Is Spanking Asperger Kids A Terrible Idea

Can shaking a baby cause Aspergers?

No, but it can cause "Shaken Baby Syndrome".

Shaken baby syndrome (SBS): subdural hematoma, retinal hemorrhage, and cerebral edema from which some doctors, consistent with current medical understanding, infer child abuse caused by intentional shaking. In a majority of cases there is no visible sign of external trauma.

SBS is often fatal and can cause severe brain damage, resulting in lifelong disability. Estimated death rates (mortality) among infants with SBS range from 15% to 38%; the median is 20%–25%. Up to half of deaths related to child abuse are reportedly due to shaken baby syndrome. Nonfatal consequences of SBS include varying degrees of visual impairment (including blindness), motor impairment (e.g. cerebral palsy) and cognitive impairments.

How do you change the thinking of a person who thinks spanking your children is the right way to discipline them?

The question is “How do you change the thinking of a person who thinks spanking your children is the right way to discipline them?”I wouldn’t. What matters is whether I believe that they will actually spank my child.I’d use whatever systems of authority I’d have available to me to tell them to stop. Whether they change their thinking is irrelevant. They WILL stop.That’d include:If they were a teacher, coach, or other like figure of authority - I’d raise the issue with their leadership.If I could keep my children away from them, I would. Friends, family, etc - I wouldn’t leave my children under their supervision.If necessary, I’d engage in legal means - such as a restraining order or pursue a criminal complaint.My mother spanked. Not hard, but she spanked. She threatened us with our father spanking us (he never did that I recall.) Spanking was a common technique used by adults of her time - I have no doubt that my aunt on my mother’s side would have spanked me (and perhaps my aunt on my father’s side - although she never was in a position to.) There were coaches and shop teachers who threatened spanking - even in Jr. High School.Spanking is wrong. It is bullying. It is abuse and can lead to abuse. It is an action of an adult who should NOT be in supervision over a child. And too many adults still justify it because that’s what they experienced as a child.I’m fortunate that my children are now adults. We never spanked them - and we tried to never abuse them with authority (yes, that was hard.) They’re good people. And (sadly) I’m lucky I never had a conflict with my mother about raising children - she died before they were born. But I wouldn’t have left my children under her supervision in any event.

Is Asperger syndrome a real condition or just an excuse for having poor interpersonal skills?

I want to add something to the answers already here that explain Asperger syndrome and the ones that say Yes it's real. I have not got Asperger syndrome. I can understand why you would question it's existence because it is subtle and can come across as rudeness or lack of effort. (With some people more than others.)My partner has a son who is aspie. I never disbelieved it and yet I have, still do at times, struggled to accept that he has no idea how annoying and rude he is a lot of the time.  A turning point for me was during a dinner. I knew that his behaviour was due to aspies but I hadn't truly understood on an emotional level before. Dinner is not too bad now but he used to be let off with a lot and it  was horrible for a while. I was trying to be patient with him saying things like his sister was a pig for having more food than the other kids, telling them they were wrong, to shut up and then yelling himself, picking at every little mistake and other things - that are difficult to explain because a lot is the tone of voice and it will take too long. Eventually I lost my temper. He told my daughter to "stop being so rude" when she failed to say please. I yelled. Only briefly but I had never yelled around his kids before. It was something like 'how can you tell someone else not to be rude after your behaviour?" A few minutes later I went back to tell him I was sorry. He was confused. He had absolutely no idea why I was angry at him. There was no understanding. He didn't know that he was being rude. He had no idea what I was talking about. It was when I went from knowing that he isn't good socially to understanding that he really can't interpret the faces, voices and other subtle cues of social interaction that most of us take for granted. Even when they are his own. I actually have a very good relationship with him. We are really close to the benefit of both. I still lose my temper with him at times. I also talk to him and explain. The other day his sister came in when he was showing me something on mine craft and he yelled "shoosh, get out of the way". (He's learnt shut up is not on.) I just said to try next time saying "could you be quiet please? I'm trying to concentrate." She came back a bit later and guess what ..? Yes he did.Edit: there is far more than this to aspergers, as others have said, I wanted to show that a non aspie is convinced. It is real. It is also hard to get your head around.

Second grader has ODD got suspended for trashing classroom.?

Is his father in the picture at all? He should be putting the foot down and you inforcing it. If he is not in the picture, treat him as your son. Is there anything that is important to him that he would just HATE if he lost? Then take that away. Some other ideas:

Make him clean the classroom up

Have him go to school, come home, do homework, and not get to do anything else but read or sit there and stare at a wall. Let him be bored. Put him on this restriction for at least 3 days.

Take away every single privilage he has and make him EARN each one back one by one.

When he comes home from school, he gets to do nothing but help you guys out with housework, etc.

Make him earn the money to pay his teacher/school back for the time it took them to clean the classroom up.

Have a cop talk to him about damaging property and how serious something like this is.

Just some ideas :) Hope I helped. I have done several of these to my own kids :)

How horrible is it to have parents that are first cousins?

Sorry to hear that. But having Asperger's isn't the worst thing in the world. Your social skills might suck, but you're probably brilliant in some other way. People used to marry their first cousins all the time.

What affects does Aspergers Syndrome have on Teens and Adults?

I know a little about Asperegers Syndrome: It's part of the Autistic Spectrum, it affects socializing abilities and that 'aspies' tend to be very bright as well. What I would like to know is - how does it affect teenagers lives and also affects in later life, throughout alduthood.

For what offenses should a child be spanked and at what age would they be too old for spanking to do any good?

I think your children should always be taught respect by showing them respect. If you don't set the example then how can your children learn anything from being spanked? Respect you children but also discipline them. Spanking can serve to make sure they realize the seriousness of what they did and should be reserved for serious wrongdoing like lying, stealing or running out in the street and even then only when they are at an age where they understand the whys or why nots.

My 4 year old is hitting and pushing other kids down in daycare... how do i handle it?

My 4 year old daughter is the only child. She has been going to the same daycare for over a year, yet she doesnt listen to the daycare lady, doesnt follow the rule, and bosses other kida around and hits and pushes the other toddlers down. there are only 4 other kids at this daycare, and they are all 4-6 years old. everytime i pick my daughter up, i hear nothing but complaing from the daycare lady. My Ex husband and i have tried over and over to explain hitting is mean, and to" give hugs, no hitting." me, my ex, and the daycare lady have tried it all: time outs, talks, a star chart for good behavior, etc. but she still gangs up on the other kids. I'm concerned that when she goes to preschool next year, she'll be picked on and bullied because of her lack of social skills. what can we do? i would like to come up with a plan for all of us adults to enforce that may curve this behavior.

I am suspicious that our daycare lady singles my daughter out, and comes down on her alot more than the other kids. I just found out yesterday she called the other parents to ask them if it was ok to let thier kids hit my daughter back, in hopes that she will learn that it hurts and isnt nice. violence doesnt solve violence! what kind of message doesn that send?? we need to nip this in the bud as soon as possible.