Is It Weird If You Tell Your Friend That You Wont Be At An Event But Yet They Ask Your Friends

How do I act when my friend is friends with my enemy?

Your friend can be friends with whoever they want. You either deal with it by being civil in their presence ( until your enemy is not), or avoid the situation by not attending the same events.If your enemy chooses to deal with it you may end up putting your differences behind you for your friends sake. Either that, or they will be a dickhead first and you are well within your right to retaliate. However, If you are a dick from the get go, then your friend is more likely to side with your enemy; since they aren’t the ones making the situation difficult.I would suggest NOT avoiding the same events. If you do, then you are effectively trying to emotionally blackmail your friend into following suit. This won’t work; you will lose your friend over it

Is it ok to to hook up with your best friends ex boyfriends best friend??

There is this boy im friends with and he is really cute! he called me last night and wanted to hang out. i couldnt but my mom is going out of town next weekend so i invited him over to party with some friends. I know he wants to hook up, but theres more to it. he is my best friends ex boyfriends best friend. My best friend would freak out if she found out i even thought about hanging out with him. I want to hang out with him, but what should i tell my best friend?? or should i even tell her?

How do I tell my friend I don't want to go to her birthday party?

There are three types of friendships.Casual friendships,Good friends, andNot meant to be friends.If you relationship with the birthday friend is casual. No big deal. Go if you can. If you have a conflict, explain the issue and move on.If your relationship falls into category 3, this is a bit more complicated. No reason to openly show your dislike of this person. You can decline and make a non-specified excuse. “I have a prior commitment.” You don’t need to explain that commitment is eating pizza on your sofa while bing watching WestWorld. You don’t get along with this person, so feigning that you like being around them is not necessary. After a number of “no thanks” they will get the clue. Even if they find that your excuses are not convincing, what’s the worst that can happen?Them: “It’s like you make up these excuses because you don’t want to hang out with me?”You: “Um, you might be on to something there.”The important one is #2.Making friends is easy. Making and keeping good friends is rare.The journey from friend to good friend is tempered with trials and conflict. Whenever you care about another and spend enough time together, fights are inevitable. Jealousy, hurt feelings, inconsiderate behavior, miscommunication, unreturned favors, “MISSED BIRTHDAYS” are among the various intentional and unintentional interactions that test a relationship.There is not one lifelong friendship I maintain that hasn’t experienced a massive fight at one point. Sometimes the reconciliation is quick. Other times it takes time and effort to rebuilt the relationship. It’s work, but valuable and rewarding work.You use the word “my” in front of friend which is telling. There seems to be a current falling out with this friend. If you are not ready to get into the emotional and time-consuming process of airing your grievances now, you can excuse yourself from this birthday party. The important question is are you ready for this relationship to slip from #2 to #3?If you wish to hold on and give the relationship another chance, you will eventually need to confront your friend and talk it out. Quora must have a good question for that situation. Good luck.

How can I ask for my money back from a friend without being rude?

It's not rude to ask a friend to settle a debt.  Use polite language, don't be accusatory and let them know that you appreciate their friendship."I feel uncomfortable about our outstanding debt, and I don't want it to become an issue. Would it be possible to settle it soon? Thanks for understanding."That's particularly soft (especially "our debt") but fairly firm.  You can choose to be more direct without being rude: "Remember that $X I lent you for Y?  I don't mean to nag, but I could really use it back."

My boyfriend won't tell me the meaning of an old inside joke him and his friend have!!!?

A person can have their secrets and still be honest in a relationship. It could mean something really dumb and insignificant or it could mean something that he doesn't want to tell you because it's from a long time ago and might be hurtful or embarassing for him in his present relationship. Like maybe he hooked up with a one eyed stripper from Germany on spring break and that was her name. It would be hurtful for you to know that, but telling you doesn't change the fact that it happened. Don't get angry over things you can't change. If he doesn't want to tell you then you have no choice but to respect that because no amount of badgering him is going to make him tell you. If you can't accept that, and that's fine too, then you have to decide if you want to be with someone that wants to have certain things private. Maybe you are the type of person that has to know everything, if so, then maybe you should find someone that doesn't have a problem sharing EVERYTHING.

My advice would be to let it go...doesn't sound like anything worth arguing about.