Is It Normal To Have Chest Pains

Chest pain normal?

Occassionally I get really sudden spots of I guess I wouldn't necessarily call them pain but it feels kind of unpleasant in my chest area, usually around my heart area...they always go away after a few minutes and I was just wondering if something like this is normal...I have no other side effects at all unless my anxiety kicks in from time to time if I really start to worry about it. But I'm also thinking that when I get a pain spot on the other side of my chest or even anywhere else on my body it doesnt worry me at all. So Im just wondering if it is at all possible to have a pain in your chest area and it be nothing at all.

Is chest pain normal on ritalin?

one among the side effects of methylphenidate is chest pain. see

Are chest pains and a little heavy chest normal?

If you having pain during work hours it's different from work load pain and in normal time occuring chest pain different… if you chest pain during other hours it may indicate that you can have angina pectoris are any other associated diseases…In normal time chest pain can occur because of the work tenson and stiffness of the muscles also can occur pain that is different that won't cause much more complications.Chest pain or pressure can be a sign of heart disease or a heart attack, particularly if you feel it during exertion or while being active. Or, chest pain may mean problems other than with your heart; for example, you have another serious condition, such as a blood clot moving into your lung, Teitelbaum says.

Is it normal to have chest pain during a bug?

It is so hard to tell here on Quora. There is no physical examination available to us so it is really hard to determine just exactly what your symptoms are from your discussion here. My considered opinion is that you are Significantly stressed and consequently you are possibly hyperventilating. If this is the case you might not even appreciate the fact that you are hyperventilating and you might just consider this as being impossible. I can assure you that this happens frequently and is the cause of many people going to the emergency room with a fear that they are having a heart attack. The truth being that only 4.8% of people with chest pain coming to an emergency room are actually having a heart attack. Therefore I suggest that what is happening to you is probably due to the stress that is being induced from all these people being sick.

Is it normal to get chest pain while eating food?

No it isn’t and you are doing something wrong. Are you eating your food too fast or not digesting it properly. Probiotics are vital when it comes to digesting food and yet we often we don’t have enough of them. The digestive process starts in the mouth, so remember to chew your food properly. And yes, probiotics are found in the mouth as well. Learn more about probiotics hereGarden of Life Probiotics With Surprising Health Benefits

Is it normal to have chest pain after giving birth?

No, it’s not. Call your OBGYN immediately or go to your nearest ER to get evaluated.Chest pain following delivery can range from just an odd symptom to a potentially deadly pulmonary embolism (blood clot that enters the lungs) or amniotic fluid emboli (extremely rare but also potentially fatal). Blood clots are a real risk for the postpartum period due to limited mobility following delivery in most cases… this is a serious symptom that warrants being examined promptly.

Is it normal to have chest pain after confrontations?

I am going to guess this is from anxiety from her yelling at you. Not everybody has chest pains with anxiety (I never did) but many people do so it is considered a "normal" side-effect of the disorder.Anxiety and/or panic attacks can cause many symptoms that manifest into real physical issues that can make you feel pretty bad. I would say that you should see a doctor just to make sure it is nothing else, but since you are not able to....I have to guess it's just anxiety.If you can, do as much reading as you can about CBT, which stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is basically just a method to learn how to deal with anxiety without drugs. Even though you can't stop your mom from yelling at you right now you can at least learn to deal with the side-effects a little bit so that you don't feel so physically sick after she goes on a rampage.

Is it normal to have chest pains after choking on weed smoke?

Yes yes it's normal, you'll feel an inner burning in your chest and/or throat for a little bit until it goes away. Just take a smaller hit next time, or just get used to it.

Is it normal to have chest pains the next day after smoking weed?

Last night I smoked alotttt and my lungs are on fire lol all day today and it's still hurting. But I mean, is that normal? Cause if it is no one ever warned me about it