Is My Husband Turning The Fan On With An Air Filter Behind It Helping Our Son When He Has A

Should I keep my ceiling fan on while using an air purifier, or not?

Your ceiling fan won't affect anything to do with the air purifier's performance. The fan will only circulate the air in the room it's in. If the room is stuffy, the fan will help. Keep the fan off or on, it's no big deal.

What direction does the arrow of the home air conditioning filter point? The arrow pointing up or down?

The arrow should point TOWARDS the blower.

Will rain hurt my soleus air portable air conditioner?

ok, so it tells you to put a hose out the window with they're "window kit" for the exhaust. only problem is that it has no flaps or anything like a dryer hose would to keep rain out. it also might be worth pointing out its got a dehumidifier built in if that helps at all.

model number is gm-pac-08e3

ive read the booklet it came with and there is no info.

thanks alot in advance!

How do I prevent my mom's smoking habit from ruining our relationship?

There's always a chance.But she has to decide to quit. No amount of talking into quitting will help.She knows it's bad for her and the others, but the craving is bad. She alone has to find a motivation strong enough for her.In my case, my mom had smoked for almost 30 years. When we were kids, we always gave her the look if she smoked while we were eating, and then she would blow her smoke to the fireplace. She even smoked while she was pregnant with me and my brother; she had read somewhere it would be better for a child if she didn't quit abruptly because in that case the fetus would suffer from a nervous mother, which is, according to the article, worse than a cigarette. We used to tease her with "how much smarter we could have been" or " we don't smoke because we've had our share of it". Her mother-in-law and her mother would always complain about the smoke. My dad would occasionally mention the financial aspect of her smoking. Suffice to say, the reasons for quitting accumulated over the years. We tried to make it clear to her that we do love her, but hate her smoking. A couple of years ago, whenever we (my husband and I) visited her with our baby (we forbade smoking while we were there for the sake of the child), she'd caught herself wishing we would leave so she could smoke (she told me about this much later). And that was awful for her. She felt terrible. She enjoyed the company of her granddaughter and loves her infinitely, and yet the craving seemed stronger.Finally, she's heard about a lot of people who successfully quitted smoking with a help of God. The method is: you endure two days of no-smoking before a specific saint and then you don't have cravings anymore. Ever. And she decided to try it.I don't know if it is the placebo effect or some higher force, but it worked! No cravings after those two days. :)So don't lose hope. And be kind to your mom. It's probably hard for her too, if not harder. Best of luck.

Which side of a furnace filter faces out? The flat or fuzzy side?

if your filter is the washable type,sometimes called "hog hair" then the flat side should be closest to furnace...the air should hit the fuzzy side 1st....the grid on the flat side keeps small pieces of filter from being pulled into the fan....disposable filters have an arrow on the frame..the arrow should point toward the furnace......dan

My colicy newborn triplets are ruining my family's sleep paterns???

Right before we had our triplets (two girls and one boy) on July 24th, my husband and I had finally gotten our 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter into a routine sleep pattern.

But now, two of our 22 day old newborns (our son and one of the girls) are very colicy and are screaming at various points of the night.
Between the two of them, my husband and I are only getting about 2 hours of sleep a night. On top of that, their screaming keeps my six year old son, three year old daughter and the third triplet awake, making them physically eshausted and VERY cranky.

I am worrided about when school starts again, and I have to send my sleep deprived children to school every morning.

The doctors have *hush, hushed* us, telling us that colic is normal and will pass with time. I know this is true, but I want to know what to do in the meantime!

Any advice is welcome, and please, if anyone knows anything about how to quiet a colicy baby, please help me!

My step-son sprayed AXE body spray all over the house as an "air freshener". How do we remove it!?

Open all the windows in the house and place fans in windows in the front of the house so all the air can go out of the back of the house. Go to your grocery store and get several boxes of baking soda. Have your husband (the boys father) go in the house turn off the fans and sprinkle the baking soda on the rugs and upholstered furniture. Then close the windows and go out to eat and shopping for a while. When you come back vacuum the whole house, don't forget the upholstered furniture using the attachments on the vacuum.

You should be able to go back in the house after the house has been doused in baking soda, it will absorb the Axe smell.

See if you can borrow a couple vacuum cleaners from a friend, neighbor, or relative so every one in the house has one and you can make it fun by having a race to see who finishes first.

My parents smoke everywhere inside the house?

Well go to the doctor tell them you feel your breathing is getting worse. Explain to him the situation and maybe he can write a note to your parents. Or if your under age tell your mom you want to see a doctor then tell the doctor in front of your mom. Then he might convince them to smoke outside at least. I use to smoke two packs a day, when I had my son I quit, then went back to it. I only smoked outside and not very much. Then my husband and I moved to the electric cigerette which does not smell like smoke at all and weans you off smoking. I have not smoked for almost three months now. Or even felt the need to smoke my electric cigerette. Only once in a while. Its mostly water vapor anyway. But if your parents dont listen to you especially if there is a serious health issue, talk to a social worker and ask their advice. Or a school councler. When I was a lot younger before I ever started smoking my mom smoked in the house. I use to get severe migrines from it so she tried her best not to smoke around me. She quit too.

and get a lock for your door and a air purifier for your room