Is It Normal For Your Strength To Increase When Your Weight Increases

How did bruce lee increase his arm strength without increasing his arm size?

Isotonic weight lifting and circuit training.
Isotonic contractions means adding resistance to a muscle without moving it, like curling your biceps full force onto an imovable bar.
In circuit training, you work your whole body and blood moves from muscle group to muscle group, therefore the 'pump' in bodybuilding is not present, therefore no increase in muscle size. This increases muscle quality without increasing size, and reduces fat as well.
For more info on these 2 excercises, just google them! :)

Would wearing weighted bracelets/anklets help increase strength?

I dont have very much free time to go to the gym or lift weights on my own, so I thought that maybe wearing weighted bracelets and anklets throughout the day would help me gain strength while not even working out. Would this work? And if so is there any way I can buy these sort of things?

As a female, is it normal to gain weight after starting a strength training program? I’ve gained 11 pounds since I started 11 months ago. I started at 136 lbs and now I’m 147 lbs. I eat right so that is not the issue.

Yes, it’s normal. Assuming that your protein intake is also fairly high, it’s probably healthy weight gain as well. If your protein intake has been low, it is possible that a certain part of your weight gain is fat gain. It would help if you can compare photos or measurements from 11 months ago to be doubly sure of this.The reasoning behind this:Strength training program is an effective tool for both weight gain AND weight loss.If you eat lesser calories than you body needs, you lose weight.If you eat more calories, you gain weight. (for those new to training, even eating maintenance calories could give initial gains in muscle mass).In your case, the latter is true.If you are supplementing your strength training with enough protein intake AND your calorie surplus is JUST right (i.e. not too much and not too low), most of the weight gain will be muscle mass gain. Which is good for your general health, metabolism and physique.Since you have gained weight very slowly (i.e. 1 pound per month), I can also infer from your given data points that you are on a small calorie surplus. If your calorie surplus was high, your rate of weight gain would be much higher.Hence, it is highly likely that most of your weight gain is due to gains in muscle mass. Fat gain would have needed a bigger calorie surplus and the rate of fat gain would also have been faster. However, if your protein intake was low during the last 11 months - it is possible that the weight gain is primarily fat gain (though I’d say that’s unlikely).There are a few ways you can validate whether you have gained muscle mass or fat:Compare yourself with photos from 11 months ago. Do you see more body fat?Do you lift heavier weights than when you started? If you have gotten stronger, it is likelier that your increase in weight is muscle mass gains.Please feel free to comment below if I’ve made any wrong assumptions and I’ll come back and update this answer.Cheers!ShyamFounder, Lazy Fitness[1]Footnotes[1] Lazy Fitness

Does gaining weight increase your penis size?

Hi I'm a 15 year old male
I'm 5'10" tall and I weigh about 130lbs (I'm thin)
My penis is 5.5in long
My penis is 4.0in around

Just curious if I gained weight would it reflect in my penis length or girth? I know my penis is average size but I like many other teens would like it bigger.

Your feedback is much appreciated thank you.

What's the best way to increase muscle strength?

Do three whole body workouts a week. You body has a mechanism that keeps it within certain proportions so if you focus too much on one particular muscle group while neglecting the others your development may halt.

Here's how to increase your strength:

1. Use Creatine and HMB go and look them up.

2. Make sure you are getting enough protein. Some people like to get 1 gram for every pound of bodyweight daily. Make sure to eat a large meal rich in protein right after your workouts.

3. Make sure you get enough sleep.

4. Every two weeks increase the weight on all your lifts by 10% . This works very well!

5. Eat 5-6 small meals a day along with a good multi-vitamin.

Here's a sample rountine:



Squat 3 x 8-12


Flat Bench Press2x8

Bent Over Rows2x6-10


Seated Overhead Press2x8-10
Upright Rows2x10-15


Standing Barbell Curls2x5-9



Lying Knee Raises2x30

Every two weeks increase the weight on all these lifts by 10%. It can be done on Mon,Wed,Fri or Tues, Thurs, Sat.

I know it looks easy but give it a try. I've gotten great results from programs like this. Hope it helps!

Does doing yoga increase our body weight?

Increasing or decreasing body weight is solely a function of calories intake. You have to put your body in sensible calories deficit to induce sustainable weight loss. Exercise on the other hand, be it cardio, weights or yoga bring about other adaptations in the body, such as metabolic boost, increasing your strength, flexibility, endurance etc.

Will losing weight cause me to lose my strength?

I am guy who is 5'5" and several months ago I weighed 169 lbs. I used to do cardio and lift weights about 3 times a week before. During this summer I did it 3 times a week and one extra day for cardio. I checked my weight today and it has gone down to 158 lbs even though I increased the weights that I lift last month. So, my question is,will losing weight cause me to lose my body strength I originally had or does weight have no effect on my strength? Can I still keep gaining strength by lifting etc, while losing a little bit of weight?

In order to increase your maximum bench press, should you bench close to your max or just do less weight for gradually more reps?

In order to increase your bench press, I recommend you begin doing inclined dumbbell presses. If you’be been working out for a while, then begin with about 4–6 sets using a weight heavy enough to where you feel you can push up between 4-8 reps per set. Then after a week's you can increase to about 6-10 sets. Also, when you are performing this exercise, always begin with the heaviest weight you will use for the first few sets. You are at your most rested and strongest at the start, so start off at your strongest with the heaviest weight you can use. Then, after a few sets if you feel the weight is too heavy, then drop the dumbbells by 5 lbs per dumbbell. This will rapidly increase your bench press. Also, it is imperative to use You Tube in order to see some techniques that will as well. Certain hints include your grip, the spacing between your arms, the thrust and a real good concentration just prior to lift while you are laid down on the bench just looking up at your barbell.