Is It Wrong To Be Upset About Not Meeting My Boyfriend

My boyfriend is on a guys' trip. Am I wrong to be upset?

You aren't wrong but you aren't really right either. From what you said you don't really have a reason to not trust him and that seems to be the biggest issue. Posting a picture with a girl doesn't mean he did anything wrong. It doesn't mean the girl was invited along nor does it mean he did anything with her. She could have been a friend, a stranger, or someone that they hung out with that asked for a picture. But if you talked and were okay when he got back, it isn't fair to keep holding it against him. Also he is on a guy's trip. He is there to hang out with his friends, relax, and have fun. Give him a break and don't be mad that he isn't texting you 24/7. He shouldn't have to be checking in with you and you shouldn't be panicking or overthinking things just because he doesn't text you every hour. In the details you say, "I haven't been clingy, I give him space and let him have fun with his friends." But if you are mad because he isn't texting you all day, then you aren't giving him space and letting him have fun. You're mad and upset because he is out having a good time with his friends and not spending time on the phone with you. That shows that you don't trust him and you're insecure with the relationship. If you get mad at him for that when he gets home, you are putting him in a position where he has to choose between his friends and you. Wanting to have some free time to go out isn't wrong and he shouldn't be required to text you all day when he is out with friends. As long as he isn't doing anything illegal or cheating on you, give him some space.You don't really have a good reason to be mad at him and you're probably taking things too far. When he gets home talk to him and explain why you were upset. But don't attack him and make sure he knows that you realize you were overreacting a bit and are feeling a bit insecure. If you don't punish him or make him feel guilty, he will probably make sure to make you feel comfortable and secure when he goes out. But if you give ultimatums or yell, you're just going to drive him away. Then, you just need to build up the trust because that is the real issue between you.

Is it wrong meeting guys behind my boyfriends back?

My boyfriend I love him ALOT.
But sometimes he's always with his friends like literally more than me. And so I get bored sometimes and meet guys from online dating sites so they will take me out , pay for my dinner and drinks, and basically I never see them again. I just use them that one time for attention and to go out not stay home. Is this cheating ? I don't consider it cheating because I never kiss the guy and much less have sex. We just meet for a date but really I see it only as free drinks, food, and something to do when I'm bored and my boyfriend is busy. He doesn't know about this. And sometimes I think he deserves it because maybe if he would spend more time with me I wouldn't have the urge to look for guys to take me out when I'm bored ? Another part of me says like my boyfriend says I should just find some girlfriends to hang out with which is more acceptable then what I do except I don't have any girlfriends when my boyfriend is busy I just look for guys and they act like my "girlfriends" for the day. Please don't judge me I know this is wrong but I can't help but be bored sometimes at my house.

Is it wrong to be upset about not meeting my boyfriend's coworkers after a year and a half?

This looks like he wants to keep his private life and his personal life separate. I don't know why he wants to do this but there could be all sorts of reasons. 1 he is telling the truth, 2 he is cheating on you, 3 your original fears of inadequacy are correct, 4 as stupid and insecure as it is he is afraid that he will lose you to one of his coworkers, 5 something neither one of us can think up.

I would think 1. I don't know his finance guys, but I have known others in his profession and they really are the biggest douches I have ever met. I also say regardless of the reason someone else's birthday is not the time to invite your, new to them, girlfriend to meet everyone. As cocktail hour is about work, this is about the coworker not your boyfriend or you. He has a birthday, if he does something with his coworkers go to that. With 18 months you have hit 1 maybe 2 birthdays so my guess is he does not, which probably means his coworkers are douches and he wants to protect his private life.

If this firm has a company holiday party, a summer picnic, or some other form of informal gathering, that he wants to go, that is when you say please I would like to go to, if he does not celebrate his birthday with coworkers.

Is it wrong to meet up w/ ex boyfriend ?

I just don't see anything good coming out of you meeting up with your ex. Your current boyfriend definitely wouldn't approve, and the thought of you not telling him and then meeting another man without his knowledge probably wouldn't sit well. Even if you were just going to meet up for coffee, your current boyfriend may not see it this way, and your ex may not see it this way either. You could be misleading your ex and hurting your boyfriend in one fell swoop by meeting up with your ex after Thanksgiving dinner. I'm not sure what good you would get out of such a meeting, but I can almost guarantee that some sort of trouble would arise out of such a rendezvous.

You say that you and your ex are friends, but yet you haven't spoken with him in a year and a half. Forgive me for saying this, but you can't be that good of friends if this is the case. Also, if he treated you awful, then I can't imagine why you would have much of anything to say to him. Unless you really feel the need for some sort of closure or an affair, then politely refuse to meet with your ex.

Is it wrong for me to be upset if my boyfriend reads Maxim and Stuff?

My boyfriend gets maxim and stuff every month and I just really really hate makes me uncomfortable and he knows it, but i dont want to be the ***** girlfriend that is like "hey you cant get maxim and stuff" we have been dating for like 10 months...HELP!

Is it wrong of me to be mad at my boyfriend for smoking weed?

He only smokes once in a really long time... I personally hate weed... I know it's really not that bad for you but I refuse to smoke it. All of my friends smoke but I just don't have any desire to. I don't want to tell my boyfriend not to do it because I don't want to be controlling and he only does it every now and then. If it got to the point where he was smoking more frequently, I would be a bit more pissed off. I think the reason I don't like him smoking is because of my previous ex boyfriend who started smoking and eventually started doing molly and other "harder" drugs. He started abusing me and I obviously don't want that to happen again. I really am in love with my current boyfriend and I don't want anything to happen I guess.. Is it wrong of me to be pissed off whenever he smokes? I don't really know what to do. He felt really bad when I told him I was pissed last night when he was high and he said he wasn't going to do it for a really long time.

Am I in the wrong for being upset that my boyfriend called me a poser?

So my boyfriend and I have been together 2 months. This past week we've gotten in a couple of arguments that have made things very...idk just not good. He's 21 and I'm 20. Last night we went out to dinner and to the mall with my sister, he was meeting her and her husband for the first time. While my sister and I were shopping at forever 21, my boyfriend and brother-in-law went into some skate shop. Last night I was wearing an Obey sweater that I bought at a different store for about $50. My boyfriend comes up to me with a picture of a sweater that looks like mine and tells me "I can't believe you paid that much for your sweater" He assumed I paid $62 for it. I told him I didn't pay that much and he still kept going on about it. He told me it's ridiculous that I spend that much money and went on about how his jacket was only $30 at burlington coat factory. Mind you, I grew up in Laguna Beach california, of course I have a taste of I guess I would say surfer style. I'm used to paying that much for clothes and he's from a poor family. Right now I'm broke as a college student, but it's my money I'll buy what I want, right? Anyway we got in an argument afterwards and he called me a "skater" and "poser". i'm 20 years old...I haven't owned a skateboard since I was like 9 lol. I thought it was so ridiculous how he was bashing me over a sweater. I got upset and told him "it's my money, I'll buy whatever I want. If it's that big of a deal I'll sell it on ebay."

Then he went on to say he never argues, yet he started it and told me I play games by not telling him right away that he hurt my feelings by calling me a poser. Then he said the reason why he was mad is because I make him that way.

Is it very wrong to meet someone behind your boyfriends back?

I know exactly what you mean because I've been in a very similar situation. No matter how much you love your boyfriend you will always find somebody else who gives you the attention your long term boyfriend no longer gives as much as he used to. It's that attention that makes you think maybe your long term relationship is no longer working, or has lost the spark, but beleive me when the spark goes from this new ''relationship'' with some new guy that comes along you will be glad to be with your boyfriend still.
I would suggest not going to a meal with this new guy. No matter how appealing it feels, it might reinforce your feeling towards him, giving you positive reinforcement when you think about him. This could mean that whenever this new guy asks you to meet him, you will think ''yeah! attention! that's what i need because it makes me feel good and so this guy is making me feel good!'', and therefore giving positive reinforcement. You don't want that, because the more positive reinforcement you get from this guy, the more negative you will be towards your long term boyfriend.
Instead, I would suggest going for a meal with your boyfriend! Maybe if you start doing new things again, such as going on dates and doing something different it will remind you of how it used to be when you first started being together and he might even start giving you the attention he gave you before.
And anyway, you don't want to be a hippocrite, because if your boyfriend finds out you will be the bad one who goes against her own words, and that's a nasty thing to be accused of.
If you want to get this new guy out of your system, I suggest just talking on an Instant Messenger for a while, and avoid meeting up with him. After a while, online chatting will get boring and so will he.
Trust me, in the long run you will always want to be with your boyfriend, no matter how many ''new guys'' you meet!

Hope everything goes ok for you! I'd like you to email me or something some other time to tell me how it all goes!

Kat xxx

My boyfriend asked me to tell him when something is wrong, but everytime I do he gets upset with me. What should I do?

Sounds to me as if your boyfriend is just not very receptive to your personal feelings….The key to any great relationship is communication and understanding, without either than there is no reason to continue in that relationship…I can only give you my personal opinion on what the problem in your relationship may be, since you haven't really stated exactly what your expressing to your boyfriend regarding your feelings and exactly what it is that is upsetting him when you express them to him…But in my personal experiences in relationships, if your boyfriend doesn't have the ability to try and be understanding to your wants and needs regarding your thoughts and feelings….Then he doesn't really respect you as his significant other, and probably never will as I get the feeling he is a little selfish in the relationship…I don't know your age's or how long you have been together, but relationships take alot of work, love, patience, and especially understanding if they are going to survive…You have to wake up everyday to make your partners daily life better in the relationship selflessly, and if they actually love and care for you enough to see that you are making that daily effort because you love and respect them as well, and reciprocate the same daily effort, then that's a real relationship worth being in…My advice to you is to sit down and explain to your boyfriend that you are trying to communicate your thoughts and feelings to him because you feel that these issues need to be addressed, and that if he truly loves and cares for you and your relationship he should be willing to listen and be understanding without judgement or personal prejudice…It's what adults who love and respect one another in a equal relationship do…!!!If not, then unfortunately he’s probably not the guy for you…Hope this helps, good luck…