Is It Ok For A Mother To Tell Her Son She Is The Weakest Of All Her Kids And It Has Nothing To Do

Do black mothers disapprove of their sons dating white girls?

There's a guy I'd like to go out with but everytime I see his mother she growls at me and gives me dirty looks. Not to mention she was happy that he broke up with his last girlfriend who was white.

I was raised to not see color, but I feel like I'm going to start a war if I go out with him.

What's your take on the situation?

Help! I have an EVIL STEPMOTHER!!!!!!!?

poor baby- im sorry- but dont worry- things will get better when ur out of the house and older. however, now just make some good friends or go to your school counselor and talk about it. a good friend will always help you

Why do some mothers use the expression "Just wait until your father gets home!", in a threatening way...

Oh YAWN with the tired old "alpha male" tripe lol, get over yourself. You obviously know nothing about children.

If the mother has a weak personality, then certainly the kids will use that to their advantage. If the mother spends the most amount of time with the children then the children are bound to try to manipulate her most. If the roles were reversed and father was home most, then it would be father using empty threats to control the kids.

In any case, people just need to use better parenting skills and deal with situations themselves rather than treating their spouse as the authority. Pushing the responsibility on to the Dad isn't conducive to making the kids respect her authority.

Edit: I wasn't talking to you in the first part of my response. I was responding to "the old dog" because human beings do not follow the "alpha" power hierarchy as chimpanzees and canines do . That is a myth, which lots of men (and some women) like to propagate in order to sustain the illusion of some biological basis for their misogyny. It's tripe. And that's why I said so.

Edit: My apologies, I should have made myself more clear about who my comment was directed to.

Edit: I was talking to the member named "the old dog"...don't you see his comment? LOL I wasn't offended, I wish I would have phrased my answer differently, because I thought you'd know who I was talking to.

It disgusts me how stupid and weak my son is?

I dont know what to do about this. I have twins, a son and daughter both in 6th grade. The daughter is doing great but the son is terrible in school and terrible in sports. No critical thinking or coordination.

I know this sounds harsh but I dont want to raise such a loser of a son. I don't know why he can't be more like his sister. Everytime I come home from work my wife tells my son "to go ask dad about his day"- she thinks this can make us bond. But I'm just disgusted with his short hair and baggy shorts and earring and that dull idiotic expression.

what do I do. I just can't stand it. I work as a fairly successful lawyer and we have a good life but I can't stand raising a son that may very well become a janitor.

Why are today's parents so weak with their kids?

I agree with you 100%. I am a child of your generation too, and seeing the paradigm shift in just a decade is crazy. I mean, back when I was small, teachers, neighbors, relatives and even my mother's friends would reprimand me if I was caught doing something mischevious. Nowadays, kids have no respect for adults, and they think everything in this world is supposed to be handed to them on a platinum platter. Then, when I'm out in public, and I'm firm with my son, you should see the looks I get. It's like people are looking is disbeleif that I tell him NO he cannot have something out of the market. What the hell? When did kids become adults, and decision makers of a household? Hello??? That's why WE are the parents. WE are supposed to be guiding them and giving them instruction so that when they do come to maintain their own household and are out on their own, they will make good decisions and have a good foundation. In my humble opinion, being a big kid instead of their parent is only detrimental to a child. See, these are the people that end up with 11 year olds slapping them in the face and throwing knives at them because they instructed the child to clean her room. It's just a sad, sad world. I totally agree with you.

If both parents have weak eyesight ,is it possible their child will be having poor eyesight?

No ...eye problems have nothing to do with the parents my mum and dad have/had great vision i unfortunately have been partly blind in my left eye since birth and nothing they could do about it..also my brother and his wife have no problems but their daughter does have eye problems and needs surgery soon to fix it