Is Sarah Palin A Democrat In Disguise

Sarah Palin i'm proud to call Obama our President?

Now that Sarah Palin has see the lights, by finally saying how proud she is to our president, and how she will support Obama for our future. so after reading how both Mccain and Palin said how proud they are to call Obama our president! do you think the Palin supporters will finally start supporting Obama it's the only right thing to do

Anyway what do you think fellow the link

Has Sarah Palin made being a quitter an admirable trait?

To the cons, yes, she has. Between quitters like Palin and yellow-bellied Chickenhawks like Cheney, the right wing of American politics has become a laughing stock.

Why are we Republicans turning into Democrats?

It starts with this Bobby jindal fella. Just because Obama defied the constitution he thinks he can too. What makes these people think they can just up and run for president in my country. FOR MY PARTY, especially. I think we republicans should just get rid of all these "minorities" from our party and go back to our core. All this talk of "bipartisanship" and "diveristy" is just socialism in disguise. WE NEED TO TAKE BACK OUR PARTY AND OUR COUNTRY!!!! NOW!!!!

Are you with mee??

Is Bill Clinton really a Republican in Democratic clothing?

The more I read about his Presidency the more I realise he was a moderate Libertarian Republican. I would say in today’s climate he would be a Susan Collins/Lisa Murkowski Republican. Some of the legislation he signed into law, even Republicans didn't support! e.g.: some Republicans opposed repealing Glass-Steagallhe cut spending more than Reagan did! Government spending was 20.5% of GDP but when Clinton left 8 years later, GS fell to 17.3% of GDP!Welfare reform was a Conservative bill.I dont think Bill Clinton like ObamacareHe favours lower corporate tax ratesSigned NAFTA into law and fully supported it. He also supports TPPRepealed Glass-Steagall. Although it was a Republican bill, he supported it.Cut military spending- thats Democrat/Libertarian positionCut capital gains and dividends in 1997.Created the IRAs- private retirement accountsBut he signed S-CHIP into law- this did increase Medicaid spending significantly- it added 6 million more people.He did initially raise taxesHe supported HillaryCare- something the right opposed vehemently.Overall I would say Bill Clinton is not a Democrat in today’s polarised climate. Back in the 1980s/1990s there was still bipartisanship. The most conservative Democrats were more conservative than the most liberal Republicans. Today that is not the case.

Do you think Sarah Palin was right to make Wasilla, Alaska rape victims pay for their own investigation? ?



So, I mentioned that, as Mayor of Wasilla, Palin made rape victims pay for their own criminal investigation. Particularly, rape victims were charged for their own rape kits.

One person responded to me with this:

"They should pay for their own Investigations. Why do tax payers have to pay for everything. Personal Responsibility is key, not relying on the Govt. to constantly take care of you. That goes with everything, no will will support you, so plan on making your own way. Simple.

Wow. That's a Palin supporter for you--defend her NO MATTER HOW STUPID IT SOUNDS.

Let's think about this: A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed.

It is usually humiliating and uncomfortable for the victim. Now, imagine enduring that pain and then having to pay $1200 just so that the criminal who assaulted you might be caught.

One of the services that almost every American (with the exception of a few hardcore Libertarians, I suppose) agree that our government should provide is policing and investigation into crime, especially of a violent nature.

Rape disproportionately affects women--young women. If Palin wants to play fierce mother hen in her stump speeches, I suggest she explain how it is that she wouldn't do everything in her mayoral power to make sure that rapists be caught and prosecuted.

What adds insult to injury is her stance on abortion for rape victims. So, not only did she neglect to support women who were raped, but she doesn't believe they should have the right to choose what happens with their bodies afterwards either.


What do you think?

Do any other democrats besides me think that John McCain was an example of what a politician should be in this country, but none of them are, and it will be a great loss of a national treasure when he goes and he will be deeply missed?

Generally, yes. I don’t agree quite with the “none of them are” part, but pretty much with the rest. You don’t have to idolize McCain to see that he was worthy of respect.McCain served his country with honor in the Vietnam War, then went well above and beyond in his conduct in the POW camp. He is a genuine war hero.His conduct in the Keating Five affair was disgraceful, and a blot on his record.While I often disagreed with him politically and occasionally questioned his judgement (Sarah Palin?), I never doubted that as a Senator he loved his country and almost always acted in an honorable way.We could do much worse than having 400 people with his character in the Congress.It will be a great loss, and he should be deeply missed, but probably won’t be because not enough people recognize what a great loss it will be. I’m already cringing at what Trump is likely to tweet and say upon his death.Godspeed, Senator. When your time comes, I hope it comes with dignity and without pain.

Why is that everything Sarah Palin does is justified by FOX and other repubs but what Obama/Biden does is not?

Fox News jumps aboard everything that she says, and stands clear of any mishaps, or shall I say JUSTIFY'S it.

Mrs. Palin doesn't know government, she continues to say the exact same thing, over and over and over again, and frankly I’m tired of hearing it. Her speech’s lack substance, Palin being pick allows the country to see that she was chosen based on strategy and not quality, and her sentences makes no absolutely sense because they are 98% of the time complete run-ons!!!!!! I mean I am not the best grammatically, but JESUS if I were running for the same office I would be held to a higher standard than her. She lacks the quality of being a VP Candidate, she lacks the knowledge of being a politician and she lacks the people skills to connect with everyone (Not just soccer moms and joe six packs). She states that if she said what Joe Biden said (Mark my words, Obama just like JFK will be tested by different sorts of crisis and the decision he makes may not make sense in the beginning but will in the end) at the rally the other day that she would've been clobbered!!!! [Side note, I’m not a fan of Biden statement or some other statements that Obama, Palin or Mccain have made, but hey it was made... back to what I was saying]

What does that matter, if you are a person of quality, experience and character then what he says doesn't matter?

Exercise your right to speak your mind about her and the other candidates as well, if need be.

Are Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and Karl Rove progressives in disguise?

Fellow conservatives, Reagan supported amnesty for illegal immigrants and cut and ran from Lebanon. He's a progressive.
Rush surrendered his manhood to George "Perverter of the Constitution" Bush and supported everything he did, who ran in Poppy and Ronnie's footsteps in giving amnesty and being progressive. He's a progressive.
Sarah supported the bailout at first and rode the fence on immigration until an opportunity arose. Also rose taxes in her state on oil.
Karl was behind Bush's progressiveness and amnesty and cares more about elections than principles, being a shill for the GOP like Rush, Sarah, and Reagan.