Is It Possible For The Human Race To Overcome Hatred

How do I overcome my hatred towards men?

I know where it stems from. All my life up to maybe 16, I was regarded as the smart girl. I was 165 pounds, glasses, braces, acne, jeans and a tee, no makeup. Boys didn't ever like me or talk to me -- unless of course they needed the answers to an exam. Then at 16, I slimmed down to 120, got the braces and glasses off, fixed myself up all the time, heels, makeup, etc. Lo and behold, I started getting asked out all the time. Up to this day, I consider it odd if I don't get hit on five times in a day.

But I don't give any of them a chance. Sure, I will date or go into a relationship, but I don't allow myself to put emotions into it. Because I know these men would never have asked me out in my prior state. And they tell me I'm funny and smart in addition to pretty, but that's how I was before and nobody took the time to see it.

What I will do sometimes, especially with the really good looking ones, is make them fall madly in love with me and then dump them. Just recently a man ordered a $1000 engagement ring for me and I broke it off the next day. I had a good laugh about it. But I don't hate all men -- I have several close male friends (might be interesting to note they would not be considered good looking -- I just don't trust the handsome ones) and prefer their company to females, of which I don't have many friends. I know this is no way to live. Am I so deluded that only therapy will help?

I hate the human race. The more I get to know them, the more I hate them. The more I interact with them, the more I hate them. Is there a way to solve this problem?

People will tell you to learn patience, tolerance, and acceptance.  From the brief statement you made, I am gathering that isn't a realistic approach for you.  So might I suggest some possible coping mechanisms that you might find easier to accept and follow.Find humour in all that humans do. Sure they can be ignorant, oblivious, and seem to have the attention span of a goldfish, but instead of letting it bother you, laugh instead.  Understand the cruel irony of being the dominate species on the planet and up the food chain and realise that not only will they likely not survive the next mass extinction, but likely cause it.Understand that most people merely exist and that few truly live.  The best way to truly live is to find your passion and go for it.  You will likely attract like-minded individuals who will help you realise not all humans are dreadful.Like attracts like, so being an angry and hateful individual will attract the same around your life.  So it might be the case that unknowingly and subconsciously you have unwittingly attracted the worst in the human race to surround you.If all this fails to give you insight, move to a less populated part of the world.  This might be hard seeing as the human population has grown from 2 billion humans in 1927 to what will be 8 billion humans in less than eight years from now.  But take the challenge and find ways to find the best and brightest and go for quality over quantity when it comes to surrounding yourself by human beings.Oh, and by all means stop watching the news. NEWS stands for Negative Entertainment With Sensationalism.  I stopped watching the news and only read the news now via the Internet.  It has made me much happier since 99.99% of what is reported actually doesn't affect me like they say it should. It is unnecessary drama paid for by the 0.01% to make sure the other 99.99% are too occupied and distracted to notice they are getting shafted.

Why does love overcome hate? How does love win when there is so much hate out there?

I'm a nice person, but my views aren't exactly the same as everyone elses. Fortunately, everyone here is understanding and accepting, right?

I wish love could overcome hate, and sometimes it truly does. Sadly, hate trumps love too often. I like to think that people are good and they have to learn evil, but in order for that to be true then some must be evil and need to be taught good.

Hatred and bigotry seem to reign because good people stand by doing nothing (I think that's a quote somewhere). For love to win out eternally EVERYONE would need to accept a higher power into their lives - preferably a higher power that accepts love over hate (Like God, or the true Allah, or Buddah, or whatever). The only other option would be for everyone to have their own positive morals and to stick to them.

Sadly, I've lost hope that this will ever happen. In my life, Love WILL conquer Hate but in the rest of the world? Well, no promises...

How can the human race survive the next hundred years?

Political and social chaos has been with us for a very long time. Given the revolutions of the past and present, class warfare, and scheming of those seeking power, the human race has shown a remarkable resilience and managed to survive thus far.

The new factors in the equation of the balance of mankind and the rest of nature are the technological advances that have changed how political and social chaos can develop, and the advances in industry that have the potential to inflict serious environmental alterations. Threats of nuclear war, biological catastrophe, and climate change now bring into question as to how humanity can continue to survive.

Personally, I think that with the growth of true threats to survival, there has been growth of human ingenuity as well. We have yet to release a Frankenstein's monster of technology upon the world. Despite the stockpiles of nuclear weapons, there has been no global warfare. Medical research is in a renaissance of advance. Climate change remains a concern, but I believe that we are an adaptable species, as we have adapted before and will again.

The larger question is how will humanity survive, which is what is asked. It's very likely that the resources of today may no longer be available in a century. But consider the resources available today that were not available a century before. As stated before, we are an adaptable species, and when one window of resources closes, it's likely that other windows will be openable.

Of course, the speed that everything progresses at has increased. Will we be able to adapt in time? Perhaps not for a lot of us, but consider that in the 14th century, the Black Death wiped out over a third of Europe's population. Yet Europe survived and prospered. We may again have a catastophe that has similarly devestating effects, but I feel confident that after the catastrophe, humankind will prosper.

Why do I place this faith in humanity? Because I must. Without the belief that we will continue to grow and overcome the pains of social chaos as we mature as a species, we might as well not have any faith at all. I'm not talking religion (although that may or may not be a part in its current forms), but simply the same belief that we will survive just as much as the sun will rise the next day.

Why do I hate humans so much?

You don't elaborate!Do you hate those that hurt or offend you or are of different beliefs and culture? If you hate mankind all mankind than you have psychological trauma or disease which requires professional help. Do you know live at all? Love if family or country or for a lover? You are probably cruel, and express anger or violence, which are hallmarks of hate.Face your illness, get religion, get psychological treatment and do not hate for children, animals and the elderly are innocent yet hated by some because they are vulnerable.There are some good souls on this earth, they will give you money and food and comfort because they learned about love.Learn about love, and your heart will rejoice.