Is Something Wrong With My Hamster

Is there something wrong with my hamster?

So I have a hamster named teddy and one day she was sick and the next day she wasn't then the next she was it go like in a pattern weird is there something wrong wit her??and she won't sleep in her lil house no more she sleeps outside covered up Witt bedding.....???

Help Please! Somethings wrong with my hamsters eye!?

I'm not able to take him to the vet right now because I just payed two very expensive vet bills and I need to know if I can do anything for him. His eye is swollen and he can't open it. I saw him open it a little bit last night and it was all white. I'm guessing it was puss. Can I use like Visine eye drops to clean it or would that hurt him? I need to know what I can do to help him.

Something is wrong with my hamster.?

Its looks like my campbell hamster is hick-cupping. Here are the symptoms: losing fur around the eyes, making a small hiccuping sound, looks like its its studdering or trying to throw up every second, looks like something is wrong with his jaw, it look like his teeth are overgrown, but i did buy a thing where it can munch on but they don't use it. I just checked his teeth and it is about a little smaller than a width of a pinkie finger nail. I try to clean their cage at least once a week. Do you think my hamster, Chomppaz, have mites,rabies, or just overgrown teeth? If it is overgrown teeth how do i make it better?

Something's wrong with my hamster!!?

2 days ago i look at my hamster in her cage and she was lying on her back and she wouldnt move. When I touched her, she squeaked and started pulling herself with her front legs (she wouldnt use her back ones) then she started to wobble and fall over. But every once ina while she would walk a her back legs only wobbly. And she wont stop squeaking!!! Today I looked at her and her stomach looks caved in like shes never ate before and she wont move, but she keeps biting all over herself, especially her stomachs and tail. Her tail looks all bitten up. I just feel bad for her and want to know whats wrong. I dont want her to suffer. Does any one know whats wrong?

My hamster is squeaking, is anything wrong with her?

Hamsters squeak for various reasons: contentment, threat display, or from physical discomfort whether it is hurt, sick, hungry or thirsty. Social hamsters like dwarves will also squeak when they are playing with each other or in greeting. Another reason for squeaking could be she is in heat. Not all females will squeak, but frequently virgins will, until they are used to the hormonal cycle. Hamsters come into heat every 4 days. Check your hamster’s cage for cleanliness and be sure it has plenty of fresh food and water. Hamsters will foul their food so even if it looks like it is clean, it may not be. If you think your hamster is sick, take it to a vet.Hamster Club :: BehaviourAre these symptoms of a hamster in heat?What Happens When a Hamster Squeaks?Why do hamsters squeak?

My hamster pulled her poo out with her mouth is there something wrong?

THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. theyre hands are too short to reach and they dont poop it out and forget about it. my hamster does the samething. Its not discusting to them, and it wont make them sick.

What's wrong with my hamster?

I had one of my hamsters die 2 days ago and now another one is doing the same thing. He's unresponsive to sound and touch, he's barely moving, and he keeps having what I could best descirbe as dry heaves, like he keeps trying to puke and nothing is coming out. They've had plenty of water, completely seperate cages, plenty of food, no hazards what-so-ever. I've had them both for almost a year now. I understand they don't last forever but what really bugs me is I have 3 more hamsters and three rats living in the same room. I'm worried it's some kind of mini-epedemic and they'll all start dropping like flies.. anyone have any similar experiences or possibly have some info? -A little bit more information: They have no interaction with each other. No cages touch. Fresh food daily. Plenty of water. None from the same litters.

What's wrong with my dwarf hamster?

My dwarf hamster has been hyperventilating for the past week. She is very seldom active anymore, which is a huge change in her behavior. She is drinking, but I'm pretty sure that she's not eating, maybe a little, but it is negligible. She's just not the same animal anymore...
I dont think it's wet tail, because she has been fine in the pooping department, nothing much has changed there...

Does anybody know what it might be?