Is The Gop Against Raising The Minimum Wage Because They Know It

What is "minimum wage against commission"?

Commission v. draw, wage v. draw, wage against draw, are all the same thing. What it means is that you are assured a floor wage (the minimum wage) but can go beyond it IF you sell more than the minimum wage wort of commissions. Example:

Minimum wage: $1/hour
Work Period: $80
Commission Rate: 10%

Say that you sell $700 of goods in the pay period. You would have only earned $70 of commissions. That being said, the comm v. draw assures you of a $80 paycheck. Now, say that you sell $900. You will be paid $90 (because you need to "cover" the minimum wage).

The Michigan GOP just denied raising minimum wage due the economic restraints on businesses. Is there a credibility to this reasoning?

No! There is no credibility to the reasoning of the GOP in Michigan, for their refusal to raise the minimum wage.What does “economic restraints” even mean????? I am so disappointed that so many of our citizens are so economically illiterate, that they will accept these vapid explanations that lack any substance at all, as justification for the expansion of poverty among our own Working Class.All we need to do is look around us. There is a fast food outlet on practically every retail corner in the country. Every community has a Walmart. Most communities have a Home Depot and a Lowes. There are hotel chains all across the country. Staples, Office Max, and other “big box” outlets abound. And all of these gigantic corporations are primarily staffed by minimum wage workers.And all of them would have us convinced that they are barely profitable, and that raising the minimum wage would result in widespread economic collapse, skyrocketing unemployment, and the onset of economic depression.As Robert Reich would say…”Baloney!!!!”If we were not economic illiterates, we would realize several things. These giant corporations are highly profitable. That’s why there are so many of them. Their profit margins are extremely large, which is why almost all of them are owned by people who are already rich. And raising the minimum wage would not even make a noticeable dent in that profitability. Every one of these giant corporations does business in decent countries that require living wages for their citizens. If there was any truth at all to the ridiculous whine that they are all “economically limited” in how much they can pay their workers, you’d think that they would be unable to turn a profit in Australia, Canada, Japan, Denmark and the other nations of the EU. But if you travel elsewhere in the world, you will find all of the US based minimum wage businesses we have here, everywhere else as well.The fact is that the “economic restraints” excuse for our poverty level wages in the “richest country in the world”, is just simply a lie. It is a betrayal of our own Working Class, by our US Wealthy Class and the corporations whose profits we subsidize with our taxes.And we would readily understand this if we were capable of employing the most basic common sense when considering economic issues.

Why is it that Republicans oppose increasing the minimum wage?

Because in the long run it will be a net loss to the working class. Prices will go up way out of proportion to the increase to the ones that are putatively being helped. Even the McDonald's in my area is already paying well above minimum just to get people to work there. So why legislate something that is automatically being adjusted by the laws of supply and demand.

The real problem is the number of people trying to live outside their means. Having more children than they can afford. Deciding to buy a house that they can barely afford then not being able to make the payments when their adjustable rate mortgage rate goes up. Most of the real problems with the American economy isn't on the government side, it's on the side of poor choices made by individuals.

Why didn't Obama raise the minimum wage to help black people?

Who says the MW ever helped black people? It helped black teenage unemployment go from about 9% in 1948 to more than 50% by the 1980s. See Walter E. Williams or Thomas Sowell for more info.And who says Obama cared more about black people than getting elected? He was a master politician but helped make racial tensions worse in America by indirectly supporting or putting up with BLM and other race-obsessed movements.

Why are Republicans so vehemently against raising the federal minimum wage in the United States of America?

THE MOST HARM TO THE MOST PEOPLE agenda explains the Republican rejection of a living minimum wage. They use public assistance to subsidize major businesses who can then save money by paying below market wages.The Capitalistic system is a rigged game when functioning within a national border. Those who control the politics control the slave labor. After the Civil War, Southern Democrats became Republicans and immigrants in North converted the Democratic Party into the party of people’s emancipation. Basically there was a flip or exchange of Party names… the slave owners became the Party of Lincoln.In theory, there is a freeman negotiation of services, but the reality is considerably different. “Rent Slavery” is a traditional substitute for real slavery. The “Company Town” is the obvious model. But the “Company” does not need to own the town and all the businesses. Detroit and other cities where there was one key employer serve as an example. In Republican States, the “Company” is the Military — those routine Republican promoted, Federally funded, facilities which manufacture things even the military doesn’t want … but which keep the Federally funded Company Towns operating. Minimum wages tend to raise costs and break the chain of control.Minimum Wages increase all businesses — they increase the local GDP and then the national GDP and that is bad for the Republican power structure … a structure which yells “fiscal responsibility” but lives on “Borrow and Spend” economics designed to deny the average citizen any benefit, and promotes cash flowing to the top 1%..

Why didn't Congress raise minmal wage?

Because one of the fat cats tacked another tax break for the wealthy on the bill
an estate tax relief that would take away any taxes for up to $5 million dollars.

This Bill Passed the Republican Majority Congress in the last few years:

Since they came into office, Republicans have mounted an aggressive attack on the middle class by splurging on tax breaks for their rich friends and shifting that burden onto working Americans. At a time when so much is at

stake they are poised to pass another tax cut that only affects 2% of Americans—and will personally benefit

President Bush, Vice President Cheney and 11 other cabinet members up to $344 million. President Bush and his allies in Congress are putting their own interests and those of Paris Hilton and other wealthy Americans ahead of us. Check It Out..It's you, your children, and their children, ad finitem who will pay, pay ,pay.'

Washington Post..August 22, 2005

Why don't Republicans support an increased minimum wage?

The truth of the matter is most capitalist Republicans would love if there was no minimum wage whatsoever. This is because they see themselves as the " God" ordained hierarchy the so called founding fathers bequeathed this all hallowed white country to. If they had their way for the most part they'd be able to pay certain individuals that they deem less than any wages they'd like. You see minimum wage is just 1 of a plethora of issues that involve what they perceive as giving to undeserving and even worse undesirables" At this very date Republicans still champion the virtues of" trickle down economics" and have done so for over 30 years. And you see where that's gotten the middle class and poor individuals even worse off. Raising minimum wage or even having a minimum wage would undoubtedly put a dent in the capitalist dreams of Republicans. Remember Republicans / conservatives are regressive in their thinking and generally want society back as it was 50years ago.

Why was a minimum wage increase not tied to the corporate tax cut?

Wages need to rise naturally due to demand. If a minimum wage increase was tied to corporate tax cut it could cause inflation and slow down the economy which is the opposite effect they wanted to have with the tax cut.

600 economists signed a letter in Jan. supporting raising the minimum wage. So why does the GOP believe they know more than the economists?

They lie and say that 'it would be bad for the economy', 'it would be a job killer', and 'that it would raise the prices of EVERYTHING'. What say you?

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wage
Economist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage