Is Peanut Butter Good For Someone Who Is Trying To Lose Weight

Is Peanut Butter good for weight loss?

I am on a quest to drop down to 165 from 180lbs. I have been using one of those calorie counter apps to monitor my calorie intake. I am sticking to a daily 1500 calorie limit. I have seen alot of articles about peanut butter being good for weight loss, yet it is high in fat. My question is if I eat 1200 calories from peanut butter and the rest coming from eggs(white only), fruits and vegetables, would this help me lose weight? I am not a nutritionist and the "fat" in peanut butter concerns me.

I'm trying to lose weight. Is a banana with peanut butter wrong to eat before I go to sleep?

The answer really depends a lot on many different factors, but basically if overall you aren't eating too many calories to be conducive to weight loss, then it shouldn't be a big problem. However, most experts say that for weight loss sake you shouldn't eat within about 3 hrs of bedtime. If you need to eat something right before bed to keep you from waking up hungry in the night, then I would skip the peanut butter and just go for the banana. Peanut butter has a fair amount of protein, but it is also fairly high in fat. If you have been eating the PB/banana combo before bed up until now and still managed to lose 20 lbs, then things are going well... but maybe you could lose weight just a tad bit faster if you ate it for breakfast or as a snack during the day instead.

Is peanut butter good for weight loss?

For lunch I eat a natural peanut butter sandwich. I know it's high in fat and calories, but I need the caloires (My limit is 1200 and it fits nicely) and it's high in good fats (Monounsaturated and poly unsaturated). I'm wondering if it will help it or will it stall it?

Is it okay to eat peanut butter daily while one is trying to lose weight by jogging?


Are peanut butter crackers bad for trying to lose weight?

As long as you eat them in moderation you won't be gaining weight, your body does need energy doesn't it and peanut butter crackers should have some energy in it! After exercising it could be good to eat then because your metabolism will be high and burning ;D

Is peanut butter helpful in losing weight?

I wouldn't say peanut butter is the only thing that you should eat to lose weight but it's pretty helpful along the way.But it's only worth it if you make it yourself. Don't buy peanut butter. It's completely stripped off its proteins and iron to a large extent. It's really easy to make at home. I'm sure there are many recipes for homemade peanut butter. This is how I prepare it.Ingredients:Peanuts - 3 cupsSugar(optional) - 1/2 teaspoonSalt as desired but be moderate.Olive Oil(optional)- a teaspoonProcedure:First you need to roast the peanuts well.I like to use oil but that's upto you. Oil helps in the consistency of the peanut butter and it smooths over the bread easily.2. After the peanuts have been roasted transfer them into a blender. Add salt and sugar.3. Blend well until you reach desired consistency. Some like their peanut butter to be chunky as well and for that I'd suggest you chop up some of the roasted peanuts and add them to your peanut butter.

What is better for a snack when trying to lose weight, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread, or a glass of E&J XO Brandy?

Neither are good for weight loss; both are just simple carbohydrate with minimal fat and protein. All carbohydrates are processed by the body as sugar, but complex carbohydrates do at least take a little longer to be processed and add fibre to the diet. Alcohol is also processed by the body as sugar.Better snacks would be a serving of fruit or vegetables, perhaps with some fat or protein such as a hummous dip or a a blob of cream or ice cream. Or unsweetened peanut butter on wholewheat bread or a cracker.If you want to lose weight, there are two things to be aware of. The first thing is that calories in (what you eat and drink) must be less than calories out (what you expend in living plus activity). If you have a deficit each day of between 500 and 1000 calories, you’ll lose between a pound and two pounds of fat a week. It’s easy to track calories in - there are plenty of websites and apps to help.Working out calories out requires some initial work as it depends on your gender, your height, your age and your activity level, but if you google “working out basal metabolic rate” you’ll find sites that will help you calculate this. Then each day you add exercise calories for any additional exercise to that number, and you’ll have the best approximation to calories out.Secondly, what you eat needs to give you the right nutrients. You need to eat the right amount of protein for your age and activity level, you need to eat good fats and you need complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, whole starches such as wholewheat bread/pasta or unpolished rice). You don’t need sugar at all, it just spikes your blood sugar and contains nothing but empty, non-nutritive calories. Fat and protein keep you feeling fuller for longer and don’t spike your blood sugars so you don’t get those sugar ‘crashes’ that lead to that shaky, hungry feeling.All foods should be as unprocessed as possible; a chocolate biscuit may well have the same calories as three sticks of celery filled with unsweetened peanut butter, but the latter snack gives you much more of the vitamins and minerals you need, and will fill you up for longer.

Is peanut butter good for gaining weight?

According to Mayo Clinic, to gain 1 pound of weight you must consume an extra 3,500 calories. Generally, most brands of peanut butter contain about 190 calories in 2 tablespoons. To gain weight with peanut butter, add at least 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to each meal. There are a number of creative ways to enhance your foods with peanut butter.Add a peanut butter-banana smoothie to your regular breakfast or enjoy it as a snack. Blend 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 1/2 cups of milk, six ice cubes and one medium sliced banana in a blender until smooth.Replace butter on your bagel, English muffin or toast with peanut butter. The peanut butter will add more calories to your meal than just butter.Add peanut butter to your oatmeal. Oatmeal is a good source of fiber, which can help reduce your cholesterol, make your bowel habits regular and control blood sugar. Oatmeal combined with the protein packed into peanut butter makes a healthy and calorie-dense meal.

Does Peanut Butter Help You Lose Weight?

Peanut butter contains fats that are healthy for your body and needed in order to burn the bad fats. Not just peanut butter, but foods with good fat content like olive oil all are proven to help bust belly fat. So do almonds and fish (omega 3 fat). Also, peanut butter (in limited amounts-2T is a serving and has 180 calories), fills you up when you eat it so it is a great snack to keep you going and kills the urge to snack further. Plus it is low in carbs and has a good protein content per serving.