Is It Not Shocking How Many Latin American Parents

If Brazilians are not Hispanic or Latino,then why do they look so much like Hispanics/Latinos?

I'm not sure,I may be wrong,but they may be Mulatto.I'm Puerto Rican, and a Brazilian woman told me that I was not Hispanic or Latino, she said that I was Mulatto,and that right there made me red.How dare she say that Puerto Ricans are a race of Mulattos?
That word applies to Cubans,Dominicans,and some Colombians.
I refuse to believe that are any Puerto Ricans that are Mulatto.

Why are Latinos and Hispanics so confused about their race, (would love a Latinos perspective).?

They usually say I'm not this or that I'm Latino or Hispanic. I saw Jessica Alba shocked at how much European she was like she expected Latino to be a category and she thought that being from Spain meant she would be less white lol.

Maybe it's because they are so Ambiguous looking or they don't identify by race but still it seems like there is a confusion about their actual racial background. Being Latino and Hispanic is not a race, there are four major categories: African, Native American, European, East Asian and then it can be specified from there but still you won't see Latino.

Which is poorer? nicaragua or haiti?

i've lived in nicargua and have family there but ppl aren't poor as they put it on tv. I mean you find a lot of things you would find in the u.s. i was even shocked that my cousins had iphones and blackberry and I don't even have one :(
yeah there are some people that live poor but not like extreme dying conditions. there are hospitals, doctros, and medicine, and pharmacies. I don't get why they say it's worse than haiti
the water in nicaragua is somewhat clean there are many great american schools as well as universities a lot of chain supermarkets and many restaurants.

i mean if they mean it's poor economically beacause of the govermenet then yes it is poor but it cannot be WORSE than haiti as like living status etc..

tell me why you thinnk which one is poorer?