Is It Normal To Sneeze At Least 45 Times In A Row Whenever I Sneeze

What is your record for sneezes in a row?

I usually do two in a row, and think something must be wrong with me if I do three! However, once I did four, and I nearly wanted to call an ambulance!!

My mom, on the other hand, can be a marathon sneezer! She'll do at least 3, and you'll think she's done and she'll do 3 or 4 more, or even more!! By the time of the seventh "bless you," I'm just saying, "Now STOP that!"

So, what is YOUR record for sneezes in a row?!? And NO exaggerating just to get points!

Why do some people always sneeze multiple times in a row? I usually sneeze 6-8 times in a row whenever I sneeze and it always draws comments. Is it a genetic trait that is also correlated with other characteristics? If so, what?

Here's a patient's story.Even after making several rounds of visits to the doctor and tests for allergy, I failed to understand what actually made me sneeze continuously.One fine day, I was shopping for grocery at Carrefour and was walking past the sea food and meat section. I stopped at the pre-packaged meat section and reached for the handle to open the fridge door. As soon as I opened the door, a whiff of cold mist hit my face and in the next minute I began sneezing repeatedly, drawing the attention of all the shoppers nearby. I quickly shut the fridge door and reached for a paper towel from my shopping cart and walked away from the section, made the payment and headed towards the exit. All this while I was sneezing.It took a while before the sneezing subsided. Perhaps it may have been the warmer outdoor that helped me overcome the discomfort.Back home, I spent the whole evening wondering if exposure to cold was actually the reason that was making me suffer. I made up my mind to do another round of Carrefour the very next day and run another test. To my utmost surprise I discovered that exposure to sudden cold air did trigger repeated sneeze all of a sudden.I discussed this incident with my doctor in my next visit. He advised me to avoid voluntary exposure to cold. Ever since this event, I stay away from cold storages, abstain from taking cold shower and drinking chilled/ iced drinks and I’m glad I'm doing fine.This is one of many reasons that trigger repeated sneezing.Hope this sharing will be able to help other fellow Quorans.

When someone sneezes, the standard response is "bless you" or "God bless you". What acceptable substitute would you recommend for atheists?

Say whatever you feel. Richard dawkins or Christopher Hitchens don't punish you. If you are hell bent on being Antigod/Antireligion try below."Sneezing is your body’s way of removing irritants from your nose or throat. A sneeze is a powerful expulsion of air that is involuntary, which means you cannot control it. Sneezing often happens suddenly and may also be called sternutation.1. "Sneezes start in your nerves," says Neil Kao, MD, an allergy andasthma specialist at the Allergic Disease and Asthma Center in Greenville, S.C.Everyone's nervous system is basically wired in the same way, Kao explains. But signals traveling along nerves can take slightly different paths to and from the brain, resulting in different sneeze scenarios from person to person."It's a nerve transmission that tells your brain something is in your nose that needs to come out," Kao tells WebMD.2. Sneezing helps keep your body safe. "Sneezing is an important part of the immune process, helping to keep us healthy and sniffle-free" Kao says.Sneezes protect your body by clearing the nose of bacteria and viruses, Kao explains. When something enters your nose or you encounter a trigger that sets off your "sneeze center" in your brain, located in the lower brain stem, signals are rapidly sent to tightly close your throat,eyes, and mouth. Next, your chest muscles vigorously contract, and then your throat muscles quickly relax. As result, air -- along with salivaand mucus -- is forced out of your mouth and nose. Voila, you've sneezed.3. Sneezes are speedy. "Sneezes travel at about 100 miles per hour," says Patti Wood, author of Success Signals: Understanding Body Language. She adds that a single sneeze can send 100,000 germs into the air.4. Plucking your eyebrows may make you sneeze. Plucking may set off a nerve in your face that supplies your nasal passages. As a result, you sneeze.

Please help me answer some questions about elephants!?

please answer these questions1.Describe how and elephant moves (fast slow, what structures or features does it have to enable it to move?2.How does an elephant's movement help it survive? Explain3.What types of food does an elephant eat?4.How often does an elephant need to eat?5.Describe an elephants digestive system or organs.
6.Does an elephant expend a lot of energy each day? explain.7.How large is it as an adult?8.What stages does it go through from birth to adulthood9.What is the life span?
10.What is the average life expectancy?11.What attracts it? How does it respond?12.How does it protect itself from enemies who are its enemies?13.How does it find a mate, is there competition is ther courting14.describe birth process15.what is the climate like where it lives
16.what body structures or features does it have to survive in its environment17.what is unique about it that has allowed its species to survive over long periods of time does it interact w/ 2 other organisms

Why does my dog prefer the taste of cheap filler dog food over Taste of the Wild?

I don't think you should let your dog dictate to you what it wants or doesn't want to eat. He WILL eat TOTW when not given a choice, and when he is hungry enough. No healthy dog will starve itself. With that being said, have tried maybe changing the formula/meat source that you give him. TOTW has several different formulas and they are ALL good. Another OK grain free food is Natural Balance, BUT the first ingredient is Potato. I was feeding Natural Balance for awhile as I have a Dobe that can't tolerate grains. She did good on that food, but TOTW was cheaper for me in price, I don't have to feed as much, she produces MUCH less stool, and her coat has improved. So, my dogs, none of them, ever have a choice. They eat what I feed them or they don't eat until they're hungry. In 55 years, I've never had a dog that has starved to death. When you have a fussy eater as this, do NOT give the dog ANY treats or ANYTHING in between his scheduled meals. Yes, my other little Poodle mix is a fussy eater, but he has NO choice!

Heathens: In verse 22 of Lokassenna is Odin referring to Loki being "banished to earth as a human woman"

Because is the translations and notes that I've read it's refering to his slinking off to give birth to the monsters.

I have someone argueing with me that Loki was banished to earth as a human woman.....and maybe I've lost it but I don't remember that being *anywhere*. This verse was qouted as "proof" and I was just wondering if I'd lost my mind.

Is this verse "proof" that Loki was banished to earth as a woman, or simple that he slunk of to a cave to have Sliepnir?