bandage and brace around my leg for 4 days and my feet was really swollen during that time but I didnt notice the bruise cause I'd have socks on most of the time. Anyone know of this issue?

Why do bruises turn purple and/or black?

When you bruise it’s because the trauma to the region broke blood vessels. The vessels close to the surface are mini-veins, called capillaries, & the blue colored ones you can see are veins. So the blue blood (non-oxygenated) leaks into the tissues. How hard you were hurt is related to the size & color. The deeper the bruise, commonly called a bone bruise, appears black on the surface. I had one about 8″ long down my lower leg & it took nearly a year for the area to become normal again. So, you’ve got this big pool of blood causing the bruise, that needs to be reabsorbed by the body. Sometimes the blood is so localized that it causes a hematoma, which is basically a bump of blood. By the way, being the very graceful child I was, I once had a huge hematoma down my shin that I later fell on again. The explosion of blood seemed huge, but it did feel a little better than it did with the bump.Little by little the body starts reabsorbing. Considering the bruise isn’t a normal function of your body it decides on how to do this in stages usually taking two weeks.During the first week its usually red/pink, quickly changing to blue or dark purple because that blood is no longer oxygenated. Purple colored, if the bruise wasn’t superficially acquired. The next color is green/yellowish which means the reconstituted blood has created hemoglobin breakdown product called biliverdin. It will then become yellowy/brown & fade. At this juncture the final breakdown of hemoglobin is bilirubin. It will fade as the remnants are absorbed.It is possible to fend off a large bruise or hematoma using a cold pack, or bag of frozen peas. Frozen peas especially are fantastic for reducing inflammation because of their body molding ability. I despise peas, no matter how they are presented, but I always have a bag of peas in my freezer, for medicinal use. The cold reduces the extent of blood released. Any bruising involving your eyes should be looked at by a medical professional.If you notice that you are acquiring coin shaped bruising without trauma, you may have Lupus. Seeing a doctor & having a blood test can give you the answer to that very quickly.


You have asked this already.

OF course there will be swelling and bruising because he's just had his skin cut open and testicle removed.

Some dogs do bruise a lot more than other dogs and this should be checked up on via the vet because it can lead to hematoma.

Go to the vet.

I do how ever find it VERY hard to believe that your vet did not supply pain medication - As most vets send this home for precaution sakes.

Go to the vet get him checked out and ask for pain and anti swelling meds.

EDIT: I suggest you go back to the vet now.

Is bruising normal with tongue piercings?

Bruising from a tongue piercing is normal, although it may not happen to everyone. Usually this is due to your tongue being irritated with the clamp that your piercer used, tissue it may have hit, or from food. Don't worry about it, it should pass shortly. Just take good care of your piercing and keep it clean.

After a Hernia surgery, is it normal to have a bruised penis (blue/black)?

This is not unusual. During the surgery your penis had to be moved around to get it out of the way. Afterwards it is hanging down and thus tends to collect loose blood and lymph from the site of the hernia repair.

The bruising and any swelling will go away naturally after a while, but you can assist it a bit by keeping your penis pointing upwards in relatively tight underwear. This causes the blood and lymph to drain back into your body for disposal rather than gathering in the penis.

What causes a bruise to be black and blue? It seems like they should be red?

A bruise is also called a contusion (say: kun-too-zhun), and it forms because the soft tissues of your body have been bumped. Some people bruise easily, whereas others may have tougher skin tissue.

When these soft tissues are injured, small veins and capillaries (the tiniest blood vessels) under the skin sometimes break. Red blood cells leak out of these blood vessels. These red blood cells that collect under your skin cause that bluish, purplish, reddish, or blackish mark. That's where black-and-blue marks get their name - from their color under the skin.

Bruises go through colorful changes as the body begins to heal itself. The color changes mean that your body is metabolizing (say: muh-tab-o-lyze-ing), or breaking down, the blood cells in the skin. This is the process that your body goes through to repair itself.

Imagine a baseball hits you in the leg. Ouch! Your body will go through the following phases:

First, you'll probably have a bump that will look red or purplish and tender. The bump might swell from the blood collecting under the tissue.
After a couple of days, the bruise will look blue or even blackish.
After 5 to 10 days, it may look greenish or even yellow.
After 10 to 14 days, the bruise will most likely be a light brown, then get lighter and lighter as it fades away.
Most bruises will disappear after 2 weeks, and some go away even sooner. However, if a bruise does not go away after 2 weeks, let your parent know.

To help reduce swelling or the amount of bruising after an injury, apply a cold compress to the bruise for at least 10 minutes. And be sure to wear a helmet and protective pads to avoid bruises altogether!

Is it normal that my fingers , are black and blue , following breaking my wrist ? ?

Bruising in the hand after a wrist fracture is normal--all the blood that leaked out of the broken bones has to go somewhere. Elevation & ice will help. What is NOT normal, and will signal too tight a cast is increasing pain, pain with movement of fingers, numbness in fingers, nail beds turning pale or bluish and not pink with a gentle squeeze, pale or bluish fingers (not the bruise color). The swelling in your wrist continues for up to 72 hours. This is the critical time when a cast can become too tight. If you are unsure if you are normal or not, then you can get it checked. They should ahve given you a "cast sheet" in your aftercare.

Why would a bee sting turn black and blue like a bruise?

She probably just has a bruise- when someone is stung there will be some swelling (even if they are not really allergic) and it will cause trauma to the skin and vessels. If those vessels proceed to bleed, she will have a bruise. As long as it isn't getting bigger and she is not having any allergic symptoms of concern (trouble breathing, etc) then it probably isn't something to worry about.