Is My Chiropractor Having Me Come To Much

Is wife having sex with chiropractor?

Some time ago my wife was rear ended and didn't tell me. I found out a few months later, by seeing a bill, that she had 22 straight appointments with a chiropractor each and every business day for the month of the bill. I saw no other bills. She stated that she saw this person for over year. For all I know she saw him 200 times or so. We lived together and I didn't even know she was injured.

When I showed her the bill she was dismissive, making a somewhat flippant remark, like "ah, that's no big deal, I'm not worried about it" There were no repercussions that I know of and his office just stopped sending bills.

When I asked her what she did during a typical session, she wasn't revealing much at all. After some prodding she offered that about half the time involved being massaged.

By peaking around a bit I found the Chiropractor's home telephone number in the bottom of her cigarette case underneath a pack of cigarettes. Both my wife and the chiropractor are extremely good looking individuals.

The question is: Am I being judge mental or is this typical treatment? I would love to hear from other patients on this. My email is

Do All Chiropractors Try To Rip You Off?

I went to the chiropractor for back and rib pain. He took X-rays and my spine was out of alignment. I've been there 5-6 times and am no longer having pain. When I went the past couple of times, my back didn't even crack when he tried to crack it. I went yesterday thinking it would be my last appointment because he told me the last time that it would be the last appointment and after 5 minutes he says he wants to see me again on Friday (the appointment was on a Monday) and that he wants to stretch the appoinments out longer now (I was going twice a week). Is this normal or is he just trying to get more money out of me? I really can't afford to keep going so much especially if I'm not in any pain.

What causes the soreness after visiting a chiropractor and having a spinal adjustment?

Minor side effects such as headaches, stiffness, soreness, discomfort and fatigue can occur after a chiropractic adjustment, and usually are gone within 24 hours. There are a few reasons possible for these effects. The adjustment was done because your spine was not moving the way that it was supposed to, or it was out of place and likely being held there by tight muscles, ligaments or other tissue. If it has been there for a while then your body has adapted to this new position or movement. When correcting that you are forcing your body to change what it is used to. For example if you haven't exercised in a long time and decide to get in shape, you ache for a day or 3 after your first session. If you have poor posture and try to sit up straight after a half an hour of trying it is sore, and can be for a while. If you keep up the new improved routine your body gets used to the new position or movement and no longer is sore when performing. This can be one reason for the soreness after an adjustment. Adjustments can also be too much too soon. If you want to return crooked teeth to a straight position you use braces to move them slowly over years. If you go to far to fast it can hurt. If your adjustment does correct things too much too soon you can strain or sprain something. This could lead to soreness as is common for those conditions and the chiropractor may need to back off the intensity a little and make corrections a little slower. Muscle spasm can also be a reaction to a quick rapid stretch of the muscles. If this happens it can lead to soreness.For more info see here: What Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Do?

How to get my money back from chiropractor?

i had been seeing a chiropractor for about three months for about 3 times/week schedule for postural correction. x-rays were taken at the beginning and i was convinced that after 3 months of chiropractic service, i would see a significant difference in postural and general health. But after i completed my three month session, x-rays were taken again and there was next to no improvement whatsoever. I was quite disappointed.
And then i was told that some people just takes longer time and i need to sign for another 3 months. i hesitated because i had already spent a lot of money for no results but then he managed to convince me to sign up for another 3 months by cutting down the fees. i made a impluse judgement and agreed. i signed up for 3 months, 3 times/ week contract which i could cancel anytime without having to pay for rest of the sessions. Then a week later i felt like that place wasn't worth it and it was getting harder for me to do 3 times a week session because i started to get lot busier at work. So i called them to cancel my contract. He then called me at his office and told me not to cancel it but sign a different contract that allowed me to pay per visit i could come whenever and i will only be charged for that visit and if i don't show up for more than a week my contract will be automatically terminated. He did not give me the copy of the new contract.
After that i didn't make it to the chiropractor for about a month and when i checked my online statement recently i found out that i was actually charged twice for the services. Then i called them and asked why i was charged since i had already signed a contract to pay as i go. But they denied i ever signed any such contract and refused to give my money back. Then i realized they had taken complete advantage of me. i still remember the color and little bit information about the form i signed.
Lot of the people have taken advantage of me because of my nature and its really hard for me to say NO. I realize that i have made mistakes by not getting the copy of the contract and signing up with them for the second time. It but was total fraudulent of them to take an advantage of me like that.
Is there any way i could get my money back from them for the services that never occured. And where can i file formal complaint about them? I don't have much knowledge about the legal system so i would really appreciate if anyone in here could help me out...thanks in advance!

If I get fired for going to the chiropractor during work hours could I sue my employer?

I was hit by a car a few years ago which has resulted in my back being very, very messed up. I finally went to the chiropractor who is telling me that I have to go to him twice a week and his only available hours are during my work hours. My bosses are not happy about this and are pretty much telling me that I can't go or need to find a chiropractor hours that don't interfere with my work hours. If any of you have gone to the chiropractor, you know that you have to be comfortable with him/her since you're in such close quarter and they are working with you spine (for god's sake!). I don't want to change my chiro as I really like him and just paid $200 for xrays that I don't want to go to waste. If I continue to go to this chiropractor against my employer's wishes and they fire me, can I sue them? I don't want to be fired, but I am really not flexible about this. Please Help!

Serious: My chiropractor talked me into having a penis adjustment because it is bent to the left? HELP?

He just wanted to touch your penis.

Is he adjusting it with his mouth?

Is my chiropractor attracted to me?

I'm a 19 year old girl. I go to a male chiropractor and his wife is his secretary. I'll try to put in as much detail as I can from my visit today:

I went in and the first thing he says once his office was shut is "You look very nice today! You look so cute! You try very hard, and a lot of people your age don't try hard enough anymore. Means you have a lot of confidence." I said thank you so much and he asked me to sit down. I was wearing leggings, boots, and a button up top with a scarf. He then says "I'll need you to take off your sweater- ERR I meant scarf!! Sorry I'm losing my mind today!" I laughed because it was awkwardly funny. He asked me to unbutton the last two buttons of my shirt so he could get a better reach up my back. Once he was done, he kept his hands on my shoulders while I rebuttoned my shirt.

Next, I laid on the chiro table on my back and he cracked my neck. Then, he asked me to lay on my stomach to pop my back. He placed his hands right on the top of my *** and asked me to lift my left and right leg. It made my face burn red!! He then continued to talk about my outfit and how it looked great.

When he raised the table back up, he rubbed my back and shoulders telling me to have a great day and then left. Is this at all normal?!

It's my first time going to a chiropractor and he gave me adjustments 3 days in a row, is that okay or should I be worried? I'm going back in 4 days to have another adjustment.

A lot of people need several successive adjustments when they first start going to a chiropractor. It usually means the doctor is adjusting an issue that has been there a long time. Much as a sailor may forget how to walk on land if he’s on a boat for a long time, your spine can get used to being misaligned and it can take repeated adjustments (and maybe some muscle work) before the body accepts that “this is where the bone is supposed to be”. This is not always the case, but it’s not uncommon. The frequency of adjustments should drop quickly; twice a week by (depending upon the doctor) next week or next month. Once a week a bit after that. That’s the normal progression; I’ve been getting adjusted twice a week for several years because I have weird biomechanics and a lifestyle that often undoes what my chiropractor did.