Is It Possible For A Canker Sore To Appear On The Outside Of Your Lip

Canker sore on lip. is it possible?

OK. here i go. i usually get a lot of canker sores because i bite my cheek, i have braces that rip it up, i have OAS(oral allergy syndrome, i cant eat like any fruit), and i get em a lot in the winter cause it gets to the 0 up here. most of them happen inside(i have about 3 of them now in my mouth). but one and a while they are like on the lip on the sides where the mouth closes, im guessing because im not that good at takeing care of my mouth and stuff. okay. plus whenever it is cold, they will get near the outside of the lips but still inside kinda. i can tell right away that there canker sores tho(cause i have seen so many). also i have begun a habit of biting my lip. there is the background story.
so i was walking with my cousin like all day Saturday and it was freezing, close to the 20's and 30's so that is one thing that causes it on the lips. then we walked to a football game where we played some football, and i got pretty beat up in it, i think a weakened immune system also causes it so i guess that's one too. the one thing that i thought probably if anything caused it is that me and my cousin tried a double piggyback ride. it didn't work, and the bottom guy hit my lip and teeth so hard that i actually got knocked out for 2 minutes, my lip is about 4 times bigger than usual and all my teeth are loose and my mouth is all cut up. with all this happening, you think its possible for a canker sore to form or maybe just a cut and its healing up, it came in two canker sores this time which is a bit weird. i know that a canker sore resembles a cold sore on the outer part of the lip cause the filmy skin over it drys out. so here it is. i know, i am a bit of a hypochondriac. i just don't get it on the lips much and its pretty far out this time and its scaring me a bit.

Abreva and canker sore on the lip?

My job is so boring. I just sit and do nothing for hours until a customer shows up and then I make sure they're who they are and send them through so I have a lot of time where I twiddle my fingers and unfortunately I bite my lip (eh, it pays well and has benefits so it's ok for now...). Sometimes the inside but then I start biting the inner edge of my lip and then I bite further right on the lip. I'm very prone to canker sores usually when stressed. Since this one is not in my mouth I've been using Abreva on it. I have no idea if it will work but it does a good job of numbing the area. I know that stuff is for cold sores but if I don't put it on there I end up biting it more. So will it help heal it other than keeping me from biting it? Could it create a sterile environment on the area where applied to keep bacteria and such off of it? I did research and they said canker sores aren't cold sores (DUH!) and said nothing about it. Most canker sores are found inside the mouth so I'm guessing that's why there's no info since you shouldn't ingest Abreva. Anyone have experience with Abreva and these canker sores?


How does a cut on the lip turn into a canker sore and why don’t all lip cuts become canker sores?

Canker sores are called mouth ulcers in the UK, and this describes them quite well. It is a small, usually circular area found inside the mouth which is raised and sore, with a depressed area at the centre. Although mostly found where damage has occurred (eg. by biting your cheek accidentally, or a burn from food that is too hot, acidic or spicy) , they can also be caused by low immunity, whether from stress, deficiencies or autoimmune conditions.If there wasn’t a previous injury at the site of the sore, it’s wise to consider whether one of the other causes is possible. This is particularly relevant if you suffer from them frequently, which would strongly indicate a likely underlying condition which needs to be dealt with.Although a canker sore will mostly go away by itself in a couple of days, you can help by dabbing with pure honey (and then carefully not licking it off!) as often as needed. This will help to keep it free from infection so that it can heal quickly.

What are canker sores?

Canker sores, also known as mouth ulcers or aphthous ulcers are painful lesions inside the mouth. They appear as shallow ulcers that appear on the gums, and these can make talking or eating uncomfortable. Though these lesions are small and may cause discomfort, they go away on their own and are not life-threatening.There are two types of canker sores or mouth ulcers – simple (minor), complex (major) and herpetiform. Simple canker sores appear inside the mouth for about three to four times a year. They can last for up to one week and appear in people who are between the ages of 10 and 20 years old. On the other hand, complex canker sores are less common. However, they appear on individuals who have had them in the past. Herpetiform canker sores are not common and develop later in life. The painful and round canker sores can show up on the inside of the lips, on the tongue, base of the gums, inside the cheeks and the palate.However, despite its name, this condition is not caused by the herpes virus.

Oral Herpes or Canker Sores?

Canker sores are usually raised white lesions that occur on the inside of the mouth. They usually cause some itching and a bit of burning when they break out.
Cold sores usually occur on the out side of the mouth on and or around the lips in blisters or open paper cut like sores. They usually come with symptoms like itching, burning and or tingling around the time a break out happens.
Since this sore is on the inside of the mouth and it's white then I would say it's a canker sore. Canker sores are not oral herpes they are different from oral herpes. Some people think that canker sores are genetic, if one of your parents had them canker sores could have come from them. Also cold sores can be passed on during child hood by being kissed by some one that has cold sores. You could have had an out break when you were very young then never had another.
If you really want to know you can see a doctor and have them test you for oral herpes.

Are canker sores contagious?

In a nutshell, canker sores are painful ulcers, or open sores, on the inner membranes of the mouth and cheek that can resemble pimples on the tongue. Canker sores are not considered to be contagious and are of uncertain origin.

Cold sores, on the other hand, are small red blisters that generally affect the mouth and facial areas, but usually appear on the lip and outer edge of the mouth. In contrast to canker sores, cold sores are extremely contagious and are most often caused by the Herpes Simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). More importantly, when oral herpes lesions and/or its contents come into direct contact with the genital area through oral-genital sex, genital herpes most likely will develop.

Although it is more likely that the sores that develop in your mouth will be canker sores, unless you are absolutely certain, you may not be able to tell the difference between a canker sore and a cold sore by sight. In that case, treat your sore as though it were a cold sore — that it is infected with herpes and contagious. It is recommended that the partner with the cold sore(s) abstain from having oral-genital sex with an uninfected partner until the sores have completely healed. However, refraining may not always be possible, so you and your partner need to use safer sex methods every time you have oral-genital sex (i.e., use an unlubed latex condom, dam, or other barrier that completely covers the areas of the cold sores to help prevent the transmission of the herpes virus).

If you have a cold sore and put your mouth on a partner's genitals (oral sex), the partner can be infected with genital herpes.

So it is possible to transfer the different virus types to other areas of the body.

HSV-1 (or cold sores) can be transferred to the genitals through oral sex. In the same way, HSV-2 (or genital herpes) can be transferred to the mouth.