Is It Selfish To Not Want Kids When You Get Married

Is it selfish to not want kids?

I never have liked kids and don't want any. I just never saw what was so great about having a person and raising one. to me kids are just people like anyone else nothing so special about them when they are related to you. If I don't carry on my blood line I really don't care either Everyone tells me if thats what makes you happy do that but i know some people feel its selfish. I was just wondering what eveyone else thinks

Is it selfish not to get married and have kids?

There's nothing wrong with not wanting marriage and/or kids. Obviously you should be up front about it with your romantic partners, since leading people on is a pretty crappy thing to do. But marriage and kids aren't for everyone. If they're not for you, you shouldn't participate.

As for selfishness, any choice you make about marriage and kids can be seen as selfish. Either way, you're making those decisions FOR YOU. Someone is always going to have a problem with your choices. For example:

Getting married? Your wedding is selfish. How dare you spend money and celebrate your love!

Not getting married? Denying your family a wedding and new in-law is selfish.

Having kids? You're selfishly contributing to overpopulation.

Not having kids? You're selfishly denying your parents their god given right to grandchildren.

Nobody wins in the wedding/baby wars. Nobody. You might as well please yourself.

HOW is it /SELFISH/ to not want to have babies?

I'm a 19 young woman and artist. I'm currently in college to become an elementary teacher. I actually really like children! (as is obvious by my career path)
I DONT EVER, EVER want any of my own.
- I personally find the idea of pregnancy and childbirth disgusting, primitive, and painful.
- I want to focus on my career and my talents
-I want to get married one day and enjoy traveling and such things with the guy of my future (one who also doe sot want kids, of course. I'd never hold back someone who really wants kids.)
-I want time to be myself. I cant imagine my daily routine of tai chi, painting, and meditation fitting into a scene in which squalling infants clamour for my attention.

I've never dreamt of having my own baby, not even as a young child.

Yet whenever I even mention to my parents, or any other relative that "Nah, I really don't want kids. At any point." I get the same old "That's so selfish" hook.

How exactly is it selfish to not want to have kids? Selfish in that you aren't repopulating the already swollen human population? Selfish that you aren't creating little clones of yourself to love and take care of?
Personally, I see HAVING kids as a somewhat selfish act. I mean, you're pushing out another baby into this world to satisfy YOUR want for one. You don't take into account the environmental impact that child will have. You do it because you /want/ your own kiddos. And that's fine, I just can't stand people getting all nosey and judgmental about people who chose the opposite.
I just don't see why /not/ turning myself into a brood mare is a selfish choice.

What is more selfish: having kids or not having kids?

At this point in human history, I think it’s FAR more selfish to have kids than to not have kids, especially in the developed world where each of us use 10–30 times as many resources per capita as those in the developing world. Environmentalists who talk about the sustainable carrying capacity of the planet say world population should be as low as 100 million — like 1/75th of what it is now! We should be handing out birth control like candy, offering free vasectomies, and encouraging being a good auntie or uncle instead of a parent. We should be aggressively attacking this idea of more, more, more, more, MORE consumers like we’re on a fucking crusade.So in this regard I am a tremendous hypocrite. I knew all this before we had my biological daughter, but I just had to give my ailing dad a grandchild. He got to see her just once before he died. He held her for about 10 seconds before it got too painful and he had to hand her over to my mom. I love my daughter more than anything in the world, and I love that she graces the world with her presence and it sheds its remaining beauty on her every day. But I also know I’ve committed a great wrong by having her. I wonder how something so beautiful could be wrong, and I have no answer for that.Me & my widdle unwitting co-destroyer of the world

I NEVER want my lifestyle "selfish"?

That's what so many people tell me (mostly women). I'm 27 years old, college-educated, with a career of traveling around the world (I teach English in institutions abroad), and pursuing my passions in my spare time. I date for the fun of it and make friends wherever I go.

However, a lot of people back home and even friends I make in the places I go, make comments based on the fact that I'm not married and I don't have kids.

I don't have kids because I don't WANT them. There's already a surplus of children in the world. I'm not married because I don't WANT to be chained down like that.

Why tie myself down just because it's a human norm? People always tell me I'll change my mind, when I meet my "dream man" and realize that my "clock is ticking".

Auuuughhh. Why is so strange for women to not want to resign themselves to be a little housewife, put on earth solely to pop babies out her you-know-where?

Why is it considered selfish to not want/have children?

No, it's not selfish. Lots of people don't want kids. It's actually fairly common. I personally don't want kids, and my old boss never had kids either. I've heard "once you meet the right person you'll want them" or "once you have your own..." and all that kind of stuff. Some people just don't want to have kids. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And it's not selfish. It would be frankly stupid to try to bring a child you don't want into the world. It's selfish of others to expect you to have a kid just so they can be a grandparent frankly.