Is It True That We Can Make Bombs From Some Fruits

Can I kill fruit flies with a bug bomb?

I had the same problem this summer and I got a margarine container(empty) and but a banana peel in it added a bit of 1/4 water and dish soap
covered the container with plastic wrap as tight as I could get it with elastic band around to hold plastic then I poked a few holes in plastic with fork not too big just big enough for the buggers to get in but not out wow couldnt believe how many i trapped.I also used a sticky glue board used for rodents from the bug guy who sprays the building I live in and that caught tons too Good luck.

I have had fruit flies or gnats in the house for over a month now. How do I get rid of them?

Jenn is right. They are either shore flies or fungus gnats and they are a result of overwatering plants. But you don't want to water every day like she said. Let the soil dry completely out between waterings. The larvae in the soil need the water to live and the plant can stand drying out better than the larvae can. Let it dry comepletely out for 3 or 4 times and it should kill all the larvae.

For the adults you may want to use a bug bomb because these pests do not stay near or on the plant--they can be everywhere. So bug bomb is your best bet. So doing these 2 things should eliminate your problem.

In the future then, water your plants when the top one inch of soil is dry. More often than that and you risk them coming back. Also never let water stand in the saucer if you have saucers under the pots.

Is it true that you can remove the pesticides from the fruits and vegetables by rising them with baking soda or vinegar?

Here's my very unscientific answer. Any solution used may wash off whatever is on the surface,  but cannot change whatever has grown into the plant. Whether the pesticide or fertilizer is applied to the plant or the soil, it is going to end up in the plant to some degree. No matter how it's applied,  rain and watering will happen, which means the roots will draw it into the plants. Having said that, there is a beautiful thing called the power of dilution. As an example, when the Exxon Valdez produced the first major oil spill, people predicted that the damage to ocean life would have devastating consequences for 20 years or more.  As it turned out, the residual effects were minimal compared to predictions. I believe the same is true with our food. Rain happens. I use pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers as sparingly as possible, and will usually let plants die or kill them rather than treat them. (This is for food plants.) If I have to use pesticides I spray the plant heavily with water after the insects are killed. Of course, we have no way to know how many precautions were taken or how much pesticide was used if we didn't grow the fruit or veggie ourselves, so buying organic is the only option to increase our chances of pesticide-free food.

Is it true that fruit juice, even without added sugar, has as much sugar as soda?

Technically for the same volume fruit juice can have even more sugar than soda depending on the fruit used. Plums for example have much more sugar than apples. Yet still an apple juice will have roughly as much sugar as Coke.Fruits are full of fiber which slows down digestion of sugar in them and limits consumption. Fruit juice is fruit without this beneficial fiber.And also even though official dogma is that fruits are healthy, they are not something you should consume in large quantities. In wild nature you would not find that much fruit. Our bodies have evolved to handle them as rare treats, energy bombs, not as everyday nutrition.If you want to understand how all this sugar affects you, do read this:What is the effect of sugar? This will make you change everything you eat

Why do i have fruit flies in my bedroom? I don't have a bathroom in there and I always keep my door shut.?

The best way not to have them in your room is to not give them any incentive to live in your house at all. Make sure the trash is always taken out promptly and there aren't dishes in the sink filled with food or water. These are the places fruit flies like to spawn. Get rid of their places to reproduce, and they'll soon leave your house. It is rather strange from them to congregate in your room though. Are you sure there isn't any food (even small crumbs) or water anywhere? They could even be drinking condensation from a window air conditioner. They don't need much to survive. They could gain entry to your room through the smallest crack around your door or the smallest hole in your window screen. If worst gets to worst, use a bug bomb, but make sure you can clear everyone out of the house for a few hours. A bug bomb will kill every one of them and poison their larva. They will be gone at least a few weeks.

What is the strongest devil fruit in One Piece?

A devil fruit is only as good as it's user…Remember this guy;he had the bomb fruit,the best he could use such a destructive fruit for was fling his snot at people. It was really stupid but funny watching Zoro try to cut that shit with his prized swords lolthere's also this onehad a devil fruit that allowed her to change her weight between 1 and 10,000 kg and the best she could do was sit on people lolThis guy toohe'd be a nightmare for swordsmen if he mastered his devil fruit.Anyway, when you think 'Strongest' the lightning,Magma,darkness and the other logia fruits come to mind they are pretty powerful and almost impossible to beat.But it's because of the people who wield those fruits that they are so powerfulBlackbeard with the darkness fruit got his ass kicked by whitebeard even though he was sick and his devil fruit cancelled out.When whitebeard had the quake fruit as compared to when Blackbeard had it he was regarded as the strongest man in the world and handed Akainu one of the most ruthless beating there ever was while Blackbeard ran away from Akainu when he tried to trade Jewerly Bonney for a ship only to see Akainu on it.Ace lost to Blackbeard not because of the inferiority of his fruit to the darkness fruit but because of the strength of Blackbeard.If anyone else had the darkness fruit it wouldn't appear as strong since not many people can take the damage Blackbeard can.Crocodile who had such a destructive sand logia,with the advantage of living in a desert country still lost to gearless Luffy even though he beat him twice almost killing him one time Luffy with the inferior fruit still won in the end.Smoker who has a smoke logia easily lost to Mingo's string fruitLaw's ope ope no mi lost to Mingo's string fruit even though Law's seems more powerful.In short,the better the user the stronger the fruit.Any fruit can be the strongest in the right hands while any logia can be shit in the wrong hands.

What are all the bonuses in Fruit Ninja Arcade Mode and how do you earn each of them?

Combo BonusCombo Blitz           5        3 fruits comboGreat Blitz            10       6 fruits comboAwesome Blitz      15       9 fruits comboSuper Blitz             20      12 fruits comboHyper Blitz             25      15 fruits comboUnbelievable Blitz  30       18+ fruits comboGet Combo Bonus during the round.Arcade BonusFruit Mix                                5Fruit Salad                            5Juicy Sliciing                         5Tasty Fruit                             5Delicious Fruit                       54 Fruits Combo                     5All 3 Bananas                        10Combo Rookie                      10Multiple of 5                           105 Fruits Combo                     10No Bombs Hit                        10Combo Apprentice                15Multiple of 10                         20Combo Assassin                  25First and Last Fruit                25Great 6 Fruits Combo           30Nothing but Freeze                30Nothing but Frenzy                30Nothing but Double                30Combo Master                       35Right on Hundred                   40Glorious 8 Fruits Combo        40Combo God                            50No Fruits Dropped                  50No Bananas Sliced                 50Impossible 9 Fruits Combo    50Bomb Lover                            5010 Fruits Combo                     55Get Arcade Bonus in the end.  You will have the chance to earn 3 bonus points. If you have more than three bonuses, the three bonuses with the highest corresponding points will be added to your score.Resource:

While I was asleep, my 5 year old son mixed fruits, match sticks, mud, paints, oil, colours, crayons, water, soap etc and when I asked him what on earth was he doing, he replied "making a bomb". What should I say to him?

Don't make it a big deal. Say to him, "Wow! You are so creative! Why don't I show you how make home-made play-doh...Play dough is a fun, clay - like substance that kids love! It is very easy to make, and provides hours of fun! It can be expensive to buy at stores, but it's very easy and costs nothing to make it at home! The only materials you will need are: 1/2 cup salt 1/2 cup water 1 cup flour food dye (any color, be creative!) newspaper to cover the surface you're working on It only takes about 10 minutes to make Have Fun!