Is It Weird To Daydream All The Time

Is it normal to daydream all the time ?

I know it sounds kind of weird, but i daydream a lot. I think of being part of a movie with the people around me, specially when it comes to weddings and stuff like that. Most of the times I have vengeful thoughts when it comes to love. Not in a bad way though... Is this normal ?

I daydream about getting I crazy?

No, you are not the only girl who does this...and you are not weird. My husband and I were together for 10 years before he proposed to me...and 11 years by the time we got married. After we had been together for about 6 years, I started to plan our I bought a bridal magazine and started to put tabs on pages that had ideas I would like for my wedding. It is almost every girls dream to have a beautiful wedding with a beautiful wedding gown and the man of her dreams. My advice....keep on dreaming, because the day you get that engagement ring on your finger is the day you can put all those wonderful dreams to work!!! Good luck and just be patient....your time will come. :)

Is it bad that I am constantly daydreaming?

This is a multilayered question and thus difficult to answer.(Layer One) It depends if the amount of daydreaming is impacting on one’s life and how it is impacting one’s life - whether it’s good or bad.(Layer Two) what are you daydreaming about? Not that what you daydream is overly important it’s just some daydream topics can be less healthy than others i.e. if someone was daydreaming about killing their friends and family all day every day that wouldn’t be healthy.(Layer Three) What are your opinions on your daydreams and the amount you daydream? If you are unhappy with the amount you daydream or the subject of your daydreams then it’s probably not healthy.So in conclusion I don’t think daydreaming is either good or bad. I believe that it’s whether it’s healthy or not; some daydreaming is healthy but if it starts impacting your life in a bad way or the topics of your daydreams distress you then it’s unhealthy.I daydream a lot, but I find ways of using my daydreams; if you are concerned with the amount you daydream why not try what I do. I take time every day (not always at the same time but it might work better for you if you schedule it so it becomes a set routine) where I write my daydreams down, the reason I do this is one because I have a lot of different daydreams that it’s difficult to keep track but also because during the few hours I’m writing my daydreams down I can allow them to run wild, I can allow myself to be completely absorbed by them. Rather than letting them run riot while I’m trying to be a productive member of society.*Disclaimer* My method of dealing with my daydreams isn’t foolproof, I do still daydream throughout the day, it just is easier to push them away because I know I will get time to give in to my imagination wanderlust and travel through all my fictional yet beautiful worlds; but only when I don’t need to be a productive member of society.CJ x

I quite literally live in a daydream?

Ok so I have always had a really vivid imagination and ever since I was little I used to play pretend games by myself in my head or even sometimes outloud (I'm quite weird) but all the time lately Ive been doing it again and kindof daydreaming all the time I have a very boring life nothing ever happens and I don't have to many Friends the ones I do live far away and I don't see them so I'm always daydreaming and imagining all theese scenarios in my head little story's kindof like fanfiction stories imagining I'm the person and also imagining things I want to happen that never would So I'm so into my daydreams it's asif I see it all in front of me And I do this like 24/7 so I get told a lot I completely tune out the world when I do this And I don't listen Is this normal does anyone else do this to or am I just seriously weird?x

Why do I daydream so much? Is this normal? (description)

I guess most people do daydream.  After all its these dreams that drive people to accomplish their goals.  I myself daydream often,  and i have little friends currently, and am feeling quite depressed recently over a breakup.  so i guess we have that in common. (but not sure if my daydreams are helping in my depression - my daydreams kinda involve some violent imagery ) in fact i can even just lie on the bed and daydream for abt 30 mins to an hour.  But you seem to be emotionally more involved in your daydreaming,  and your daydreaming seems to rather detailed and lively.  You clearly seem like the creative sort and should certainly make use of this daydreaming to write stories. Doesnt matter if people think is weird or not,  what matters is that you embrace it and turn it into something useful for you and others.  Being normal is boring anyway,  i was told.  And we are all alittle weird anyway.  We will never be able to fully conform to society's norms and will always have a weird side residing in us.