Is It Normal To Be Extremely Susceptible To Groupthink No Matter How Idiotic

What's it called when people think they are better than everyone else?

Ego.Please allow me to share with you about the ego because it can affect you and anyone of us.Left unrestrained, the ego can cause relationships to break down. It can affect your performance and results and eventually destroy your life.The ego is an over-consciousness of your being and an unhealthy attachment to it. It has a tendency to make you think and feel that you are bigger and better than who you really are and better than the others around you.In reality, it is a cover up of your fears, inadequacies, and insecurities. That's why, it tends to be critical and judgmental and is inclined to make others inferior to yourself.The ego seeks to own and dominate others. It wants to control every situation and outcome.While manifesting pride, arrogance and conceitedness on the surface, deep within, it desires to be accepted and approved.Paradoxically, it tends to hurt others while getting hurt easily.The ego is not your true self. It lives in a false reality and views the world from an ethnocentric perspective.It is self-conscious and self-centered. At every given opportunity, it is self-glorifying and seek it's self-interest.By doing that, it blinds you to your weaknesses. It makes you live in a world of your own make beliefs.Unfortunately, when you are so full of yourself, you shortchange yourself. You turn yourself into a smaller being, living in a world that has been shrunk by your self-absorbed mind.It shuts you from the truths and prevents you from seeking the correct path to a better future. It competes with your heart that wants to serve a higher calling and fulfil a worthwhile cause.The ego needs to be fed but it will never be satisfied. In fact, it will become hungrier and it will grow until it becomes bigger than you. Gradually, it will devour you.The paradoxical truth about the ego is that you cannot control it without being controlled by it. You cannot manage it unless you replace it with a far more compelling driver and purpose.You need to harness and channel the good in you and drive it in the right direction and towards the right aspiration.Obviously, you need to continue to discipline yourself from feeding the ego and allowing it to rear it's ugly head even for the slightest moment.You need to consciously detach yourself from whatever will lead you to self-indulgence, over-confidence, and vainglory

Is it normal to be extremely susceptible to groupthink, no matter how idiotic?

For some reason, my personality seems to try to change to match popular opinions. For instance, if I go on a forum and the most agreed on answers are completely bogus, my brain makes me feel that those answers are the right ones, even when they are dead wrong. My brain tells me that those answers are wrong, but my feelings tend to tell me that they are right. For instance, just 2 years ago or so I started having some strange obsession of visiting sites full of religious extremists and though I know they are speaking BS my feelings agree with them. Another example is when I run into a bunch of racist communities online: I know all races are equal but seeing so many people agree with those racist stuff is starting to give me racist feelings too.

Is this normal?

Are women capable of independent thought?

Yes. The whole conversation is bullshot.

Long involved "theorizing" about the "weakness" of the other gender is crap when the feminoids do it, and it's crap when THESE GUYS do it.

The feminists' usual kneejerk "you're a sexist" is actually TRUE in their case.

Their point of view will never prevail. They are doomed. This kind of crap is their last few gasps. Our grandchildren will look at their ideas the way we do at the Middle Ages wars over the answer to the question "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?"

"Crazy, primitive nonsense. How did they LIVE that way? WHAT were they THINKING?"