Is Science Divided By German And Jew

Are a Jewish people immune to HIV/AIDS read scientific evidence below)?

So...they started HIV/AIDS too?

There are many Jewish porn stars. Compare a list of them to those porn stars who have/had HIV/AIDS and see how they compare. Also, you may run a list of Jewish Actors to a list of those who have died of HIV/AIDS.

I don't think it is fair to compare True Jews, practicing their faith and living by their rules, to others. The Decalogue forbids adultery and fornication, two things that most non-Jewish Americans do on a daily basis. To test this (your) theory, you would need to compare massively sexually active Jews to non-Jews. I only know two Jewish porn actors who are not HIV/AIDS positive. These are Traci Lords and Ron Jeremy, both of whom were active before HIV/AIDS spread like it is today. The only one I know of that died of AIDS was John Holmes, active at this time.

I have also heard that blood type O- is resistant or immune to HIV/AIDS. This would mean that about 7% of the World population is not at risk. I suspect this is about how many Jews would stand a chance at being immune, due to Hitler's extermination.

I suspect that, if this were true, the US government would be snatching up all O- and Jewish people with CCR5 immunity and experimenting on them to make sure the leaders of the world were immune. I have learned to trust neither the media nor the government when it comes to things like this. In short, the government only cares about itself and would let the rest of the world die if it suited their purposes. Worse, they use the media and laws to divide the people (in the US) up so they can't agree on anything that will have an impact on the government.

Why did Germany remain divided while France and England began to coalesce into reasonably strong states during the High Middle Ages?

In those times, though "everybody knew" about Germans, there was no country called Germany. The nearest there was to the Germany which we know today was the Holy Roman Empire (no connection with Rome, and often in at least verbal conflict with the pope). The borders of the HRE fluctuated, but its heartland was much of the area now known as Germany. German was the lingua franca (common language) of much of eastern Europe, hence all those German place names which were on maps until less than 100 years ago in parts now trying to distance themselves from any connection with German-ness. Ironically, even Yiddish (the language used by Jews in Europe and beyond) is based to a large extent in German.

No, but very late in its existence, the German Democratic Republic (GDR) passed legislation that allowed Jews from anywhere in the world to settle in the GDR with few questions asked. This passed into the law of Germany as a whole when it reunited in 1990, and a significant number of Jews from the former Soviet Union migrated to Germany and have settled there.

Original question: “Do Jewish people living in Germany feel totally comfortable given everything that was done to them in ww2?”So, I feel uniquely qualified to answer this question - as a Jew living in Germany.I first got to Germany in 2003 and was surprised to discover that there were many Jews living in Germany at the time - and there still are many living here. Most of the modern German Jews immigrated from the former Soviet Union.Synagogues are restored, or rebuilt, and there are congregations once more in the pews.Monuments to remember the Holocaust are prevalent in many German cities. For example there are museums in Frankfurt and the one in Berlin is amazing (designed by Daniel Libeskind.) And everywhere there are the stumbling stones.So, am I, as a Jew uncomfortable living in Germany? No.I think that every Jew should visit Germany - it is important to see where this history happened. It was uncomfortable to see Dachau and to hear what happened there.But day to day life in Germany is just like it is anywhere in Europe: There are festivals: wine, beer, fish, sausage, then Christmas markets. These are fun to visit.Germans have been exceptionally warm and welcoming (except that customer service thing - but that wasn’t the question.)The country is beautiful - and there is so much that it contributed to the world in terms of history, science, music, art. There is constantly things to see and do. And I have never been made to feel unwanted or uncomfortable.I guess many Jewish people feel uncomfortable about Gemany conceptually, and that is a shame. There is no reason to feel that way. You can spend time visiting the Holocaust sites or not, your choice.But the Jews that live here now - not at all.

I'm a noob, but why didn't america team up with germany to take out russia?

Why would you want America to have allied itself with an insane tyrant who ordered the murder of 6 million Jews, and further 6 million undesirables (mentally challenged, homosexuals, Social Democrats, anti-Nazi conspirators, gypsies, Slavs, church leaders, and others).

To ally America with a totalitarian state, who's entire foundation was based on the notion that Jews and others were somehow inferior? That Americans are weak and lazy?

The Nazis claimed they were defending all civilization by fighting the Soviets... but judging them by what they did... the Nazis were the most barberous and the most evil group of men to ever exist. Among a ranking of evil men, Hitler was the most evil person to ever live. Stalin would only be a close second. And such evil should not be allowed a free hand anywhere.

Why didn't the Jews "go down fighting" with germans?? WW2?

For a proper perspective on the Holocaust, read

During the period 1933-1945, Hitler and Stalin killed 14 million people between them, including about 6 million Jews. From 1933 to 1939, Stalin was ahead, from 1939-1941, they were about equal, and then from 1941-1945, Hitler killed the most people.

Jews were less than 1% of the population in Germany. The discrimination was mostly political and social prior to 1939, and many of them who could, escaped. That is how Einstein and others came to the United States for example.

The one thing that Hitler and Stalin agreed on was that a Polish state was a nuisance, so they agreed to abolish it, and divided it between them. During the joint occupation, approximately 2.5 - 3 million Jews died at the hands of either Stalin or Hitler. Most of them did not die in camps. They were lined up, shot, and thrown in the ditch.

In 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded Russia. From then on, 97% of the Jews who died never lived in Germany. They were Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and other nationalities.

For example of what Stalin did, read up on "holodomor" which describes the 1932-1933 wheat famine in Soviet controlled Ukraine.

Here is a wonderfully detailed, helpful chart from the Third Reich:It helpfully identifies who is a Jew and who is not under the Nuremberg laws. You know, you cannot just ask those pesky Jews... who knows what deception they are capable of. For all you know, they might even pretend that they are Christians and atheists, just so that they can continue to poison the blood of the Master Race with their presence. No, if you want Germany to be a country of racially pure Aryan Folk, free of Bolshevism, deviant art and other inferior Jewish influences, you must get rid of each and every Jew and not fall for their lies. And even if some Jews weren't practicing their religion, weren't enjoying deviant art, weren't spreading Bolshevik propaganda, even if some of them actually behaved like loyal citizens of the German Reich, you cannot afford to be sentimental... they are an inferior race, it is in their blood, and so long as you let them survive in the midst of the German Folk, the future of Germany is in danger.Well, at least that was the ideological justification for the Nurenberg laws and the ensuing industrialized mass murder. I find it ironic though that they identified so many people as Jews who themselves weren't aware of their Jewish ancestry, some people argued that there were more Jews as a result in 1945 than in 1939. It is also ironic that by persecuting Jews, they rid the country of some of its greatest scientists, at least some of whom ended up working in Los Alamos.Meanwhile, though, sadly, the algorithmic quality of the chart above did not go unnoticed: punch card tabulating machines of Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen Gesellschaft m. b. H. (DEHOMAG), IBM's German subsidiary, were working overtime in death camps, in occupied Holland and elsewhere, identifying Jews in the general population and ensure that they are properly accounted for when used either as a slave labor force or raw material in macabre factories. Here is another, almost perfectly Orwellian image from that era, an advertising poster by DEHOMAG:The text reads, in English: Oversight (or surveillance) with Hollerith punch cards. German Hollerith Machines LLC, Berlin-Lichterfelde.No, there was no easy escape.