Is My Workout Routine Good For Bodybuilding

Workout Routine - Bodybuilding (Beginner) HELP!!?

MONDAY: Chest & Triceps
TUESDAY: Back & Biceps
WEDNESDAY: Shoulders, Forearms & Legs
THURSDAY: Chest & Triceps
FRIDAY: Back & Biceps
SATURDAY: Shoulders, Forearms & Legs

Note: I do abs in between those workout routine.
I do some warm-up before and light cardio after. I also do stretching before and after.
MY OVERALL WORKOUT IN A DAY IS LESS THAN 45mins. (or atleast 20 mins. each muscle group)

Please answer my questions... Thanks
Addt'l. Question: I am doing different muscle group with atleast 2 days rest. Is that ok? or am I overtraining?
AND is this effective to achieve muscles soon? (of course with increasing weights as i go on later)


What are the workout routines of prominent bodybuilders, fitness models, and fit celebrities?

I've been a model for 3 years now.Staying healthy is a day-to-day task for me although I live my life to the fullest. I've been going to the gym for 5 years now and tried A LOT of different routines (boxing, cross fit, weightlifting, outside bars, group classes, etc.).It turns out the best option is to truly know yourself. For that, the best option still is to consult a specialist to advise you regarding your personal goals. There's no typical workout plan to follow. It all depends on what you aim for.What's been working best for me is to mix up different exercises. I train 3 times a week and go for a run on weekend if I can. I'll do a group session like Body Pump and 2 weightlifting sessions. But then again, DIET is the key to success. If you train well, but don't pay attention to your food, then you're ruining it.

What is the best bodybuilding routine for men over 50?

The same bodybuilding routine for a40 year old30 year old20 year oldIf you don’t believe me you can go check out Mike Matthews, he’s one of more pronounced fitness professionals who talks about the older population & weightlifting too.What you do depends on your goals, It depends on how often you can go to the gym and how often you want to go to the gym.From a standard point,Compound exercises primarily, sprinkle isolated exercises only if you want. This means standard barbell, dumbbell, free weight & body weight exercise; bench, squat, deadlift, shoulder press, dips, pull ups, etc.Heavy lifting, usually in the 4–8 rep range, sprinkle in the 8–12 rep rangeLess overall volume per muscle group per workout, than you probably thinkMore frequency, hitting a muscle group more often per week. This means the typical “bro split” isn’t optimal, definitely not past your first 1–3 months of trainingDon’t neglect body parts. Guys tend to focus too much on chest, biceps and abs. Shoulders, back and triceps build a much better physique. And if you skimp on legs you gimp your whole body and you look weird.The anabolic window, rest/recover period is 24–72 hours, and declines as you become more and more trained.If you want to read how to set up a training routine based on evidence, for the best results? Workout Optimization: Volume & FrequencyDrop the ego. Use proper form.Machines are alright but they aren’t as great.Nutrition is more important than exerciseDon’t go switching up your workout every 3 week, it’s about progressive overload. Consistently upping weight or reps5. Adherence is key6. Patience is important, don’t expect a transformation in 30 days, it takes 3 months, 6 months 12 months, 2 years.(and this is PROPERLY training)Bonus tip: Nutrition will be the reason if you reach your goals or not80% nutrition, 20% exercise



For bodybuilding, a couple of very cheap sources of protein are sardines in a large flat oval can, a store brand of jack/chub mackerel. Those usually are under two dollars a can. The jack/chub mackerel, can be used like tuna in a salad. Both the jack/chub mackerel, and sardines carries a big bonus, as they're also among the top sources for the essential omega three fatty acids, DHA and EPA (possibly also the omega three fatty acid DPA). Both as far as protein goes are in mid twenty percentile range. They're also a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin D3, along with choline, and essential trace minerals. Either one trumps chicken and tuna for overall nutrition, which is also important in bodybuilding. While chicken breast is higher in the protein department, it's higher priced, at three dollars and twenty nine cents a pound. Canned tuna while a good source of protein, doesn't have the same nutrient level, and has a recommended intake of six ounces a week, due to the mercury content, which is far lower, if any when compared to either the jack/chub mackerel or sardines.

Do wet dreams spoil bodybuilding workouts that day?

There is NO evidence that either a wet dream or masturbation makes you weaker. That is one of the most pernicious myths hanging about

What kind of bodybuilding program worked the best for you?

A LOT of the different workouts I have tried have worked great for me! But that’s because I ACTUALLY PUT IN WORK! Almost all of the “very well known” programs out there work. But too many people out there just aren’t willing to put in the work…Too many people want to go to the gym, take 5–10 minute breaks between EVERY set, use enough weight to be able to hit 20 reps per set BUT ALWAYS QUIT AT 8–10, and never actually allow their muscles to get worked.Just go to the gym and put in REAL WORK! Feel the burn when you workout and never take too long between sets (NEVER take more than 2 mins between sets if growth is your focus — I personally don’t like waiting more than 60 seconds, sometimes even 30–45 seconds is preferable).Don’t get too caught up fancy workouts and diets. Keep it simple and stay consistent. And keep a log so you can see what works and what doesn’t — and if something doesn’t work, then make logical decisions to make it work.

How do you know if you have good genes for bodybuilding?

A couple of factors can tip you off if you have good "muscle" genetics or not.

Before you began any kind of training, what were your builds like? Short and stocky? Medium height with narrow waist and broad shoulders? Tall and lean? Somewhere in between? I'm refering to what are called somatotypes. Usually those who center near the middle--or mesomorphs--tend to have the best genes for bodybuilding. They probably have naturally low body fat, plus have the ability to add quality muscle mass. Short and stocky put on muscle mass easily but have extra trouble shedding excess weight (endomorphs). Tall and skinny have low fat levels but find it difficult to add muscle mass (ectomorphs). The best bodybuilders in the world are mostly, or more likely have characteristics like, mesomorphs.

To check yourself, there are a couple of way to determine your build.

Muscle bellies--works most of the time: flex your bicep and place fingers in between your elbow joint and biceps muscle belly. More than two fingers means you have high origin/insertions and probably have to work a little harder for mass. Two fingers tightly probably means a medium muscle. One finger or less and you are pretty blessed with big, full muscle bellies--enjoy.

Joints--In bodybuliding, it's always impressive when someone puts on a lot of mass with small joints. The bellies look huge. Unfortunatly, those with small joints tend to have a little more trouble building size. To test joint size, measure you wrist circumference. Grasp your wrist with your opposing thumb and middle finger. If your fingers overlap easily--small frame. If they barely touch--medium frame. If they don't touch at all--large frame. Usually larger frames have the capasity to hold more mass.

Measure your "V" taper. Take a tape measure around your shoulders, then around your waist. The bigger the difference in numbers (shoulders should be bigger) the bigger the "V" taper and better genetics you probably have.

These are just a couple of tests. Are they But they seem to be pretty close. Hope this answered your question!