Is It Possible Headaches Are Contagious

Are headaches contagious?

One night my mom had a headache and then my sister got a headache then I got a headache. We were all in the same room. So I just want to know if headaches are contagious

Are headaches contagious?

My head hurts now.

What would have happened if headache was contagious?

It would be terrible. Many people like me have a migraine, or a really bad headache. I cannot even look at light, and just sleep throughout the day. More than 4 million adults face just migraines a day. There are even other types of headaches, like cluster headaches, bandlike headaches, or the sinus headache; which one suffers during a cold. People would seriously lack productivity. But it also depends, whether it is transmitted by air, water or contact.

Are headaches contagious? I'm really starting to think they are.?

If it's other family members within the same household, the heachaches could be caused by a slow leak of carbon monoxide somewhere in the house. Are your detectors working? Do you have one? Get one.

Are migraines contagious?

I have a horrible headache and someone in my class has migraines and she comes like one day a week and i mightve gotten it maybe but i ate some chinese food so idk