Is Tea Time Over After Mcconnell

What do you think of Mitch McConnell?

Sell out club member who loves big government, socialism, and limited rights for non corporate donors.

Do you think the Democrats should adopt Mitch McConnell's playbook and vote against everything Trump does like the Republicans did with Obama?

Thank you for the A2A.The Democrats haven’t the guts. They’re soft. Weak. The Republicans have been wiping the floor with them for as long as I have lived. Even when the Democrats gain power, they are still a passive group. They will not even support their own at the first ‘sniff’ of trouble where as the Republicans can, will, throw tens of millions of dollars behind them to make them look good and use whatever it takes to get ahead.This is not to say all Republicans are shifty and devious…many have great powers of deduction, but those are the Republicans the other Republicans put down. And they’re probably poor and are asked to fall in line, or fall out.The Democrats believe in fairness, turning the other cheek, and when something is wrong they will go along with it as there must be something in it. Republicans don’t care. They know what they want, will sell their souls if the end result is that they would have the opportunity to be in power and can oversee all they survey.For example, all I hear from Democrats is “We’re not in power. We can’t do nuthin’.” Bull-pucky! Their counterparts, the Republicans were NOT in power and did whatever the heck they wanted for the past 6 years. They didn’t use being in the minority as an excuse. They just bulldozed and went ahead with freezing the mandates until they got their way, from the Democratic Party President, no less, and they let ‘em. Now they’re letting them again..and crying about it. Nope, the Democrats will stage sit ins and all sorts of things that just wont matter these days, because they’re scared of the Republicans.Until they get a few leaders that will do what needs to be done, have that ‘no fear’ attitude, gather their friends to spend money like a water faucet ALL the time, then nope, the Democrats will continue to back down while the bullies own the playground.- whether they’re in it or not.

Does Mitch McConnell believe in any ideology?

When first elected in the mid '80s by a razor-thin margin, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) entered the US Senate as a moderate.Now, more than 30 years later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell serves no political ideology other than the exercise and continuance of conservative Republican power for its own sake.In June 2018, McConnell became the longest-serving Republican U.S. Senate leader in history.[1]In his first election, McConnell defeated his Democratic opponent, Walter “Dee” Huddleston, by only about 5,100 votes, propelled by the coattails of Ronald Reagan's 1984 landslide.In his biography of McConnell, ProPublica reporter Alec MacGillis says McConnell transformed “from a moderate Republican who supported abortion rights and public employee unions to the embodiment of partisan obstructionism and conservative orthodoxy on Capitol Hill.”In particular, McConnell strenuously opposes such cornerstones of a transparent government as campaign finance reform and even political money disclosure.“His crusade against campaign finance reform culminated in the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling eliminating limits on corporate spending on elections, which McConnell followed up by blocking legislation to disclose the identity of large donors,” biographer MacGillis wrote in an article published in June 2018. “Even before that ruling, the spread of big money in politics had done so much to sour the public on government, creating a ripe target for the Tea Party and, later, for a billionaire populist running against 'the swamp.’”[2]Footnotes[1] Mitch McConnell - Wikipedia[2]

How do you unseat Mitch McConnell?

Every Senator is up for re-election every 6 years. He was in a tight race in 2014 against a popular Sec of State Alison Grimes, but she lost in what was the most expensive campaign to date. Mitch McConnell fends off Democratic challenge to secure sixth term in SenateHe may not run in 2020. He is 75, so would be 78, which is not terribly old by Senate standards. He has a tremendous fundraising arm. He could be unseated by a Tea Party contender (Mitch is seen as moderate), but the Democratic support in Kentucky is relatively small. It polled strong for Republicans in 2016 and elected Rand Paul by a 15% margin. It has a couple pockets of Democratic support around Lexington, but the rest of the state is solid red.So, my guess is the winner in 2020 will have an R by his name.

Are even the establishment Republicans (McConnell, Collins, Graham) becoming combative due to the "lefts" machinations?

Well, how would you feel if you were screamed at in elevators and chased out of restaurants, and the leaders of the other party were egging them on?This has been going on for a long time. Soon after 0bama’s election, Valerie Jarrett, his den mother, announced that “Now, it’s payback time!” and as soon as word of this got out, 0bama’s big sister from Iran of course denied saying it. Lately Democrats have been more open about despising anyone who doesn’t go along with their totalitarian dreams. They urge their followers to “get in their faces” and chase them from restaurants, etc.I forget who said it right now, but one thinker recently had the insight to conclude that the radical Democrats of today are different. Not only have they abandoned moderation and persuasion through polite and rational argument, they are hellbent on destroying their opponents. Just winning is no longer enough for them. They now are so pissed they want revenge and they want to destroy any and all potential threats to their power. So it’s hardly a stretch to call today’s Democratic Party a racket. Their followers behave like mobsters trying to silence and intimidate their opponents.Needless to say, this is ugly and dangerous. My hope and prayer is that both conservative and moderate voters will turn out in such numbers over the next few election cycles that the destructive totalitarians in the left will be marginalized for decades to come.

How many republican defections will it take for Senator McConnell to realize he’s become an outlier in his own party?

Any vote against the Emergency over 52 is a problem (5 defectors) and any vote over 54 (7 plus) is a sign that the honeymoon is over between the GOP caucus in the Senate and McConnell.McConnell has already had a difficult romance since Trump's election. The Obamacare fiasco, the Roy Moore debacle (he just should have said we aren't giving him any Committee seats until we do a further investigation), the tax cut vote (literally written as they went along with the amendment votes), McCain's death, the 2018 election results have all pointed to that most important of questions a bride (usually) asks of her mate, “You're dancing with me not her…always”.Who's “her” in this matter is Trump. He's protected Trump pretty well but at what cost…..half a dozen Senators in his caucus are now going to defiantly oppose him and there isn't much he can do to change that.My guess is 7 is going to be the back breaker for him.

Why didn't Republicans vote for the Rockefeller Clean Air Act Amendment?

It allows for the possibility of GHG regulation in the future, which conflicts with their political strategy of selling the lye that there is some doubt about the scientific consensus.