Is It Ok To Feed A Baby Lying Down So Flat

Breastfeeding while lying down, is it okay?
Will lying down to nurse cause ear infections?

By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC

You might hear that breastfeeding your baby in a lying down position will cause ear infections. Research indicates that this is not true. No matter what positioning you use, breastfeeding actually works to decrease the incidence of ear infections.

This myth is one of many that has come from a mistaken application of bottle-feeding information to breastfeeding. There is good evidence that if baby is given a bottle of formula while lying flat, the formula can get into the Eustachian tubes and middle ear and cause an infection. However, there are two problems with applying this fact to breastfeeding: (1) breastmilk and formula are not the same -- breastmilk inhibits the formation of bacteria, while formula encourages bacteria; and (2) breastfeeding and bottle feeding are not the same -- milk does not pool in the mouth when baby is nursing, as as it does when baby drinks from a bottle.

Also, keep in mind that with most nursing positions, baby is lying down while nursing anyway - whether mom is lying down or not!

So don't be afraid to lie down to nurse your baby. Go ahead and get your rest... while you nurse your baby.

Is it bad for a baby drink milk while lying down?

i would give him at least a little incline.
but if he has been doing it that way then its probably fine.
if he chokes pick him up to make sure his airway is as easy to breath as possible.

my wife breast feeds and he chokes almost every time my boy hits the left boob.
just too much flow.
at first i would freak that my little 3 month old was choking but he recovers and gets right back busy again eating.
babies are alot tougher than we give them credit for.

Has anyone heard of feeding a baby solids lying down?

Hi all, one of my cousins has recently started feeding her baby solids, in a real creamy consistency. he is 6 months old. Nothing wrong so far. One day she was over the house and started feeding the baby, but she lied him down like you would hold a baby to give him milk, instead she was feeding him his solid meal for the day. Has anyone heard of using this method? I sure haven't he can sit up by himself, so its not a matter of sitting, they said cause he does the movements that kids his age do like jerking his hands and turning his head thats why they lie him down cause its easier to feed him. I know when i started solids with my daughter she was sitting in a high chair, and no matter how much she moved even if she wore the food i didnt hold her like that. Has anyone done this?

35 weeks pregnant and stomach flat when lying down?

Thank God I'm not the only one!!

This has happened my whole pregnancy and I thought it was weird. My midwife and Dr noticed at my last appointment and made a note of it but then my fundal height was out by 3 weeks so they sent me for an ultrasound. Babies measurements were fine and perfectly normal via ultrasound.

Anyway I did some poking around on the net and discovered babies can measure smaller depending on the way they are laying. And I know my little one prefers to lay on my right side all tucked up, so when I lay down my bump nearly completely disappears.
Funnily enough I noticed this morning he has moved and is now laying in the middle of my belly so I now have a bump when I lay down! I have no idea if he'll stay where he is or go back to laying sideways. Oh well we'll just have to see hey.

Oh and I'm 30 weeks if that helps :-)

Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy honey ;-)

How can I get my baby to sleep in her crib?

My daughter is 4 months old now. When I first brought her home she did sleep in the bassinet for a little but then she started having acid reflux and up chuckin her food so I moved her to the baby swing where she was laying completely flat. Now everytime I try to put her in her new crib she fusses yeah she may sleep awhile but she’ll wake up and not go back to sleep till she’s back in her baby bed swing