Is She Going To Have Another Baby Anytime Soon

Wanting another baby so soon?

I think most women go through that RIGHT AROUND this very age!! My son was about 9 months when I started thinking "Oh, my gosh, I can't WAIT! Let's have another Right Now!!" I think it may have something to do with the baby becoming slightly more dependant and seeming to grow up. Gone are the days where they'll sleep in your arms for hours at a time, and you may be getting a little more sleep now yourself, and have a routine, and life is just generally becoming normal. You still love your child with every inch of your heart, but you miss when they needed you every second, even though that seems crazy! Give it a few months. As soon as my son hit "the terrible twos" -around 16 months- I was glad I hadn't had another so soon because I felt I was giving everything I possibly could to him and wouldn't have been able to handle a newborn at that time!

How soon after you have a baby can you get a tattoo? ?

they say u can't while breastfeeding bc there is a possibility of getting an infection and it can get passed on to the child through milk, idk how much of that i believe to be true, my doctor told me it's fine to get it done even while pregnant, except my tattoo artist won't do it lol so it's up to u, right after, or unless u wanna be sure and do it when u're done breastfeeding.

I’m curious as to why you would choose this particular time to consider getting a pet. Apparently you haven’t done the research on what it entails to become a new parent. It would be a good idea to talk to some friends with young children.If you choose to get a four-legged pet either the baby or the pet will be sorely neglected. You will have to choose. If you must have a pet now I suggest a goldfish. No joke.Being a new parent is exhausting if you are at all involved in their development. Their needs are many; especially the need for attention and love. The bonding between you begins the first time they are held. They see you, they smell you, they hear your voice and feel your heartbeat. This quickly becomes a need. The more you hold them the more secure they become. And the love between you develops.When you hold baby, before she begins to smile, and she stares up at your face, she is memorizing what you look like, and the first time she smiles at you your heart will melt.There are those who teach that the most crucial time in a person life is the first eighteen months. The love and attention they get has a lot to do with how they develop emotionally and mentally. How they love and how they become lovable is learned from how they are treated as an infant.Their relationships with the opposite sex are determined by how they are treated by the parent of the opposite sex. And their own gender development is learned from the parent of the same sex. They copy their actions from a very young age. This is not about gender identity; that’s inborn.Forget the pet for now. The bond between you and your spouse will also become strengthened as long as each does their share in caring for baby. It’s an all-inclusive event. Exhausting, but extremely rewarding.Good luck.

Help my baby daddy's mom HATES me?

It doesn't matter what your bf's mom thinks of you. It doesn't matter!!!

You need to be worried about making a life for you and your baby. If the baby's daddy is part of that plan, then that is wonderful. A baby should have two parents around. If the baby doesn't have the love and support of her daddy, then that is fine too.

At the end of the day, it will be you and your baby. Your bf will probably go off to college (hopefully to make a better life for the three of you, maybe because he won't want to deal with the issue). If your bf's mother doesn't want to act civililized, then f*ck her. She doesn't need to see your baby.

It may sound cold, but that is a reality you are going to face. If you worry about getting your bf's mother to like you, it will wear you down and poison you until you are miserable and a wreck. It is a problem you can't control, so don't even try to control it.

Keep your head up and make smart choices with your families future in mind. You will land on your feet.

I wish you the best of luck. Enjoy your baby as it is really a blessing to have one. Don't worry about your bf's mother.

My 5 month old baby cries whenever someone other than me or my husband hold her....?

I just went through the EXACT same thing and my daughter was just about the same age as yours when it started! Your husband is 100% wrong, it has nothing to do with anything you are doing. It's seperation anxiety (anxiety at being out of your arms) and stranger anxiety (fear of people other than mom and dad, even people she sees regularly). Almost all children go through this phases although it usually starts later, sometimes closer to 1 year. I was really upset when this happened cause my parents would get really upset when she cried. It stated out as her only doing it sometimes and within a few weeks she did it everytime someone she didn't know held. And as if by magic a few weeks later it was totally gone and now she doesn't care who holds her! I am sure that your baby is just going through this phase and that I bet it will disappear as quickly as it came. Let other people hold her as usual but stay close to her and make sure she knows you are there. She's gunna get over it, don't worry.
As for thoughts on how to deal with your husband... Make him read some baby books or look on some websites cause it will tell him it's just a normal phase, I believe like 80% of children experience it. If that doesn't work maybe kick him in the butt =) Haha just kidding!

Had a dream about having a baby girl?

To see a baby in your dream represents virtue, comfort, and starting over. Babies embody all aspects of your personality and character that are untainted and chaste.

If you find a baby in your dream, this indicates that you possess the ability to discover suppressed attributes and talents within yourself.

To dream of crying babies foretells of misfortunes, possible sicknesses, and hardships to come. A bright, clean baby indicates that your life will be blessed with close relationships. If a woman dreams she is nursing a baby this can indicate that someone very close to her will betray her confidence. If your baby is sick with a fever in the dream, then this implies emotional distress.

To dream about a starving baby suggests that you are reliant on other people. You are lacking some aspect that must be satisfied urgently. To see a dead baby in your dream indicates that some attribute or feature that you possess no longer exists.

To dream of an extremely small baby indicates that you are hesitant to allow others to see your true feelings and emotions. You don't want them to know that you need assistance, and so you tackle a problem independently. To dream that you are dipping a baby in and out of water implies that you wish that you didn't have to face such burdening obligations. It reverts your subconscious back to the warm and tender time spent in the womb before birth. This dream may be representative of your desire to seek for a place of solace and relief.

To dream about a girl indicates the side of you that is pure, frisky, and trusting. You may have been acting a bit too prematurely.

To see blood in your dream is a symbol of energy, excitement and frustration
To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood means that you are mentally fatigued. It can also symbolize a hurtful conflict existing in a personal relationship. Perhaps you regret some action you performed. This is a popular dream for expectant women and women who are in their menstrual cycle.

Today is my due date and still no baby!?

My first was a week late, and they had to enduce labor, even that didn't work the first day, they had to keep me overnight and try again the next day. The next was born on her due date, and the next was the day before her due date. The rest they would gel my cervix to get me to go into labor because I needed to have them earlier than going 40 weeks.

Do you know where your doc stands on issues about going overdue? Some docs only want to allow one week overdue, and some will let you go longer. You can always ask if they would gel your cervix. They did that twice with me, and it worked within 24 hours both times.

Good luck!

If you are really young you could not do that. The best way would be to someone she could count on on for babysitting.