Is It Normal That I Can

Is it normal that I can't put in a tampon?

I would need more details before my answer would be specific to you. According to a quick review of a few stats on pad versus tampon usage I find that tampons are more likely used in the USA and Canada. Still, more or as many women use pads as tampons.Is it that you CANNOT or that it is difficult or painful?Normal is relative. However, let’s see:Most women find tampons to be awkward and some never master insertion.It may be a structural problem like a thick hymen (which may need to be removed)It may be your mind (like fear of touching yourself) that is getting in the wayIt may be a condition called vulvodynia - if you are having pain.If you have tried putting it in by lying on your back rather than just sitting over the toilet you may want to see a doctor. See a specialist in women’s health or gynecology. This is not that unusual.

I’m 13 and I can’t ejaculate, is this normal? I’m on the very edge of puberty.

Yes, it’s completely normal to be 13 and not able to ejaculate yetIt’s not about age at all, Jeremiah. It’s entirely about how far along you are in puberty. Age 11 to 15 is the normal start of puberty. The start is when your testicles get bigger. Some boys don’t notice that their balls got bigger, but you get your first little pubic hairs about eight weeks later.During the first year of puberty lots of stuff is happening inside as well as outside. Your prostate goes from penny sized to walnut sized. Other glands that add fluid to your semen are also developing.You will have your first ejaculation very very close to 12 months after the start of puberty, Jeremiah. Have you started puberty; how far along do you think you are?From a statistical viewpoint, a majority of boys cannot ejaculate on their 13th birthday, but a majority can on their 14th birthday. But a boy that doesn’t start puberty until age 15 won’t ejaculate until he’s 16.You don’t have to strain or push or do anything special. Just continue masturbating and one day it will happen. It won’t be much at first, but will increase quite a bit over the next four months or so, and takes about 2 years to be your full adult load.

If you stretch & can see your ribs is it normal?

Of course yes it is normal to see your ribs while stretching. Won't happen to everyone if they have more fat covering the rib area. It doesn't necessarily mean u are fit if u see them because you could be anorexic. The right medium of weight is the answer. good luck : ) hope this helped u

Is it normal that I can smell blood?

My boyfriend and all my friens think Im crazy because I smell it, it has a "iron" scent to it. is this normal? and if so, why can't they smell it?

Is it normal to feel my new belly bar through my skin?

Yes, it's fine.
I wondered the same thing after I got my hip done,
cos I could feel mine very clearly.
It's normal, as long as you can't SEE it.
If you can see it,
it means it's rejecting, and you should take it out before it gets worse and ends up leaving a big ugly scar.
Just continue to keep it clean;
clean it about twice a day, or even three times if you feel up to it.


Why can I control my dreams? Am I not normal?

This is possible. It’s sometimes called Lucid Dreaming; with training and practice it’s possible to influence the direction and purpose of your dreams, even to solve problems in this way.

Is it normal that I can only fit 2 fingers in my vagina?

You are normal. Being sexually aroused will help.

Here's some additional information:
The first time can be painful when the hymen breaks upon penetration. There can also be some blood from spotting to actual bleeding. Not all girls bleed and not all have pain. I never bled but there was a lot of pain. There doesn't have to be blood or pain, but due to the fact that most guys don't know what they are doing and girls 'give in' to sex to please their partner instead of waiting until they are really ready and aroused, pain happens even if blood doesn't.

The hymen is the thin membrane that sometimes covers the opening to the vagina if you're a virgin. Even if you haven't had sex, the hymen can do a bit of a disappearing act due to an overzealous workout at the gym, horseback riding, tampons, and even passionate "heavy petting" with your boyfriend. (It's not an impenetrable barrier, anyway, as it has holes to allow menstrual blood to escape.)

For some, the first few times might make you feel sore, as the vagina has been an unused muscle or even hurt if you aren't properly lubricated, or if the guy is in a hurry, doesn't arouse you and your body isn't ready.

Relaxing, foreplay, (oral sex, touching, kissing, etc) being fully aroused or better yet, you having an orgasm FIRST or using a lubricant like KY-Jelly or Astro-Glide can help.

Is this normal? I can move my Penis Voluntarily?

I have a question about my Penis. I can move it around and make it swing back and forth without moving my body. i can make it bounce up and down and swing side to side without touching it or moving anything else. is this normal?

Is it normal that I can ejaculate 3 times nonstop?

Your very normal. Young men often have no refractory time and can just keep going. Perfectly normal.
Enjoy it, as you get older that refractory time will likely increase.

orgasm/ejaculation is followed by a period of relaxation a refractory period. During this period, the penis usually becomes softer and it is unlikely that the man will have another erection or orgasm. The length of the refractory period varies, depending on the man and the situation. In younger men, the refractory period may last only a few minutes, while in older men, it may last a few hours or more
