Is There A Name For Women Who Are Socially Inept

Why don't women like socially awkward men?

Why don’t women like socially awkward men?Who says women don’t? Your best bet is saying ‘generally’, ‘usually’, or ‘statistically’, but socially awkward people find love.But let’s delve the depths, and let’s see why this is usually frowned upon.When being around people, a person (male or female) likes to be around people that make them feel good. When a person is attracted to someone, they tend to subconsciously mimic that person.So what happens if a person is attracted to a socially awkward person? They feel socially awkward, too. If they aren’t socially awkward themselves, this feels weird, awkward even (le gasp!). And that is off-putting, and usually pops the attraction bubble, dispelling the mood.However, let me put this more into context.If a socially unaware man (which is more common with men than women) is attracted to a socially awkward female, he is more likely to deem her as needing his protection (that makes him feel like a manly protector man, and make her feel wanted). This often works, but not always.Women, however, are statistically far more socially aware and intuitive. Women are statistically also far more appreciative of a ‘manly protector man’, and therefore could see a socially awkward man as weak (can’t protect me), unsecure (can’t offer me security), and lower status (can’t bring home the bacon)—this leads him to being a cute friend, but not mate potential.This, however, only works in the static dynamic of cis-hetero-normitivity.Examples. A butch lesbian attracted to femmes are likely to find a socially awkward femme (or even stem) endearing (if she otherwise is perceived as her type).A bear gay man, if attracted to that type of man, is just as likely to find it endearing. (and I know happily married couples that follow this trend, thank you very much)In other words. If only looking through the lens of heterosexuality, it’s more likely that a socially awkward man is ‘less desirable’. Through the lens of options out there? No, it only depends if the person is their type.

Very handsome but socially inept guy?

According to women (and my own eyes, dont mean to come off as arrogant) I am a very handsome guy. 1 problem is I am a complete m0ron socially. Lets say you dont believe me about being handsome. OK thats fine. Just assume I'm telling the truth.

As a woman, would you go out with a socially clumsy guy if he were very VERY good looking? Please don't lie and say "Its whats inside that matters most blah blah" I am so sick of people giving phony answers on this site. If thats how you REALLY feel then OK. But know I wont think less of you if you tell me the truth that you'd go out with a guy based soley on looks. Because I would date a good looking woman if she were interested, based soley on looks, at least initially.

Anyway women call me handsome, good looking etc. quite often. Women I don't even know. But like I said I s*ck talking to women and dont have the nerve to ask them out.

What would my chances be, as a good looking guy but socially clumsy, if I asked some of these women who find me "good looking" out on a date? Whats a good 1st date idea for a social m0ron like myself? Cmon be honest. Thanks.

Why Do Engineers Struggle So Much With Women And Socially?

I've never seen any people in STEM who were "stuck up". I have seen people who were so socially awkward that their silence might, I suppose, be construed that way.

Frankly, the people in STEM tend to be bright people with vivid imaginations, and if you don't live in that world, if you live completely in the normal world, then the only way they know how to communicate with you is about what they find fascinating about the normal world, science and technology.

They tend to find things like sports or who is schtupping who ... mundane.

So, they'll try, but it's not what they're good at.

Women classically want to talk about social things which are inherrently NOT technology, science, engineering, etc. The stereotype is that the further you get into STEM, the less interested your stereotype woman is (no, that isn't true for real women, there are lots of real women who are interested in STEM, but they still are social animals). The STEM guys, however, don't have the social skills - their science IS their socialness.

STEM women generally use more normal social cues.

Obviously, STEM guys end up making fine friends, lovers and husbands - but lousy first dates.


So, today I was walking down the street when two guys crossed over to the side of the street I was on. As I am walking by, one of them says, "Aye, Bighead?" I already knew that I did not know him, nor was I going to respond to his greeting to me. I continued to walk and the guy says to me, "I ain't tryna be mean, I know your sister, fa real." I didn't bother to look at him or respond, so he then says, "Oh, you ain't got no rap?" I didn't respond to that question either and never looked back as I continued to walk.

I don't know what it is, but it seems urban men lack the most basic social skills when it comes to talking to women. Did he assume that because he knows my sister that that means he knows me too? The least he could have done was tell me his name FIRST and then explain why he was trying to stop me. Not only that, by why did he think it appropriate to call me 'bighead'? Why would we he take on an approach as if we are familiar with each other? Him calling me 'bighead' immediately turned me off and ended any chance of there being an interaction.

No, I do not live in an urban area. I live in the suburbs and interactions like these happen no matter where I go. I assume that men think a 'cute' face equals a friendly person.

What causes a person to be socially inept and/or anti-social?

Some people were born with autism spectrum disorders and they therefore will always have problems with social skills. ASD's are believed to be genetic in origin or possibly caused by vaccines.

Some people are born really shy and others develop social anxiety disorder. Some people that develop SAD fear that people are judging them and criticizing them. Chemical imbalances, development, and genetic disposition puts someone at a liklihood of developing SAD.

Some people have a lack of social contact as a kid. Maybe their parents wouldn't let them hang around other children enough, and as a result, their social skills aren't so great.

Some people just don't care too much to socialize. Some people are just introverted and do not need as much socialization as other people (extroverts).

Still, others may just have poor social and emotional intelligence. These are called "people skills" and when someone is lacking them, they will find it hard to make friends or get along well with other people.

If you have poor social skills, you could always go to see a psychologist that would help you improve them. Or you could go to social skills training. If you have social anxiety, medication and cognitive behavior therapy would likely be helpful.

BQ: Shy implies a constitutional shrinking from contact or close association with others, together with a wish to escape notice. Social ineptitude is when a person is socially awkward or just has poor social skills, despite their best efforts. Anti- Social is when a person is antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others. It could also be of or pertaining to a pattern of behavior in which social norms and the rights of others are persistently violated.

Cynical, eccentric, lonesome, unpopular, socially inept, shunned, unfunny, open minded girls where are you?!?

Dude, chill thyself, your sleeping beauty doth exist. Stop hating others just because they don't conform to your image of the ideal person. Everyone is different and getting to know the person instead of the persona is just part of the circle of life. Dissing others who don't live up or down to your expectations just makes you the same as them.

Good things sometimes takes times to develope and the more people you meet, the more opportunitites there are if you know how to look for them. That takes tolerance, patience and an open mind to the possibilities, seen and unseen.

Live long and prosper!

Do some women reject intelligent men who are socially awkward in favor of average or low intelligence men with better social skills, although the former may have masters, doctorates, high IQs, high-intelligence hobbies, etc.?

You need to understand something about attraction. It’s an irrational and emotional process. We meet people and we either find them attractive or we dismiss them, and this is usually based on criteria that is completely irrelevant when it comes to forming a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship. Then, and only then do we begin to exercise our brain. We begin to rationalise our attraction both to ourselves (pretending it was a our decision in the first place) and based on what we think others will find acceptable. Often with a huge dose of self-deception thrown in for good measure.If we think about the people we reject at all, and many don’t we do the same thing. We rationalise our rejection.So people will tell you all sorts of things about what they find attractive or unattractive. Unfortunately they’re usually discussing their rationalisations as opposed to the reality. This is why both men and women constantly seem to exhibit an incurable form of cognitive-dissonance when it comes to dating and romance, why there is such a vast gulf between what people say they like and their actual experiences, and why the overwhelming majority of relationships fail hopelessly.It’s a conceit of ours, as humans, to think we are firmly ensconced in the driver’s seat, and that we have the ultimate final say when it comes to our impulses and desires.Socially awkward men do worse with women because they’re less likely to pursue them in the first place. That much is obvious to anyone with common sense. No need to over complicate that side of it. However if you’re asking why a woman would reject a socially awkward man who is pursuing her in favour of a more socially savvy man it’s probably due to perceptions of status. Things like how many friends you have, and whether or not you command attention when you speak will make a huge difference in how women perceive you.It’s not really about social skills. It’s about social status.Social skills might make you easier to live with in the long term, but rational considerations like this are not what generate attraction. If they were relationships would generally be harmonious and long-lasting, but they’re not.

Let's talk about women in metal...?

Kat Von D is underage? She doesn't look it.

1. I think they are objectified to a degree, I'd much rather see Simone Simmons singing for Epica than some ugly chick with an equally good voice, but one could argue Simone isn't really being "objectified" but rather her beauty is just, part of the band's "identity" (but let's face it, she is the only reason that band is anything, period). Glam Metal was much worse with this of course. I'd have to say mainstream Hip Hop really is the worst in this aspect though, you don't see Metal lyrics talking about "making it rain" on "bitches"... sure you have lyrics about raping and pillaging, but not really lyrics *as* focused on the objectification of women. Black Metal is a much more unhealthy culture than any Hip Hop-oriented one, I'll say that.

2. Some metalheads endorse it, some don't. Some Hip Hop listeners endorse it, some don't. But Sex sells, so it will happen.

3. Metal has no reputation to be harmed, does it? I thought most metalheads just didn't give a ****, or at least craft their image such... although I suppose recently there has been a trend of metalheads trying to elevate their music to a "higher moral standard" than "the mainstream", by claiming it should be about "truer" than it... I think a lot of metalheads have some severe cognitive dissonance going on, they think their genre is "higher" than mainstream/Hip Hop, and yet while Hip Hop might objectify women slightly more, Metal advocates violence a lot more (true, so does Hip Hop, but usually it's violence due to some social injustice, not just retard violence in "the name ov"... whatever)

4. Somewhat, but I'm not going to complain about a band having a hot chick as a singer, if they can sing who cares. So long as the girl isn't like, wearing fake angel wings or some ****... you know what, even that's cool.

Is there a gender difference in levels of social ineptness?

Most men are not more socially inept compared to women. There is some evidence that women are more socialized as children than men are, but this socialization involves pressure to get along with people, like some kind of social lubricant. It trains women to be nice to everybody but to keep their ideas to themselves. It does not help women navigate dating any better than men do. Women are just as geeky and insecure about their ability to attract romance as men are.And, if you think that women have the advantage in dating because they are the gatekeepers (get to say yes/no) while men are stuck in the might-get-rejected position, think again. In the traditional dating paradigm, women are stuck waiting for men's attention. This is not a power position. This is a passive position that “nice girls” cannot overcome.