Is It Possible To Get Visibly Fatter After A Weekend

Can you see visible results after 3 weeks in the gym?

I think 3-4 weeks are good windows to check for progress if you exercise and diet correctly. You have to commit and work hard. If you're doing it blindly, then you may not be working out and eating effectively.The answer to your question depends entirely upon your unique circumstances. What's your starting point - age, gender, current fitness level, weight, body fat %? How are you spending time at the gym and what exercises are you doing? Most importantly, what results are you looking for?For me, the answer is yes. Personally, I can just barely see some progress after 3 weeks. I consider myself a bit above average Joe. I'm a little fitness wise, but I do fluctuate between being very good and very bad. At 36, my health stats are all within a good range. I fit in 3 to 4 rigorous workouts a week. Right now, I'm trying to reduce some unwanted fat gain from too many summer barbecues. It's been a few weeks and I'm seeing a little reduction in my waist area and better muscle definition and growth in my chest. More important than what I can see is what I can feel. I feel more energetic, more powerful, more flexible and more agile. I sleep like a monster, too.It's about time for me to start a few weeks of a 5x5 routine of deadlifts, benches, squats, barbell rows and overhead presses. Once I start this, my goal is not fat loss, but rather strength gains. I know and expect to see results pretty quickly, too. Within 3 weeks, I should see some good gains.By the way - I don't believe in bulking and cutting. I believe in slow, clean gains. I believe in rotating workout routines. I believe in compound body exercises. I don't believing in isolating body parts.I'm also not perfect following my own advice. However, I consciously try to make up for every misstep I take instead of making excuses.

Is it possible to get visibly fatter after a weekend?

Might be if one is bloated. That could disappear with good eating habits within a week. Mainly homemade food without added salt. Low on the saturated fat and soda pop. I don't know about 5 kg if that is the fact, but for a reduction of 1.5", good eating and walking plus fiber in the diet will reduce that puffiness that is bloat. The key is to stick with it. It it doesn't improve with normal means, the individual should call the doctor if there is water retention that doesn't dissipate.

Can you gain fat in a week?

Just eat around the clock. As often as possible, spike your insulin. Any time you decrease your fasting period to less than 12 hours per day (half the day, whodathunkit?) you put your body in fat storage mode. If you want to gain fat, reduce the amount of time you go between insulin spikes. Better yet, hook yourself up to a wide-open large-bore IV of glucose, and you’ll get very fat, very quickly.The inverse of this is, of course, avoid insulin/carbohydrate. Eat as seldom as possible and you’ll lose fat mass. Simpler than we’ve been led to believe, ya?

Is it possible to gain noticeable weight in a week or two?

Is it possible to gain noticeable weight in a week or two?Possible? Oh hell yes!I’ve seen in myself in working as a healthy eating Consultant- sometimes over Christmas people decide all plans of healthy eating are gong to go out of the window. Full fat, sugar, excess and alcohol bring-it-all-on style, for which I’ve seen 9–14lbs gain IN ONE WEEK! (As a general rule between 7–14lb equates a dress size!)I did it myself on a lazy weekend which I knew I’d be lazing all weekend with all the high fat, calorie excess and added alcohol - I gained 6lbs over 3 days!However, I’ve also found that such rapid weight gain also tends to be equally rapidly lost if you pull yourself back and focus again immediately on only healthy eating (and stick to it) as soon as possible.Unless it’s for some sporting regulation or event, I’m not even sure why anyone would want to have such a rapid and visual weight gain, but yes, it can be and is regularly done!

Can you recover from anorexia without gaining visible weight?

What I think you're asking is: can you recover from anorexia while staying at an articifially low weight? (in other words: is it possible to continue to look anorexic without being anorexic?)No, this is not possible, because:The mindframe behind aiming for something like this will prevent recovery. You can't fully recover if you let your appearance at recovery dictate the progress of your recovery. That is still very much an anorexic way of operating, and you need to detach yourself from it to make progress and get healthy- physically and mentally. If you're at a very low weight your body (including your brain) probably isn't functioning the way it should. So, to recover you'll need to get to a weight where you're healthy--which means, for most people, looking visibly larger ("visible weight" as you say). You'll need to accept these changes to recover-- you may not like them at first, but you have to be open to them. Part of recovery is fighting the urge to allow anorexia to dictate your recovery. I've thought about questions like this in the past. You're not alone (assuming you're asking this question for yourself). Of course weight and appearance will be on your mind, and that anorexic voice will try to goad you into ditching recovery, but you've got to ignore it as much as you can and just focus on health (mental and physical) until the voice eventually gets low enough to ignore. Stay strong! Recovery is hard but it's not impossible. You can do it :)

Why do I look fatter after working out? Does my body get swollen?

The only time you should judge your physique is at the morning, after a good night’s fast. If you do it in the evening where you’ve had bunch of food throughout the day, you are stuffed and bloated. Before you to go bed and during the sleep you fast for some hours, which leads to your stomach being flat, the glycogen thus water going where it needs to go and so on.So, make sure your last meal does not consist of many carbohydrates, preferably have a low-carb day, and eat at least 2–4 hours before going to the bed. In the morning do what you need on the toilet and weight yourself along with judging your physique.

Why is it that I look fatter when im on my period?

It's water retention, or what is commonly called bloat. You don't just look bigger, you probably -are- bigger. Try taking some Midol which can help with the bloating feeling.

Is it normal to look a lot fatter after eating?

The list of foods below commonly causes bloating in many people.

1. Raffinose - a sugar found in beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, other vegetables and whole grains. Eaten raw, these foods cause more bloating than when they are cooked.

2. Lactose - a natural sugar found mainly in milk and milk products, such as cheese, cream, yoghurt and ice cream. Lactose levels are much higher in milk and non-fat milk than in cheese and yogurt. Lactose is commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Fructose - a sugar found in fruits and honey. It’s also used as a sweetener in some soft drinks, fruit drinks and processed foods. Fructose is also considered to be an important contributing factor to irritable bowel syndrome for many people.

4. Sorbitol - a sugar found naturally in fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, and prunes, and is also used as an artificial sweetener in many dietetic foods and sugar-free candies and gums.

5. Starches - most starches, including potatoes, corn, rice, bread, noodles and any products made from flour produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine.

6. Wheat – in particular, wheat appears to be a major source of bloating and gas. Most people find that if they eliminate wheat and flour products, their bloating nearly always improves.

7. Soluble fibre – this type of fibre dissolves easily in water and takes on a soft, gel-like texture in the intestines. It’s found in oat bran, beans, peas and most fruits.

8. Insoluble fiber – this type of fibre doesn’t dissolve in water and passes unchanged through the intestines and therefore produces less gas than soluble fibre. It is found in wheat bran and most fruit and vegetable skins.

9. Legumes commonly cause bloating and gas due to their complex structure of starch and protein. Soaking and cooking legumes well helps to reduce bloating.

Can i ever look thin, even if i have been fat my whole life?

It is true that bones change to support the stress of extra weight. They also change in response to excercise, growth, and lots of other factors. Bone is living tissue and constantly reworks itself according to your body's current needs. But they do not grow visibly larger in a way that people would be able to tell from outside your body.

It is entirely possible for you to get into shape and look much more trim. Being heavy in the past may affect how your body stores fat and may leave you with some bulgy skin, but being so young will go a long way towards helping your body recover even those problems. You are not permanently stuck as a fat person.

Keep in mind that other 14 year olds don't neccessarily know more than you do. When they tell you things that sound incredibly strange and insist that they are true without any proof, be skeptical.

Bloating in legs before period?

i know im going to get my period... it my 1st year and my schedule still messed up but ive been getting cramps so i know its coming... i know imk bloated, but can i get bloated in my thighs? I swear, my legs are like 2 inches fatter from last week! or is there something wrong? ive been running lately too