Is It Normal To Want To Fight In A War

Is it normal to want to fight in a war?

Don't say consciously anything when it comes to war because you have no idea. You don't know what you're talking about and the reason you want to fight is because you have fantastic notions of grandeur and glory blinding you to what it really is. War is a *****, an evil ***** that seduces young stupid kids like you into it her web because you don't think anything can ever happen to you or you fancy yourself a Rambo.

"Everyone wants to have been in combat, nobody wants to BE in combat".

That analogy is absolutely true...I don't care how gung ho you are, nothing is more terrifying than feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand up after realizing that you've just walked into an ambush. There is nothing glorious about a dieing buddy of yours screaming for his own mother while he lays in his own blood, piss, and feces. There is nothing glorious about vomiting all over yourself after getting hit with an RPG. There is absolutely NO dignity when the dead are bagged into those black or OD green body bags awaiting graves registration to get them evacked back to the states. The movies don't show you that side of combat and most soldiers don't talk about it.

The screams never go away, the smell of death never goes away, and neither does the anger...That wanting to experience "the most primal human behavior" comes at a VERY steep cost...firstly, your youth...and then potentially your life or the lives of your buddies. War is a waste, a tragic'd be wise to understand that and be extremely careful what you wish for.

If you want to know what war is REALLY like email me and I'll clue you in.


Hi my name is Brittany and I am 17 I have 2 little sisters, Ali age 15 and Amanda age 13. They are fighting over me CONSTANTLY!!!! For example if on wants me to go swimming in the pool with her the other wants me to go play volleyball with her!!! To say the least they are constantly pulling me in two opposite directions!!!! When we are at the mall it is a constant FIGHT OVER ME between them, one time I had a pair of short shorts on that I bought at sears and Ali wanted me to help her pick out a pair and at the same time Amanda wanted me to go with her to pick out bathing suits. The stores were in two opposite directions and Ali took me by the hand and pulled me towards Sears and Amanda took my other hand and started pulling me toward her store!!!! They were playing tug of war over me literally and my arms were the rope!!!! It was sooo embarrassing in front of all those people finally Ali won and the tug of war was over BUT now they have been playing tug of war with my arms every time they fight over me instead of arguing and pushing and shoving. I REALLY LIKE THE TUG OF WAR GAMES THEY HAVE WITH ME IT FEELS REALLY GOOD AND I ENCOURAGE IT I AM JUST WONDERING IF MY ARMS WILL BE OK AND IF IT IS NORMAL FOR MY SISTERS TO BE FIGHTING OVER ME SO MUCH????? ALSO DOSE ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCE THE SAME KIND OF TUG OF WAR???? THANKS, BRITTANY (MY POOR ARMS) LOL!!!

Did all of the German soldiers during world war 2 want to fight?

No - just like soldiers on the Allied side many were against the war and fought simply because they`d have been shot if they didn`t.
There are many accounts of German soldiers` reluctance to fight but war was war and sometimes you just have to fight.

Would you want to fight in the next World War? Why or why not?

No. Rather, I don’t want a world war.This post in 9gag put this idea of mine into words perfectlyIt’s just as it says. I do not cheer for a world war. I do not want one and I do not want one to happen in my lifetime or if maybe, everDon’t get me wrong on this part, I want to be a soldier. I’m going to pursue a military career. I intend to enter the USAFA with all my guts and wits together(I’m a foreigner though). If get rejected this year, then next year, until I get in.Being soldier doesn’t mean I want war, I want to kill, or I want to shoot people nor drop bombs to people. I don’t wish for a time where I have to shoot down a chinese plane off the Philippine coast(my homeland) or russian planes in Europe. It’s exactly the opposite. I intend to pursue a military career to avoid exactly these thoughts. I intend to create a path to peace not war.I wish for a peaceful era. I do not support the idea of a world war. I do not wish to fight in one. I wish to avoid fighting in one. If one day I really need to, being a soldier, I will for peace. Not for the unconditional surrender of the other.I want to see walking giant robots or mass space expeditionary fleets 50 years from now, not a sight of ruins with the victors flag waving in it.

Why did French Canadians not want to fight in world war one?

They did not want to fight because they believed that if they could not get freedom at home, why go & fight for it at Europe?

French Canadians at home were seen as traitors, not doing there part for Canada.

Some places in Canada had put a ban on teaching french at schools.

If Singapore goes to war and I don't want to fight it, what options do I have?

Report to your camp and sign in.Go to the canteen/cookhouse and eat your meal entitlement.Go to the Armory/Armskote and sign out your SAR-21 weapon.Now, you have a weapon.This is key. In a civil unrest, civil disaster or war situation, having a weapon gives you options that other people don't have.Steal a uniform of a superior officer. Make sure it has his name tag.At an opportune time, when no one is looking, desert your unit with the weapon. Make sure you don't run, as officers are on the lookout for runners and will shoot you in the back. Instead, sneak away… in the heat of a firefight, preferably at night. Your team would be too busy shooting at enemies to be worried about you.Now, switch into the uniform of the superior officer. Get to a civilian area far from military influence. You are free to loot civilians and commit all sorts of war atrocities.When civilians ask you for your name, make sure to loudly yell out his rank, the name on the officer's uniform, and his NRIC number.

Why did Krishna want Arjuna to fight the Mahabharat war?

Krishna wanted Arjuna to fight the War for two reasons:- Firstly, to uproot Adharma and establish Dharma:- At the outset, it is important to mention that Pandavs resort to war only after all their attempts of arriving at a peaceful settlement with the Kauravas failed. Neither Krishna nor Bhagvad Gita advocates violence as many tend to believe. In fact, Pandavas were willing to accept even five villages but the Kauravas refused to concede even an inch of land. Now, coming back to the question, Krishna declares in Bhagvad Gita that,"Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma."  The Kauravas clearly, represent adharma in Mahabharta as they were treacherous, selfish, jealous, evil and full of hatred towards Pandavas while Pandavas represent Dharma as they were always willing to tread the path of righteousness and uphold Dharma. Thus, to establish Dharma, the Kauravas had to be destroyed and the war had to be fought. Secondly, Krishna wanted Arjuna to fulfill his duty as a Kshatriya (Warrior) as is evident from the following verse, "Besides, considering your duty as a warrior, you should not waver. Indeed, for a warrior, there is no better engagement than fighting for upholding of righteousness."Thus, Krishna struck two birds in one shot by encouraging Arjuna to fight the war as Adharma was destroyed and Arjuna successfully performed his dharma of being a Kshatriya.

Why are italians so bad at fighting wars?

I was reading World war II history and at the end Italy rather than being an allie of Germany, it was becoming more of a chip on their shoulders

I mean for God's sake Italians tried to invade so many third world countries in African and even Greece which at the time was pretty much a big country full of peasants and still came out losing

Italy is the only European country to ever lose a war with a poor African country, in WWII Italian troops tried to invade Ethiopia in the name of Germany and Ethiopia kicked its butt

Why is Italy so lame at fighting?

are they like the second French of europe?

Is it weird that I want to go to war?

It is not odd at all.Firstly, if you are in America or another country with a similar war philosophy, our society and culture rewards and values war. We honor our veterans, give them priveleges(not that either are bad), mainly see war as an adventure, play war games(Even chess is a war game), and even play war as children(Bam you’re dead!). We are indoctrinated to love and want war and to participate in it.Alright, if you aren't part of that kind of society, it's still ok to want war.Secondly, war, large in part, has been a catalyst for change and for glory; both of which we desire as humans. It is hell according to many veterans, but I could not add my personal opinion to that. To seek this glory is natural as a human.Lastly, going to war or in the very least going to serve some external cause is seen in most cultures worldwide as a rite of passage into adulthood. We have been going to war for millennia, and we have been raising our kids to want to go off as a man(not women until recently) and the easiest cause to take up is war.This inclination is completely natural and expected for you to feel. However, I do not support you going to war for these reasons. If you want to go to war, make it for the right reasons at least. The main reason for war that I've seen as valid(others and even yourself may see more and differently) is for defense of self, family and nation. If you want this, join the coast guard or national guard or your nation’s equivalent to defensive forces.