Is It Ok To Give An One Year Old Benadryl At Night

Is it okay to give my one year old benadryl for a cold?

I had the same question about my one year old. I asked the pharmacist and they said it was fine to give her benadryl if I felt like it would help. She also told me though that usually it doesn't work on cold and flu symptoms it is strictly for allergies and it would probably be non effective. It helped a little bit, but not enough to make it worth forcing medicine down her throat. I actually use saline drops or if you don't have any put a small amount of salt in a cup of water, like less than half a teaspoon and suck it up with the blue sucker bulb they give you at the hospital and gently squirt it up his nose. It dries out the mucus and allows them to breath more easily. As for a cough now that he is a year old he can have honey because botulism is not as big of a concern any more and it works wonders for a cough. I've gone through several jars of honey this cold and flu season between both of my kids. ;) good luck to you.

Is it bad to take Benadryl EVERY night?

I wouldnt say it is "bad' but I think that you really need to consider going to an allergist and possibly getting some allergy shots to help with for what you are allergic to. You dont want to take meds if you dont have to -right? and if you can be treated by allergy injections. The hasslejust might be worth it BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE ANSWERS AS TO WHAT YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO AND MIGHT FEEL BETTER!

I WAS EXTREMELY allergic to Bees, and I have been taking shots for 40 yrs, but I got stung and had a reaction, but not like i did when i was 10 yrs old where my throat closed off and i swelled like a goodyear blimp-lol

One thing-about the thought of Natural remedies.. You dont know what you are allergic to totally and if you are not careful you can end up in the hospital being allergic to something.
DO yourself a favor- Find out first... for your own peace of mind. Then if the dr says OK- sure -natural is wise then and -- do it if that is what you rather.

I dont really know the answer to this question, but I bet a Dr would :)

HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON and can get off any and all meds and get some relief!

Giving a 2 year old Benadryl?

My parents want to take my son camping and he doesn't sleep well at all when they take him so my mom heard from a few people to try Benadryl to help him sleep at night. So we bought some I wanted to try it before they actually went to make sure it didn't give him the opposite effect and make him hyper. SO I was reading the box and it says only to give to children 6 years and up. So I read online a few people saying to just give 1/4 teaspoon, but I still don't feel comfortable with that and my mom is acting mad at me and saying "Fine ill just be up with him all night long again!!" So I don't know what to do. Has anyone tried to give it to a child around the age of 2? I know it wont kill him, I just feel kinda wrong about it.
What are your thoughts?
My mom also said that my son would appreciate it so he can get some sleep also, which I agree with, but is it safe?

Can you give a child Melatonin and Benadryl?

Not at the same time, since they both induce drowsiness (sedation) and lethargy. You don't want to depress the respiratory status and induce hypothermia. They both sell over the counter (without prescription), but it doesn't mean that they're not powerful drugs. Always ask the primary care provider about taking OTC medications.Melatonin has been used (Non-FDA Labeled) for: Cancer, Jet lag, Toxicity of drug (acetaminophen overdose), Chemotherapy.Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a neurohormone produced by pinealocytes in the pineal gland during the dark hours of the day-night cycle. Prolonged administration of oral melatonin has reportedly induced phase-setting effects on circadian rhythms, such as the sleep-wake cycle and rest-activity. The hormone has been reported to produce reentrainment of circadian rhythms after time zone shifts, and entrainment of previously free-running rhythms in the blind. In vitro and animal studies have reported that melatonin is capable of inducing direct cytostatic actions on some human cancer cell lines, stimulating host immune responses, and inhibiting release of somatomedin-C.Benadryl (DiphenhydrAMINE hydrochloride) acts as an antihistamine by competing with histamine for receptor sites on effector cells.Overdose:MILD TO MODERATE POISONING: Somnolence, anticholinergic effects (mydriasis, flushing, fever, dry mouth, urinary retention, decreased bowel sounds), tachycardia, mild hypertension, nausea and vomiting are common after overdose. Agitation, confusion and hallucinations may develop with moderate poisoning. SEVERE POISONING: Severe effects may include delirium, psychosis, seizures, coma, hypotension, QRS widening, and ventricular dysrhythmias, including torsades de pointe, but are generally only reported in adults after ingestions of one gram or more of diphenhydrAMINE. Rhabdomyolysis and renal failure may rarely develop in patients with prolonged agitation, coma or seizures.ADVERSE EFFECTS: Mild sedation, dizziness, impaired coordination, and mild anticholinergic effects are common, paradoxical excitation develops in some patients.(Micromedex App)

Can i give my 10 week old puppy benadryl before it goes in its kennel at night?

we got a new puppy and when its time for bed we put him in a crate. he whines like crazy if ur not there and barks as loud as he can. he keeps us up all night, and its annoying because we cant go get him or hell learn to whine when he wants something when hes older. so can we give him benadryl to put him to sleep so we arent being kept up all night? oh and btw hes a yellow lab about 15 lbs and almost 10 weeks old

Can my 3 yr old have Claritin & Benadryl?

Your 3 year old can have both Benedryl and Claritin but you should discuss dosage with your pediatrician. It sounds like your 3 year old has something else brewing other then Allergies since allergies do not typically have a fever assosciated with them. I would be consistent with encouraging your 3 year old to wash her hands frequently and if you need to make a game of it to make it fun and not another rule she must follow. I would invest in Lysol products to decrease germs and I would limit playtime between your 11 week old and their older sib.

I hope your child gets well soon....lots of juice and love from Mom and Dad.

Can you take Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night?

yes. you can if you need it to control your symptoms. You usually are told to not take Benadryl (dyphenlyhydramine) during the day as it makes MOST people drowsy. Claritin can make you sleepy but not as much as Benadryl.

Can I take Claritin in the daytime and Benadryl at night?

Although it is not recommended, you can take them together in recommended dosages if you have really bad allergies. Both type of pills exhibit some anticholinergic effects so there might be some dry mouth, constipation side effects if you heavy dose on any one of the medications.Another thing I would watch out for is that these two medications also dries up your mucus membrane. In dry and warm conditions, you might get dry nose and nose bleeds.

Can I take Benadryl for Cold symptoms?

Funny you should ask. I just had the same question regarding Claratin. The hype on the package is only about allergies. Well, I have a cold and took Claratin anyway. The first night, it didn't seem to help a bit, but I kept taking them and also Guifesinen 400 mg to thin mucas and today on day 3 of my cold, I am feeling pretty good, as long as I keep taking both meds. So, yes I believe Claratin and very likely Benadyl will help with cold symptoms. Regarding tasting food, I have allergies and have no taste problems. But taste is 3/4 smell and if your nose is plugged, there goes the smell and the taste.

Can I take Allegra in the morning and Benadryl at night?

Allegra is a long acting preventative medication, meaning it is designed to keep your body from releasing the chemicals that cause allergic reactions; whereas, benadryl is a short term fast acting medication designed to block already released chemicals from essentially attacking your body. These medications are not typically contraindicated and can be safely taken together in most instances so taking one at night and another in the morning shouldn't cause any problems provided you are following each medications individual dosage instructions and don't have any underlying health conditions or daily medications that could interfere with the medications' effectiveness. To be 100% safe please ask your doctor or call a 24hour nurse line as they are the best qualified to answer questions such as this