Is It True If I Have Belly Fat And I Do Crunches To Lose It That My Belly May Get Bigger And I Wont

Do crunches get rid of belly fat.?

well, you're right. Crunches will tone and tighten your abs, but will NOT burn body-fat.

Here's the deal with fat loss.

1) you can't lose it from where you want to lose it from, your body decides this. Your belly fat may be the last fat you lose. Or the first, thing is... you can't target it.

2) Burning more calories than you consume is the basic premise behind losing body-fat

3) In order to burn body-fat, you need to be in an oxygen burning state. this means CARDIO 60-80% of your max target heart rate for a minimum of 20 minutes. and since it takes about 15 minutes to get to this level, this would mean a minimum of 35 minutes of cardio.

Politely tell your girlfriend she's wrong.

Do sit ups and crunches really make your stomach bigger instead of flatter?

This could be true if your only version of physical activity is situps and crunches. In order to burn the belly fat, or any version of fat for that matter, you need to be taking in less calories than what you burn each day, meaning maintaining a healthy diet and making sure that you use up more calories than what you take in. Also, another attributing factor is a great aerobic exercise plan...this is truly the fat-burning part of your exercises!!! Lifting weights, doing situps, and crunches are all great, but their only function is for muscle-building!!! If you incorporate aerobic exercises into your plan, you'll not only burn fat, but also build up those core muscles, and have that 6-pack in no time:-). I hope that my answer contains the information that you're looking for and that you have a great day!

Will crunches help if you have a big belly and are overweight?

Let's get right into it with one of the most common myths out there: do thousands of crunches to get a flatter and more toned mid-section. Nope, not true - sadly. Doing crunches won't burn a lot of calories, so they don't help you to reduce body fat. And having visible abs is a body-fat-percentage-game.The most effective way to get a toned tummy, is to do compound exercises(such as squats, deadlifts, military press and bench press), which burn a lot more calories throughout the day than crunches. Generally speaking, the more muscles are being used, the more calories are burned.However, you can work your ass off in the gym, but that alone won't show your abs. You might know the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen". It's true, in order to get rid of that belly fat you have to be in a caloric deficit and reduce your body fat percentage. Period.

Do ab exercises make your stomach look bigger if you have some fat?

If you strengthen your abdominal muscles and do not lose weight then it is likely that belly fat could be pushed out by the muscle growth and make your abdomen appear bigger . This can also be true if you are doing heavy exercises for your obliques. These exercises can make you look more trunk like with a wider waste.Doing heavy abdominal exercises can cause temporary swelling to the abdominal area because of the tiny muscle damage that occurs after heavy exercise.Don’t mistake skin looseness for new fat. When I really started to do core exercises, The muscles of my abdomen became very strong, but my deflated stomach fell all around my middle. When I sat down, I looked like a pile of mashed potatoes. As I continued to lose fat (and my skin caught up), this went away and I was rewarded with a slimmer midsection. This process can take longer as we get older and extreme weight loss may leave permanently loose skin without surgery.planks and core exercises are what are currently favored over crunches. Developing your stomach muscles will pull in visceral fat.If you have weakened and stretched stomach muscles, like after the birth of a child, then stomach exercises will simply pull in the muscles tightening them up. But take it easy directly after childbirth and take special care following a c-section, consult your doctor first.

If we stop doing crunches does our belly bulge?

No that won't happen if you keep on training and eating healthy. You always use core muscles when you train. They help to stabilize you and keep you upright whether you're lifting weights or jogging. Therefore, with all the other exercises you perform, they always get some exercise as well, and will stay strong and lean. (In fact, some bodybuilders don't even do any abs exercises because of all the attention they get with all the other exercises these guys do.)Some things may make your belly stand out naturally, like being bloated, drinking a lot of water or eating a meal. And when we sit down, our bellies tend to bulge as well. These are just normal fluctuations in everyday life, but by no means are they the true form of your belly and abs.Even women who become pregnant and give birth can get their bellies back to that lean, tight look they had, right before they conceived. Many celebs do this all the time! This is all due to good exercise and healthy eating.So, for as long as you stick to a great nutrition plan and a great training plan, you belly will stay tight even if you stop doing crunches.Stefan Stoman, Author of LYFA! FITNESS 21 Days to Health and Fitness for Life! Visit LYFA! FITNESS, The Total Body Redesign Revolution To Lose Fat, Build Muscle And Improve Health And Fitness! for more information.

Will doing crunches make my boobs smaller?

"Borat" summed it up nicely.

You can do crunches until you're blue in the face and NEVER see abs unless you're getting a fat burning cardio workout on top of it. Also know that straight crunches aren't enough to get abs in and of themselves. You need to add a lateral ab workout, too.

Your breasts may shrink if you have an excess of fats, but they may not. It depends on the breast tissue and adipose tissue composition of your tatas.

I'd far rather have solid abs than saggy boobs any day. Let them shrink a tiny bit if they have to, you can buy a push up bra.

My fitness trainer told me crunches for fat people are pointless. Is it true?

First of all he is partially right and partially wrong. He is wrong because even if a fat person does a lot of crunches his abs are not going to be that visible. He is right because for fat people, doing crunches is pointless.First let me explain the concept about abs then you'll get what i was saying.Everyone has abs. It's just that people have layers of fat over it and that's why the abs are not visible. Try this, take a cadbury dairy milk with six pieces. Let this resemble a persons six pack. Now take some clay and stick it on top of the dairy milk. The clay resembles the fat. Now if you do crunches, it will build muscle and not burn fat. So it will be like you are adding more chocolate below the dairy milk. Will those six pieces be visible in spite of adding the chocolate? Even if you keep adding it the pieces will not be visible. Why? Because you have the clay on top! So a fat person doing crunches will just make his stomach look bigger. Now if you want the chocolate at the base, you will have to dig and remove the clay from on top of it right? This means that a fat person will have to do plenty of cardio and running to remove the fat( shown by the clay) and then his abs(shown by the chocolate) will be clear and visible. Once the fat is gone, and you do crunches, then you will get sexier abs! All the best!