Is There Any Benefit If I Dont Eat For 2 Days

If I don't eat for two days and only drink water, how much weight will I lose?

you could probably loose a few pounds maybe 5-6 if your lucky. But if you really want to make sure you loose weight for those two days, you should also exercise to make sure your cutting those calories out as much as you can. 1 pound = 3500 calories. you must either burn that many calories to loose 1 pound or in take that many to gain 1 pound. If you calculate your BMR- (basal metabolic rate) which you can o on this link, it will tell you how many calories a day your body is burning by you just being alive, and would burn even if you layed in bed all day and didn't move. Then add the calories you burn from exercising and BAM, thats how many pounds you will loose. Simply math.

What would happen if I didn't eat anything for two days?

If you didn’t eat anything for 48 hours….You’d lose 20 pounds, convert your body into a fat-burning furnace, increase your HGH by 500%, regrow hair, increase your metabolism and discover a new diet phenomena that will sweep the nation and put you on talk shows right before you write a book and launch your own diet program. If you’re a guy, your pecker will increase in size and if you’re a chick, your breast will get bigger! Trump will resign and peace and harmony will prevail….BUT we’ll still have the metric system and the English will continue to drive on the wrong side of the road : )Okay, in reality…’ll burn some fat, feel a bit light-headed/weak and not much more then that. Fasting hype will suggest all sorts of miraculous things but, uh…not really. Our bodies are far more resilient and formidable then we imagine.For real: it’s only modern society that asserts that we should eat 3 meals per day and that we NEED perpetual incoming food to sustain ourselves. Let me hit you with this truth/reality: you know how our cell phones have a battery level that can go up to 100% and most people will throw their phone on the charger when they start seeing 50–60%….let me tell you what we do with our bodies: we keep our bodies at 97%-100% range!! We perpetually eat and God forbid we skip a meal or (gasp) a day!In terms of this question, no need to withhold water but you can skip eating for weeks or even months, it’s been done. Some 400+ pound obese guy went over a full year (under medical supervision) and with just some supplements got down to 185 before they brought him back on the food bag.And the closer: be realistic and avoid extremes, if you’re looking to lose weight just bring it in at 1,200 calories per day to be fairly aggressive. Up to 50% of weight loss while under caloric restriction is not fat but instead lean body mass….you don’t want to look like an emaciated wimp so don’t starve yourself.You should feel very enlightened right now, you’re welcome! : )

If I don't eat for two months how much damage will happen?

I'm 190 pounds and my goal weight is 130. I am 5'4 and I'm a teenager. I have done some research and i will aproxamatly lose one pound everyday I don't eat, and if I don't eat for two months I will reach my goal weight. I have done some test days and I honestly think I can do it, but how much damage will it do to my body? Because I know that girls who are already skinny have bad medical problems but I'm not skinny, so I don't think it will have the same effect. (well not as fast as there body takes it) and after I have lost all the weight I plan on doing alot of diet and exersize to keep the weight off.