Is Something Wrong With My Body

Is something wrong with my body?

It's the way that your body is made.

In terms of PH, the human body is more alkaliine than acidic. Thus eating vegetables will never cause an imbalance in the body's acidity level. However, eating sugar, meat etc will cause your body to tip into becoming more acidic.

You see, your stomach is intelligent. when vegetables come in. They excrete enzymes in order to digest these vegetables, and your stomach overall is alkaline.

When you put meat in, your stomach will start pouring acid , Hydrochloric acid to be precise in order to digest these meats.

Your body has an imbalance right now, and I'd suggest you eat less meat and more vegetables for a period of time before diving back to eating so much meat again. Don't take antacids, because those things will just prevent your stomach from reaching a balance by itself.

You need to let your stomach heal itself.

If you still want to eat matter what advice people give you.......then don't eat it in the morning because it is when your body is the weakest. Better to eat fruits in the morning and something light, and eat meat when you are a bit stronger after the afternoon.

Therefore, you do not need to go to the doctor, but it wouldn't be bad to check in with a doc.

Can your body tell if something is wrong with the baby?

Sometimes the body lets you know, and sometimes it shows absolutely no signs. Personally, my gut told me there was something wrong. I had a nagging feeling and delayed that first ultrasound out of fear. I didn't share my fears with my husband but found out later that he had been feeling the same way. This was our second child so for us, it was a little more nervewracking. The GOOD news is that even though our guts were right, we still carried the baby to term! She's 3 months old now and a true blessing.

I would say in your case that it's just first-time momma nerves. Happens to the best of us and I don't think there's a woman in history who didn't feel nervous about the health of her baby during pregnancy. You're in the home stretch now. Once you reach 12 weeks the odds of miscarriage significantly decrease. If everything was good at your 8 week appt and your hormone levels were where they should be then you have absolutely no reason to worry. Plus, use me as a good example. We DID have a problem yet our baby is alive and thriving regardless! You might consider joining a support group on where you can talk with other mother's who are at the same stage of pregnancy as you. You can help calm one another's nerves and offer support while sharing the joys of your pregnancy together. :)
Congrats honey and stop worrying. Everything will be just fine! Just pray about it and don't stress yourself out.

I've been starving myself and now somethings wrong with my body?! Help!?

Let me first say that starving yourself is the WORST way to lose weight. It causes malnutrition (deficiency of proteins, nutrients, etc. that you get from food) and can cause respiratory infections, kidney failure, blindness, heart attack, and more. Only starving yourself for a week won't have these effects but if you keep doing it, you could end up killing yourself. So don't !

I'm not entirely sure about your poop turning yellow (probably has something to do with your body not being used to such a large amount of food) but I know your pee darkening is caused by dehydration (lack of intake of fluids). In the long run, dehydration can lead to seizures, heart failure, and death.

Hopefully you can see by these facts that starving yourself is not helping your body in any way, so please stop now. The best way to lose or control your weight is to eat balanced meals (6-7 small meals a day) and if you have the time, calorie count.


Hope that helps!

Is there something wrong with my body if my stool is flaky and looks undigested?

Lately when I have been having bowel movements, the stood has come out with what looks like a lot of undigested food in it, but also flakes and crumbles apart into almost a dust in the toilet.

Now, I THINK it has something to do with my resent leaving of an eating disorders program, but there are other factors that may also play into that.

I am a 17 year old female who has had an eating disorder for about two years. Within the last month I have both entered and left a treatment center. I have never abused laxatives, but I frequently (even now) take caffeine capsules to the tune of anywhere between 800mg to 1600mg of caffeine at a time. Lately my diet has consisted mainly of veggies, fruit and yogurt, which has been my basic diet before now without my having strange stool.

I'm wondering if maybe my very regular consumption of caffeine is starting to effect my digestive system. I've also noticed stomach burning, though usually only after taking the caffeine, and sometimes that food will go up and down in my esophagus for a while after eating, as if I were going to be sick, though I haven't purged in almost two months and haven't ever had this feeling before leaving treatment. When it feels like I might be able to bring the food up I don't ever feel nauseous at the same time.

Could there be something wrong with my body caused by the excessive caffeine use?

I don't eat much but I poop a lot. Could something be wrong with my body?

First of all let me tell you that if the consistency of stools are normal, there is no blood in stool, the frequency of thrice a day has been there for a long time, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. At least you don't have a disease.If this frequency would have been coexistent with pain or weight loss, I may have thought of irritable bowel disease or gluten allergy . If any such issue is there you may consult our specialist doctors for free on docscall app. DocsCall - Doctor Consultation App - Apps on Google PlayDocsCall - Doctor Consultation App - Apps on Google PlayThe answer lies in our diet. In the western world people go once in two days whereas in India we end up going twice a day . This is because of high amount of roughage in our diet. So if you want to decrease the frequency of your stool I would suggest you have slightly less of vegetables and fruits and more of protein. Also taking isabghul at night with warm milk or water will also help in decreasing your frequency.If still you are facing issues with your stool you can consult our specialist doctor for free on docscall.