Is It Wrong To Feel This Way

Am i wrong to feel this way?

im depress because my life is terrible naturally but some people say its wrong to be negative. am i wrong to feel this way when my life is terrible? you be negative too if you had a terrible life for example if you were poor. i have every right to feel this way. i have been sulking and bitter my whole life. should i stop being negative? i dont know how to act anymore. what to do? lifes not all sunshine and rainbows.

Am I wrong to feel this way?

Your feelings are not "wrong" at all. Curiosity is a natural human tendency. And in this case this man is the reason why something very close to your heart has fallen apart. It's most natural to want to know who he is. But that doesn't mean it's healthy. The sooner you put the episode or your ex behind you the better for you. Take control of your curious urges. Make yourself realize that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter who this guy is, it doesn't matter who her future guys will be and as of now it doesn't really matter whatever happens in the rest of her life. She came to your life for a reason. You had some great time together. The time for her in your life is now past. Here are some very practical tips to help you out: How to Move on From Someone You Loved: 7 RulesQ&A: How to Get Over a Devastating Break-Up?Being Single: The 7 Principles of Enjoying Your SinglehoodHow I Coped with Being Dumped and Why That’s NOT Going To Help YouAll the best. :)

Is it wrong for me to feel this way?

A kid that goes to my school and was in my homeroom killed himself on Saturday and I can't stop thinking about it and it's making me sad but I barely even knew him??? Why do I keep dwelling over it and why do I keep thinking about it?? I feel like I shouldn't be this bothered by it when his closest friends must feel way worse.

Is it wrong for me to still feel this way?

You have to let this person go. She and everything she has done. It's not right, but to hang on to it will eat you up. Your past personal problems with this person should not be brought into the work place. Don't bring this to others or your manager, it will simply appear that you can't handle your own problems. Ignore her and her friends.If you find you can't handle this, seek personal counseling; either through a therapist, a church counselor, or a peer counseling group. You need someone who will listen to you and offer support. This can be your current partner, but if you find yourself obsessing about this constantly, seek outside help, even temporarily. You don't want to affect your current relationship by obsessing.The only way co-workers will know she is wrong is to contrast it with their experiences with you and say to themsleves, 'that's not the person I know, she's making that up.' Don't ever try to politic against her. When people hear you speak about someone behind their back, their first fear is, he's probably doing that about me, behind my back. Be the person you wish to be. Don't engage in or perpetuate the drama. Remove yourself from the room, hall, cafe, wherever.This will be incredibly more difficult if you remain in the same workplace. So you need to decide if this is really in your best interest.   It's not fair, no one is saying that. But your happiness and your life are more important. All the best, equinimity to you.

I know I'm wrong to feel this way, but I do...?

I am sick of my in-laws catering to the childish demands of my bratty sister-in-law. She is 28 going on 4! I have a baby and I am pregnant with my second child, and yet every family function has to be arranged around my sister-in-law (who is single and childless).

Today she postponed a family dinner 2 hours because she slept late and decided to go shopping and lost track of time! I can't keep my one-year-old out til 9 or 10 at night - so now I have to bow out of the invitation - yet nobody has the sense to say anything to her about having consideration for others.

I resent her for being so selfish, and I resent that nobody speaks up in my defense. Should I speak up or bite my tongue?

Is it Wrong To Feel This Way?...PLEASE READ!!!?

My boyfriend and I have been TTC for about 14 months (a year & 2 months) with no luck, I found out I have Endrometrious March 2007 and went for the Lascospy Surgery still no luck. We had a sperm count test done and that came back normal too. Thur this whole TTC thing it seems that everyone else is getting pregnant before me and this is really ummm well Heart breaking? I mean thru this whole year I got 2 new nephews, another new God daughter and a few of my girlfriends are either pregnant or have kids. Im also in my 2WW and tonight I just found out Im going to have another niece or nephew....OMG THIS IS KILLING ME!!! Tonight after I found out I was really upset once again, crying the whole bit.....we've been to sooo many specialist and they take forever to get into see! I have one in April but what good is that going to do? I feel really bad when I get a - on the test every month and I also feel really bad for my boyfriend because he wants to be a Dad and I cant give us that :( I think Im going to just give up trying for a bit......

Thank You for all the Support and Love......LOTS of BABY DUST!!!

Muslims:is it wrong to feel this way...?

as a person who faced something really bad lately , i am telling you even prophets were tested by poorness , sickness and torture , but that doesnt mean evey ebtla2 is sign of being good , but i always want to think good of Allah
in other words we should
نحسن الظن بالله سبحانه و تعالى
i am not telling you we should think we are saints and god never punishes us but we should always remeber this
ان الله يملى للظالم حتى اذا اخذه لم يفلته
so when we see a bad guy happy and remain happy even if he steals or kills or something we should think that justice will eventually prevail not necessary on earth may be later on
sometimes god loves a person so he wants him to become clean or cleaner so he expose him to problems to examine his faith
معنى لا تزر وازرة وزر اخرى يعنى لا احد يحاسب على ذنب غيره سواء ابوه او امه او اخوته و فى معنى اخر العبادات يعنى الصيام لا يغنى عن الصلاه لكن يحاسب على كل عباده وحدها بدون ان تجور واحده على اخرى او تحل محلها و الله اعلم
god bless you

What is wrong with me and why do I feel this way?

First of all I am a 44 yr old, female using my friends account.

I have a 23 yr old daughter who will graduate from college in 2 weeks. She is out on her own. I own my own home, drive a 2 yr old car, work full time in management and make decent money for my area. I have been married for 3 yrs to a great man. He is a good provider and an excellent father to his kids as well as mine. He treats me great but yet I am so unhappy. Our schedule consist of of waking up at 4:30 for him to leave for work, he has an hour and 40 min drive to get to the job site. (He works construction so the drive time changes every so often). I am at work by 7:30. We both get home anywhere from 5-7PM, I cook dinner, his takes a shower we are back in bed by 9-10PM. On Friday at 4PM we pick up his 3 kids (15, 16 and 17 yr olds) for the weekend. We take the kids back to their mom on Sun at 7PM and are back in bed by 9-10PM. Never do date nights, hardly any conversation between us. If I express my feelings to my hubby he usually gets upset because my feelings are usually about the same subject "us not having time for ourselves as a couple and no sex in our marriage". He will totally ignore me for about 24-48 hours and then act like nothing ever happened. The subject is never brought up again. I feel like I am a robot. I feel like I have no life, no marriage and this is the way I am going to live the rest of my life. I feel so alone and unhappy right now in my life. I am finally at the point where we are not living pay day to pay day but yet can't get out and enjoy life. What is wrong with me? my hubby? and our marriage?

Is it wrong for teenage girl to feel this way?

1. Why do parents not want you to know these things?
Because repressing one's sexuality is a very good way to control someone. And lots of parents think sheltering their children from the facts will just make it go away. It doesn't. I learn more from the internet and Tv than I ever have from any adult. It's really sad. :/

2. Is it wrong to masturbate & enjoy it & do it on a regular basis?
Of course not! Masturbation is perfectly normal and it's definitely fine to enjoy it. xD Not to mention all those benefits, which i'm sure you know of. :3

3. Can i be comfortable with my body & sexuality with out being it morally wrong?
If you're comfortable with yourself AND your sexuality, you're one step above most of the population. I applaud you. Seriously. Don't ever let anyone tell you that's wrong. Ever.

4. I guess am trying to ask it is ok for a christian teenaged girl to feel this way?
Of course it is! It's perfectly fine. Anyone who tells you different is just hiding from the truth.

And the searching up "naughty" things. Puhleeeease. What teenager hasn't done that. That's absolutely normal. Most do it simply out of curiosity, too. Myself included(14). xD