Is It Normal To Feel Maternal Instinct Towards My Guy Friends

Do male dogs have maternal instincts?

He does not have "maternal" instincts. He has "PATERNAL" instincts ......You're very lucky . These two will be friends for life ...........................................

Is it normal to feel maternal instinct towards my guy friends?

I am only 18 and never had any kids but I feel a maternal instinct towards most of my close guy friends and also my boyfriend but not towards any of my girl friends. It's that weird? I do have a lot of guy friends and usually when I'm with a group of friends I'm the only girl I think that might have something to do with it.

I feel maternal toward my boyfriend? is this normal?

It's completely normal...most girls naturally have the nurturing gene, especially when it comes to people we care about. I do the same with my boyfriend just because i like seeing him happy, healthy and taken care of and he loves that i care so much about him.

You just have to watch to make sure you don't go too overboard, just like us, guys can feel too overprotected and nurtured and then they'll start to pull away.

Normal to have strong maternal feelings toward someone who isn't your child?

I am a 40 year old mother with 4 small kids of my own. 2 years ago I was introduced to a babysitter who is 23 and often babysits the kids but also hangs out with the whole family and I while not on duty. We have become close friends and share similar interests despite the age difference. Recently though, I have found myself having maternal feelings toward her like I would toward my own kids. Her father died when she was young and her mother works a lot and seems to be occupied with her own life. I realize she is not a child and she has been away at school on her own for 4 years and moved back home to save money for grad school but I find myself worrying about her often. I know she has a lot of friends but she seems to really enjoy hanging out with our family a lot, like perhaps she is looking for guidance or to be a part of a family. She has some non-critical health issues she has mentioned casually that I worry about her following up on. She is often home alone for weeks at a time and while it doesn’t seem to bother her, I worry that she isn’t lonely and that she is ok. I even prefer that she stay here and don’t like sending her home to an empty house. If I haven’t talked to her via text or phone or email in 48 hours I feel the need to know where she is, what she is doing, and if she is OK. If her affect is off or she is unusually quiet I immediately notice and am all over her asking if something is wrong. She doesn’t seem to mind me keeping tabs on her and wanting to know what’s going on. If it bothered her I’d assume she say so or would keep it on a more business like level by not feeding into my questions….I think she likes to have the parental-like attention I give her but is this completely abnormal? It doesn’t seem to bother her that I am on top of her like a mother might be….I’m just not sure why I have such strong maternal feelings towards her or how to handle them without totally freaking her out. Suggestions?

If your Girlfriend has Guy friends, does it matter?

honestly from a guys perspective, it does make me a little jealous so to speak if my girlfriend is hanging out with other guys, but if your boyfriend trusts you then all he should feel is jealousy...Try having your boyfriend hang out with your guy friends so they can get to know eachother or w/e... I just try to trust my GF, but i'm not saying I don't get that |what if| feeling...Guys feel the same way as a girl would if your boyfriend is hanging out with his lady friends, you know?
Trust is where it's all at..

Good luck to you and your future BF :)

Hormones, maternal instincts or something else?

I'm seventeen. Recently a few of my friends have either found out they are having a baby or just had their child. I want children but I don't want them now. The problem is, for the past two or so months, I have been really wanting a child. I feel the need to get pregnant. My boyfriend and I have both talked about kids but like I said, I don't want them now and neither does he.. He is a few years older than me, almost twenty, is it possible that subconsciously I might want a child because of the age difference? We've also been together for almost two years, could that have anything to do with it? I'm not sure.. I'm on birth control but I've been on it since we got together and nothing like this has happened before. Has anyone else experienced this or know something about it...? Please don't answer if you're just going to lecture about sex, the age, or something else you found upsetting to you.
5 stars to the best answer. Thank you for your help!

I have maternal feelings for my boyfriend...?

I'm 19 years old and my boyfriend is the same age. We've been going out for about a year now. I've noticed that I've come to have this maternal feeling for him, as if I'm an overprotective mother and he's my child. It's come to the point where I feel awkward with him as my boyfriend and being romantic, but at the same time I love him immensely, just in a different way. I care for him too much to have him as a friend, and I miss him terribly and become anxious when I don't see if him for even a day. I feel like I'm deceiving him at the same time though, and he has a right to know how I feel. But how do I tell him and what am I supposed to do in this situation?

I feel miserable when I see my male friends proposing to their girlfriends, while my boyfriend (with whom I've been for 5 years) is taking his time. He has already told me he wants me to be his wife, but that he's not ready for marriage yet. What should I do?

Don't feel bad - not every woman is good marriage material. Do you go the extra mile sexually for your boyfriend? Are you willing to indulge his sexual kinks? Invite other girls over to play? There are a lot of diamond-backing girls out there who care enough to do what it takes. Men know that the sex doesn't improve after marriage, so if he is unfulfilled now, why would he want to put a ring on it?Do you watch your weight and try to stay fit? Men know that women go to pot after marriage, and reminding him that you don't care about your body is another red flag.Are you combative for no good reason? Do you punch him when you are angry? Do you pick petty fights or are you unwilling to compromise? This is another red flag for guys - they know that the stakes are higher in a marriage and if the relationship is high-conflict now, it will only get worse.When he is sick or feeling down, do you go out of your way to look after him? Men need support, too, and if you melt away when the going gets rough, it says a lot about your fitness for marriage.Are you a vocal feminist who acts like men are scum? Can you blame him for not wanting to walk headlong into a screaming chainsaw? Do you act entitled or fail to apologize for your female privilege? You act like you are entitled to a husband - you are not. Women dominate society and lead easy and longer lives of leisure compared to men. Men know that if you are bad about this now, it will be much worse after marriage.Do you treat waiters and other service people with contempt? Men know instinctively that after marriage, that is how you will treat them.Do you keep his secrets, or do you talk about him behind his back? Of course you do. Men value their privacy and their safe spaces. If you don't respect him now, he knows he is doomed after marriage.Do you make sure to look your best when you two go out in public? Men want to feel proud of their beautiful wives. They want to show them off. He knows that if you disrespect him by rocking army boots and camo now, it will only get worse after marriage.Do you coo and squee over cute pets and babies? If you have poor maternal instincts now, how can he expect you to be a great mom later?If you want a ring, you have to earn it, honey. Fix yourself; don't ever try to fix him.

How often do people develop parental feelings towards people who are not their children?

I always partially attributed my motherly ways to the fact that I was the oldest child of four. I emulated my mother, as little girls often do, and I was also able to act out these behaviors on real children: my siblings. Of course, I wasn't always motherly, sometimes I fought with them etc. But I think this is where it started, and any natural mothering instincts I had got reinforced.Starting around the age of 11, I began babysitting, and soon became quite busy. (I was tall for my age, and good with children.) Looking back on it. babysitting was my favorite job ever. I always looked forward to it, and I delighted in the fact that I was actually getting paid for it.As I got older, the mothering thing really started kicking in. Like Nan Waldman, I feel motherly toward people of all ages. More so with kids, because they need protection, guidance, education and care, but also with friends and acquaintances that are going through a hard time (and who are nice to me; I don't feel motherly to assholes very often.)At any given party or social event, I almost always end up hanging out with the kids, if they want to play with me. (Older kids usually want to stick to their peer group, though I often spend a long time talking to teenagers as well.) I sometimes wonder if this is due to a thwarted mothering instinct. If I had my own kids, would I pay as much attention to the children of others, or would I crave the company of adults when I could get it? There's no way to tell, but I'd say that, for some women, the mothering instinct is very strong and that it's almost inevitable that these people will develop something resembling maternal feelings toward almost any child they spend enough time with.