Is She My True Friend Or Not

How do I test my friend to see if she is a true friend?

Dear 'Friend',Before getting to know who is your good and loyal friend let's see what really friendship is not and then what it really isWhat friendship is not?We say, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’, it means that friendship is a trade. ‘When I am in need, you help me and when you are in need, I help you, and then we are friends. Your views agree with mine, my views agree with you and we are friends. I need to copy assignments and you are always there, then we are friends. In all my rubbish, the one who can partner me, he is my friend.’In a lucky moment, aloneness happens to you and you are just sitting still with yourself, fully contented, not excited, not sad, but completely with yourself. You are sitting still, and the other fellow comes and says, ‘Hey, you are sitting quietly. Are you sad? Come, let’s go for a drink.’ And you call him your friend. You call him your ‘friend’.What friendship is?Friendship is nothing. Friendship is a state of being in which you are concerned not with what you can get from the other person, but in the real advancement of the other person. And the real advancement is, discovering the Truth. What really is.Test of a good and loyal friend: So a friend is a friend only if he brings you closer to the truth; in whose presence you become less agitated, in whose presence a silence comes. Not the one who keeps gossiping with you.Find out such friends, and then there will be real magic. But you cannot find them if you keep yourself occupied with friends of this kind. You will first have to create space. You will first have to throw the dirt away. You will first have to create a space in which that real friend can enter.If this answer made you a bit clearer and lighter, you may read more articles on various Life Education Fundamentals and Mystical Utterances of various saints and scriptures from all places and all ages on my blog "Words Into Silence".Just search for it on the web!UG

How do I come to know who is my true friend or who is not?

Trust me on one thing "there is no answer to this question".you may not like this but here are few reasons why ..most of the answers here suggest u to go for a reality check with the person u think is your best friend , it may work for time being but not for long run.its not a one time check but a long time cannot force your friendship on anyone.Here are few suggestions (not answer)Help others but  Expect less from others.don't let yourself too open for others. don't do unnecessary things to seek attentions from others . Try to learn to live alone for some time and at that time do something constructive (read books , blogs ; watch movies).you should try to participate in various stage events , that will help you with your "introversion".always try to remove any misunderstanding (if arises) with your friend.Last but not the least                                           Just Be Yourself

What is a true friend?

A best friend is someone who’ll listen to your mistakes and accept them. It is someone who you can trust.Being best friends is not something you can just explain. A best friend is someone you feel comfortable being 100% yourself around. It's also a person who accept your flaws and whom you can speak about your problems with.According to Dr. Klein and a Harvard study, you live longer with friends.Contrary to popular belief, your best friend doesn't have to be with you 24/7 or think and act just like you.Truly, a best friend can be the exact opposite of you, and this usually leads to fights and difficulties getting along, but somehow you still just love them to death anyway.Your best friend is the one person who could not speak to you for any amount of time but you still think of them just the same. Someone who, despite all the changes a person goes through in their life, will stick by you and always accept you for who you are.A person who will always tell you what you NEED to hear, even if its not necessarily what you WANT to hear. A person who can make you laugh even on your bad days, and who makes all the problems in life seem easy to overcome, as long as you have them by your side.A best friend can be many things, your inspiration, your hero; best friends help each other to become better people by using honest, constructive criticism that sometimes hurts to hear, but is all for the best in the end.Bestfriends are the ones that bring up touchy topics with you, even if it will risk you being angry w/ them because they care more about your well being. Your best friend is the one who you could piss off so badly, but in your time of need they'll will still be there for you.A best friend is someone who you have shared good AND bad memories with, but you just can't help but cherish each of them; a TRUE best friend is hard to come by, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.

What's a true friend?

A true friend is someone who will listen to your problems and will give you advice when you need it. A true friend wouldnt lie to you and would keep your secrets and wouldnt tell anyone anything you told them. a true friend would let you cry on their shoulder when you need it, and will come over and will do anything just to cheer you up. you can tell them anything and they can tell you anythiing and you know they wont tell. and they dont care how you look, how smart or dumb, or how popular you are

I only have one TRUE friend?

I only have one true friend and it's a guy, he always want to talk to me, treats me like i'm some one his age(he's a year or two older then me), unlike all the other people that i thought were my friends. him and i have told each other our secrets that others know and they have told alot of people, but we have accually kept the secrets...sercrets. is it bad that i only have one true friend...thats a guy?

What are the signs of a true friend?

Well, interesting question.

The biggest red flag for me is talking about others behind their back but acting like their friend to their face. If they do it to them, they will probably do it to me as well, so that's definitely the biggest red flag. Another is signs of untrustworthiness, which you can subtly see from their other friendships. Those are both fairly subtle usually, an obvious sign would be (to me) outright sarcastic remarks to me and/or others (degrading sarcasm deeply aggravates me if it is used for a prolonged amount of time). Another red flag, to me, is someone that I feel I have to always be formal around and can't be "normal". Obviously, someone who does things that you, morally, disapprove of is out of the question as a friend. Throughout the friendship you have to also look out for signs that they are just using you.

No, I don't trust my gut feeling, it's failed me several times. It is a very frustrating thing (now at least), in which I second guess myself many, many times. A perfect friend is nearly impossible to come by.

How do you know that you have found a true friend?

Read this;A cruise ship met with an incident at sea, on the ship was a pair of couple, after having made their way to the lifeboat, they realized that there was only space for one person left. At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.The teacher stopped and asked, "What do you think she shouted?"Most of the students excitedly answered, "I hate you! I was blind!"Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied, "Teacher, I believe she would have shouted - Take care of our child!"The teacher was surprised, asking "Have you heard this story before?"The boy shook his head, "Nope, but that was what my mum told my dad before she died to disease".The teacher lamented, "The answer is right".The cruise sunk, the man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with a terminal illness. At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival. He wrote in his diary, "How I wished to sink to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone".The story is finished, the class was silent. The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand. Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.Those who like to pay the bill, does so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.Those who take the initiative at work, does so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.Those who apologizes first after a fight, does so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.Those who are willing to help you, does so not because they owe you any thing but because they see you as a true friend.....edits: Thankyou folks for promoting it.Debayan ChakrabortyAbhishek BundelaSanket KhedekarDinesh RamKaran BansalUser-12626575727167174152Rupal Dasguptaand many more

How many “True Friends” do you have?

Me none. I don’t like to let people into my life. If you do there’s the chance they can screw you. I’d rather be the screwier than the screwed. I have aquatintices, people I speak to here and there. People that I’m cordial to. I must just be a cold and indifferent person.

How about you, how many “True Friends” do you have? People who have your back in fight, someone who will come to you in your greatest time of need, someone who will support you through all your endeavors.
Do you have one, any?
Do you have true friends?