Is It Possible To Slip Someone Enough Benedryl To Make Them Unconscious

How many sleeping pills does it take to make someone unconcious?

Hi.Hope this solution will not be used otherwise, except medically required.Even a 0.25 Mg tablet could make a person to fall asleep. However, consuming more than 0.25 Mg to 0.5 (as medically prescribed) may lead to Nausea, diarreha, chest pain, vomiting, heart burning etc.

What drugs can I take to make me unconscious for hours?

Anesthesia works pretty well.But it brings you near to the point of death, while an anesthesiologist monitors you to ensure that you don’t slip to the other side.Not too many drugs will knock you out cold.Many will make you not remember hours, or even days of your life, but not knock you out entirely.Chloroform is relatively simple to synthesize and fairly cheap to purchase. Self-dosing is nearly impossible.It’s a curious question as to why someone would wish to be unconscious for hours. Insurance scam, tax evasion, inability to sleep, or maybe, just maybe, you’re being hunted by the Mexican drug cartel for those kilos that went “missing” during the drive across the border. Now you don’t know what to do. Where to turn. How long can you run, hide. But what if… can make them think you’re already dead…*Bum bum bummm*

Will sleeping pills keep a person unconscious?

(sorry i said rufilin before... but this is the proper thing.)


is the most common thing used in this scenario.

it's also the "date rape drugs" knocks a person (a girl usually) unconscious long enough, for another person (usually a guy) to do whatever they want while they're unconscious...and they wake up not remembering anything about what happened.

Chloroform will also knock out a person for several hours and cause them to wake up very shaky with a headache...but this must be inhaled.

so i would use roofies for the story

or perhaps a "slipping them a mickey" (chloral hydrate) is slipped into drinks to knock a person out as well.

the only reason why i haven't talked about sleeping pills is that they are never a guarantee. I for one, have a high resistance to sleeping pills, including ambien, and it takes along time for me to actually fall asleep. perhaps a character in your book would be the same way, i don't know.

sleeping really only makes people ready to fall asleep, they don't fully sedate them like the above mentioned drugs would.

What would happen if you took 250,000 mg of Tylenol, 162,500 mg of Aspirin and 2,400 mg of Benadryl at once?

To begin with, I'd be really surprised if you didn't choke to death. That's more than 14.5 ounces of pills, all told. It'd take a pretty special person to swallow all that, complete with enough water (heck, might as well use lab-grade methanol or gasoline) to wash the pills down.The next thing that would happen is... your body would begin attempting to digest & absorb the first few pills. It would very rapidly discover your massive overload and begin the vomiting process. You'd puke pills everywhere, and every time it happened you'd regret having wasted so many pills - most of them wouldn't even begin to digest.If someone discovered you, you'd be rushed to an emergency room where they'd commence pumping the rest of the indigested pills out of your stomach through a big fat plastic tube that would really hurt your throat. They might also force laxatives to move any post-stomach contents out the back end at a high rate, along with lots of saline to help wash it through.Regardless of all their diligent effort, most of which would be intensely uncomfortable and indelicate, they might not be able to save you from a really ugly and painful death.If nobody discovered you, you'd go into painful convulsions and your heart rate and blood pressure would skyrocket. I guarantee that you would die a most unpleasant and messy death.Really. If you feel like you must commit suicide, there are lots of easier, more efficient, cleaner, less painful, less ugly, and less expensive ways to go about it than consuming a huge pile of aspirin, acetaminophen, and diphenhydramine pills.EDIT: Ahem. If, on the other hand, you were wondering what would happen if you stole ("took" in another sense) that many pills... you'd probably get caught and prosecuted for shoplifting. Maybe. That's only about 500 extra-strength Tylenol and 250 regular-strength aspirin and ... I'm not sure of the typical dose of Benadryl. That's easy enough to drop into your pocket....or if you simply moved out of an apartment and "took" them with you, nobody would even notice. No harm, no foul.

How many sleeping pills can cause death? How does it happen?

Ok, Anonymous, I have seen several variations of this question in the last 24 hours. In fact, I fell asleep ruminating on why you keep asking.There are a few reasons you might want to know the answer. Let's start with the most innocuous— You are writing some sort of story. You would like to kill off your character and need to know how much sleeping medication will do the job. First, you need to be specific. Are you killing him off with zolpidem? Phenobarb? Diphenhydramine? Benzodiazepates? You need to be more specific.Maybe you are asking because you cannot sleep, and the recommended dosage is not helping you. In that case, I would advise speaking with your doctor and seeing if you can try a different medication. Don't just take more of the same.Lastly, you could be trying to kill someone. Most likely yourself. If so, please note three things:Overdosing on medication-- any medication-- is not a good idea. You may die, or you may end up very much alive, but permanently impaired. It is a crapshoot. Depending on factors you cannot control, such as your body's reaction to the medication, vomiting, allergy…there is no way to know.There is no absolute toxic level for most medications. This is why you see accidental deaths (Google Heath Ledger or Anna Nicole Smith, or simply “accidental deaths sleeping pills” ) from varying doses of medication. Yes, undoubtedly a toxic level exists, but due to unforseen factors (see Point 1), you don't know if one tablet or 50 tablets is your absolute toxic level.I, and I am sure I speak for the vast majority of Quorans, am not going to help you kill yourself. If you are suicidal, please get help. Whatever is going on in your life, there is a solution. I know that is hard to believe, but I have been there too many times and I can assure you: it will work out. Really. There is no reason to throw away your life, even if you don't value it. Please, reach out.

If you fall asleep in the bath, will you drown or will you wake up?

This happened to my brother-in-law. He was a junior doctor working stupid hours and fell asleep in the bath. He’s a tall guy and presumably the bath was short so he had his knees bent and he just slid under the water.He told me he woke up straight away opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the bathroom all shimmery as he was looking up through the bath water.You apparently don’t drown or even ingest any water. There is a reflex that stops you breathing as soon as you go under water.I presume that’s similar to the one that means babies don’t drown if their heads go under water even though they don’t understand what holding their breath means. And maybe that’s the same thing that I find when snorkelling. I always find that it feels more difficult to breathe, not when my mouth and nose go under water but when my eyes go under!

What pills can make you pass out?

That is a loaded question because your tolerance greatly affects that also to say pass out, some people mean to get sedated well and some mean in a dangerous way. I will address both. Any sedative can do either. Most people who get prescribed a benzodiapene drug that aren't used to them can get sleepy enough to stay asleep for hours. I see alot of Ambien prescribed and it does the trick too but it is an hallucinanogen so if you wake up on it you might do things you don't remember. My father in law was woke by an animal in the shed and he got up and took his pants off and got a gun and unloaded it to go out and protect us. It was holiday time and children were visiting and it was the funniest thing they had seen but they didn't see the danger I did. He owns guns so for him to have had one being confused was very dangerous. Now to pass out for other reasons is usually a drug reaction and believe it or not I have seen more of that with anti histamine drugs taken with something contradictory to them and it affects the ability to breathe normally. Some people think if you can buy it over the counter it is safe but tolerance and any allergies you might have greatly affect this reason. Narcotic pain relievers and sedatives are more likely to knock you out. If you care to be a little more specific about passing out I will give a more specific answer. It has been my experience people are talking about something strong that will keep you down when they say this but passing out as a medical term usually means unwanted