Is My Spanish Writen Correctly

Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?

Hi - I've been paying attention to this thread all evening and watching it develope. Right now we're pretty close with only one correction left to make.

La cuidad de las pirámides está hecha con simetría

Several earlier misteps have been fixed but we still have the verb to be (está) for the word "is" in the sentence. It should be "La cuidad de las pirámides es hecha con simetría" and here's why -

The verb form (está) comes from the spanish verb estar - one of two such verbs. The other is ser.

Ser is used to denote things that are permanente. Things like "You are pretty" or "He is handsome" or "The building is tall" etc. These things are conditions or characteristics and are not going to change. You even use this verb to say things like "he's an honest man" or "she's a drunk."

The same is true in the case of you sentence. The city is built with symmentry - period. End of story. This is not ever going to change. Not in our lifetime anyway.

So the verb we have to use is ser and the conjugation for "it" (the city) is "es" for "is."

To use estar (está) would signify that this idea of the city being built this way is only temporary and that this could change at any time and that's not the idea that you want to communicate. Estar is used for things that change such as your location at any time or being sick for a while etc. Not the verb to use in your sentence.

Sorry about the mini spanish lesson. I'm just in love with spanish and I try to get it right all the time. Hope that wasn't just more than you ever wanted to know :)


Spanish is this written correctly?

The english is what i want it to say. I just want to check.
and how do you say 25 in spanish???

My favorite holiday is Christmas.It is on December 25th. This is my Favorite holiday because it celebrates the birth of Jesus. On Christmas my family and I read the Christmas Story. We also hand out gifts.

Mi dia de fiesta favoito es la Navidad. Es el 25 de diciembre. Es mi Dia de fiesta favorito por que celebra el nacimiento de Jesús. En La Navidad, mi familia y yo leemos la cuento de Navidad. Nosotros daimos regalos.

Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?

Correct: Yo comía cobayos muy a menudo, pero después de ver este episodio YA NO los como (más).

You don't put the article after the verb "comer:"
Yo comía manzanas, yo comía pasteles, yo comía aceitunas, yo comía ranas, yo comía pollo, yo comía carne de vaca

Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?
Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?

Is this Spanish sentence written correctly?

good day, your spanish is incredibly stable ^_^ I merely corrected some issues a million.manana is incredibly mañana you get the 'virgulilla' from alt + 164 2.On sentence 6 instead of trenticinco write ' treinta y cinco ' 3.make beneficial you place the accessory mark on words alongside with Despues, dia and solo. The accessory is going on the 2d 'e' on Despues , on the 'i' on dia and on the 1st 'o' on solo. 4.additionally upload the ñ on baño (you wrote bano) 5.i could recommed that instead of 'pelo' use 'cabello' when you consider that cabello is used for human hair and pelo is used for animals. i've got faith it incredibly is the variation between those. 6.On sentence 12 replace 'Una' for 'Un' . you should apply 'Una' in the journey that your sentence starts off with ' Una vez al mes' . And 'corto' is excellent ^_^ 7. On sentence 13 placed the ñ on uñas (you wrote unas) I checked something and its all tremendous. stable activity, wish this facilitates!

Is this Spanish paragraph written correctly?

Ok, this could work better this way:

you said: Cuando era niña, ¡era muy diferente que soy ahora!
it is; Cuando era niña ¡Era muy diferente a lo que soy ahora!, you've used a comma before "¡" which is used as a dot, therefore the "E" must be capitalized.

Yo era pelirrojA y tenía mens pecas en la cara. Me gustaba jugar con las muñecas. Yo tenía una cas y los coches de mis muñecas. Después del nacimiento de mi hermana menor ¡Yo jugaba con ella y pensaba que era tan linda! Ella era como mi juguete nuevo. Me encantaba cuando yo íba a la escuela, porque encontraba a mis amigos y a mi maestra todos los días. Mi madre y yo siempre íbamos al parque después de jardín de niños (some countries they use kindergarten as well). Era feliz cuando ella me mecía en los columpios. Me gustaba hacer preguntas a mi padre, porque yo era inquisitiva de pequeña ("inquisitiva" it's way too formal, you could use "preguntona"). Nunca me tenia que preocupar por nada porque mis padres cuidaban de mi ¡La vida esra tangenial cuando era niña!

I hope it helps

Is this spanish paragraph written correctly? Can someone proof read it for me?

It's supposed to be in past tense, I'm a little worried my conjuagted verbs (for example: to listen (eschuchar) to jump (saltar) to talk (hablar) ect..) are not conjugated in past tense (preterit) correctly. Can someone please read over the following paragraph and let me know if I did anything wrong and how to fix it. I know there are missing accents, so please ignore that fact. please help, thanks =]
The paragraph below the 1st one is what it's supposed to say but in english.

--- En el verano pasado fui a casa de mi amiga. A su casa mis amigas y yo escuchamos nuestra musica favorita. Comimos los tacos en su dormitorio limpio. hable con mis amigas sobre los chicos, la escuela y la ropa. Balimos en la mesa y rompimos la mesa. bebieron el te verde pero no bebe el te porque no me gusta te verde. Despues de saltamos en trampolin. Fue muy divertido.

--- last summer I went to my friends house. At her house my friends and I listened to our favorite music. we ate tacos in her clean bedroom. I talked to my friends about boys, school and clothes. We danced on the table and broke the table. They drank green tea, I did not drink green tea because I do not like it. After we jumped on the trampoline. It was very fun.

Is my Spanish paragraph written correctly in preterit and imperfect Spanish tenses?

Is my following Spanish paragraph written correctly in preterit and Imperfect tenses? Native/Fluent Spanish Speakers only please answer this question! If it needs to be improved please write out how it should be and if not just tell me it looks good.

Uno de los días más felices de mi vida fue la fiesta de mi 17 (décimo séptimo) cumpleaños. Era en mi casa en mi finca. Este acontecimiento ocurrió en el pasado mes de octubre. Estaban presentes mis amigos Monique, George, Anthony, Bradd y Barack en mi casa por mi cumpleaños. Lo pasamos genial viendo películas, jugando y hablando. Me sentí muy bien por haber tenido tan grandes amigos para pasar un buen rato.

Is this Spanish Paragraph written correctly?

Here I translated ur txt ... hope it helps out

El comite "Ayuda a los damnificados de Mitch" ayudara a los campesinos y a sus familias. Ayudaremos a las familias no afortunadas en cualquier manera posible que puedamos. Primero, es importante que la familia visite un doctor. Nosotros pagaremos cualquier medicamento necesario. Es importante que la familia este saludable. La necesidad mas urgente es de comida y ropa. Lo siguiente sera de darles un hogar temporal. Despues, juntaremos dinero para construirles nuevas casas. Tambien juntaremos dinero para un carro. Le daremos dinero a la familia. Le ayudaremos a las victimas encontrar un nuevo trabajo. Compraremos juguetes y libros para niños. Una vez que las casas sean construidas les donaremos muebles tambien. Al igual les donaremos una television y computadora. Ayudaremos a la familia con cualquier otra necesidad.

"Oh my" can can used with "God" or similar phrases like "Lord", "goodness" (a Minced oath version of "God"), "word" (even more minced), and more archaically "stars".But you don't even have to have a word. You can just have "Oh my".Short video on all the emotions George can express with "Oh my!"See How 'Oh My' Became George Takei's Catchphrase The URL for George's website is, naturally,:

I'd be inclined to maximize shock by interpolating the "highs" and "lows" of the emotion-charged words, allowing the passage to superficially sound devoid of emotion but creating emphasis by "bracketing" the main trigger with the more detached ones. Here's an example:"On June 18, sixteen-year-old Jessica Roth was murdered in the woods near her high school. Her heart had been removed and placed atop her torso. She'd been stabbed 48 times."